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 Feb 2014 lina S
Jacobo Raymundo
I pledge allegiance
To the flag
Of the United Socialists States of America
And to the ******
For which it stands
One nation
Under surveillance
With slavery and injustice for all
A slight alteration to the pledge of allegiance that everybody knows. Figured it was more fitting to the way the USA actually is
 Feb 2014 lina S
maybella snow
ironic how
those "asthma attacks"
weren't what anyone thought
ironic how
I took teddys or toys with me
everywhere, because I couldn't cope
ironic how
I took heaps of days off school
because I forced myself to be sick
ironic how
this happened when
I was younger
ironic how
I have had panic attacks
since I can remember
and my parents didn't know
what was wrong with me
ironic how
I've been at risk of depression
since a young child
and everyone thought I was
simply shy
ironic how
I've never been scared of death
psychologist said I've had anxiety since I was young and havebeen at risk of sever depression for ages... I guess it's no ones fault at all.. I'm just ****** up
 Feb 2014 lina S
Adam Childs
I am cut by the shards
of my shattered dreams
My hard heart broken by
the fist of my own ambition
Spilt milk and empty cups
All karma now has gone
For the Lord now slips away
As his every favour, now has gone
Alone now I stand in the shadows
of my shattered dreams

Lured I was by the mermaid's smile
My dreams smash on the rocks of time
Broken am I
By the crashing waves of change
All parts scattered and spread
I find myself adrift
On the ocean of Oneness

The wolves of destruction
devour all hopes and dreams
And goddess Kali drinks the blood
from my decapitated head
I feel the force of my father's fury
I stand in a field of rubble
Where a castle of faith once stood

My tears of ambition now fall
emptying the seas of conquest
That enslaved my marooned self
on the island of desire
Eyes freed from desire
see the Love in Kali's eyes
And thank the wolves
for slaying my hopes and dreams
for freedom comes to open
A door to the deeper self
Written while feeling into some of my disappointments
By :Adam Childs
 Feb 2014 lina S
The future lies before us
It's one long beautiful adventure
and I
I cannot wait to reach it
Because I
I have tasted a smidgen of freedom
And now
I Want More
I want
 Feb 2014 lina S
A Distraction
 Feb 2014 lina S
My mind is occupied by you --
    you're always there, awaiting the dark nighttime to stir.
Flashes of your smile appear behind my eyes when they close.
Visions of your eyes haunt my thoughts.
Memories of your voice, reading your poems aloud...

I can't seem to focus anymore.
All I can ever think about is you.

    You've become quite the distraction.

But hey, who's complaining?
It's the middle of the day
tears flowing from my eyes
hugging a picture of you
it all came as a surprise
is the reason you don't love me
because I'm so far away
maybe not light-years
but at least a couple days
and these poems I write
all tell the same story
a girl like you
just can't adore me
and I'll just smile the heartbreak away
because I know you're much too sweet
and a heartfelt hug
I'll give if we ever meet
and maybe we won't
fall for eachother
and I may be sad
until I find another
and even if I never
see (see) you again
I can't say I'll be fine right away
but I'm sure me, him and her
will always stop to pen
another poem about how brilliant
you truly are...
 Feb 2014 lina S
Nat Lipstadt
these two hands, small, stubby,
invite you to come aboard,
all, the unselected
all, the unprotected

the pretenders, outsiders,
hallway cool, self-collected,
girls who wear dresses,
boys who write in diaries,
Camus, Sartre hangers-on,
never-removed sunglasses wearers,

trip time,
comb your eyes,
system cleansing,
you, self-affected,
you, self-selected
step away from the gallows,
get down from the scaffold

come to, for you, to get collected,
the unaffected,
the undirected,
road trip to the unexpected,
place where the disconnection is
where the unexpected, that's you,

I know you well
I know you all

you are my desirables,
my touched untouchables,
wilderness voices,
no longer crying,
bound for greatness

from hands to pockets,
my chosen ones,
now my protected

No more unhappy birthday parties
that no one comes too
no need to pretend, sell love,
to the takers of advantage,

now on you breathe in an atmosphere
I've collected,
100% exhaled relief breaths,
purelled oxygen, fresh start air

no more disaffected,
now fuel injected,
now that you are
in and among the
touched, carried,
the affected,
the every poem read...
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