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 Feb 2014 lina S
 Feb 2014 lina S
As I sit here, and listen to their words
spewing out of their mouths
the words that I laugh at
the things It appears that I just brush off

the thoughts inside swirl
inflict their pain upon the flesh they hold most dearly to themselves
inflict their confusion upon thyself instead on the one who has brought these memories up yet again

as they pour out,
the next day arrives all to quickly,
the fear I cover up embeds itself underneath my skin, to sizzle,
and waits for the boiling point to arrive,

the speakers seem to be silent today
maybe this smile inscribed on my face isn't large enough,
maybe the reaction wasn't as genuine as they had hoped for,

I laugh at his ignorance,
at my want for someone near to notice,
someone near to be more than someone I lie to with my entire being,
I laugh at my own capabilities,
embarrassed of my naïve ambitions, to think, to want, to hope for,
their eyes to open someday

oh how good I am, at making this pain, seem so miniscule,
so invisible, to their glazed over eyes,
I laugh how I care so much
and it tears me apart, how their approval, means something to me
it sends a ripple of burning acid down my throat
an imaginary knife slicing me apart, while I'm no where's near numb, I feel every slash
and then I realize this is what I'm here for.
 Feb 2014 lina S
even though i would never let you
i love how you would spend $138 on a ******* stuffed panda
to make me smile.
 Feb 2014 lina S
Krusty Aranda
"What if I hadn't left my home?
What if I hadn't let her go?
What if she had said yes?",
are some questions I ask myself.

What if we hadn't said goodbye?
What if I hand't wrote that line?
What if I could have had that trip?
Maybe I would be able to sleep.

What if she hadn't gone that day?
What if I had been there instead?
What if I had chosen another career?
Would I still be drowned in fear?

What if I had cried my heart out?
What if I had stood my ground?
What if we could lose the shame?
I just would not be the same.

What if I had kept it a secret?
What if you wouldn't have ripped it?
What if I was still the same?
I think my life then would be lame.
 Feb 2014 lina S
Krusty Aranda
 Feb 2014 lina S
Krusty Aranda
Ohh, what life is?
What other than a simple fantasy.
A fleeting dream from which we will, sooner or later, wake up,
and, when we do, all that is left is the dream.
Whether it was a wonder or a nightmare,
that is up to us.
 Feb 2014 lina S
"please don't think I'm crazy"* you said to me, with a horror on your face,
                                                                ­           that words can't describe
why in the world would I think that?
                      "sometimes I feel, like my bones are fake, and the structure that I am, will soon surely break
                         and all that will be left is a soul and a broken heart, never pieced together right, as it was
                         broken from the start."

I stay silent. You continue
                      "the human form feels so weak, it feels like a densely packed piece of nonsense, where my
                        mind is a fragmented puzzle, bursting at the seams, and then girls like you come along
                        girls like you that make me weak at the knees, and I wonder if my heart is overpowering
                        my endless thoughts of despair and weakness and lack of hope and I realise that maybe
                        if I can't save myself, then in this infinite universe of unanswered questions and unknown
                        possibilities and piles and piles of doubt that add up like the ***** laundry, well maybe
                        if I can't save myself, you can save me"

we both cried, and I held you, and I knew that if you thought you were insane, then I must be too, I told you I felt the same, I let you save me, now it is my turn to save you
 Feb 2014 lina S
Tom Cooney
 Feb 2014 lina S
Tom Cooney
We all have our demons.
But they aren't all the same.
It's our demons that make us different from others.
Some are bigger,
some are stronger,
some are faster,
but we all at least have a few.
You can deal with them one of two ways;
you beat your demons down and never let them have any power.
This is the, "safe" option.
This is the way that people think is ALWAYS the best option.
To the point that they can't even think of the other option as viable.
The other option?
Embrace them.
Make use of them.
Let them have JUST enough control to help power you, to help keep you running.
And then put them in their place.
It takes SO much effort,
and SO much practice,
but it's worth it completely.
The Wisdom one can gain experiencing Pride,
the Love one can learn to appreciate after Lust,
the drive that Wrath can give you,
the Motivation one can have to fight off Sloth,
The Selflessness that comes with analyzing Envy,
the Generosity that can come with learning how horrible Greed is,
the need for Moderation that experiencing Gluttony can give you.
They bring knowledge,
They don't INTEND to,
but you're strong enough to make them.
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