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 Feb 2014 lina S
Ahmad Cox
Even as separate and alone
As we can feel sometimes
We are all connected to
Each other in some way

This society tells us that
We are separate and we
Have to fend for ourselves
Our else someone else

Might take what I have
Or somehow take what
I own or what I have
Spent my hard earned

Money to buy and to
Obtain without thinking
About the other people
Around them who are

Needing some love and
Comfort and healing and
All they need is a kind
Word or a person to let

Them know that things
Will be ok and that
Everything will be alright
And that they can make

It one more day and
Helping each other
Where we can simply
Because we can rather

Than trying to figure
Out what we can get
From that person in
Return or trying to

Manipulate them into
Getting what we want
For our own gain and
Profit when if we just

Asked and shared with
Each other there would
Be no need for stealing
Or for wars or the need

To feel separate or alone
Because we would live
As a community of people
Actively working together

To help each other where
We needed and helping
To heal people from
The heart as well

We tend to separate and
Segregate people instead
Of acknowledging the
Beautiful diversity of

Life and of people as
Well when we should
Be celebrating our
Uniqueness while at

The same time
Understand that
We are all one
And we come

From the same
Source and that
Even though we
Might have different

Ways of feeling
Or seeing or
Interpreting things
Doesn't mean that

Someone else's view
Is wrong is just another
Way to look at something
From a different angle

Than you might have
Originally been able to
See on your own and
Being able to learn from

Each other instead of
Trying to force our
Ideas our thoughts
On another and if

We get to the point
Where we understand
We are one we could
Never hurt or harm

Or steal or even have
Wars because we would
Understand that we are
All the same and if I harm

You I am harming a piece
Of me and when you can
Get to that understanding
Of life and nature and of

People as well you will
Start to see things in a
Different way than you
Have ever seen before
Tip-toed up to your bedside and sank
between the sheets in serene embrace,
I could lay you with you forever
but I just haven’t got the time.

The reflections of your topaz glare
makes me wish I could direct your stare.
I’d build us a fire but I’m too afraid
that I’ll just burn us both.

We’re staggered in step
but I surely try my best
To keep pace and wear
this leather leash with pride.
 Feb 2014 lina S
Frieda P
Haunted in my flagrant dreams,
    awake on hallow'd ground
you watch me breath
        as I seek you out
cold spirits taunted past
           spasmodic verses chant
hollow insides afraid to sleep
  your  sanctification renders me
                  uncomfortably conscious
numb within breath's shallow inhale
       undone in the nothingness of rhyme
   fearing truth's brutal reality
     bewailing in grief's heartfelt desire
pull me up to new sight'd heights
   in your wayward plight's surrender
       save me from this cruel humanness
 Feb 2014 lina S
What is this feeling
that leaves me longing
My heart begs to hold on
Yet the golden dream
of this beautiful stranger
fades from real to reality
Although we've never met
I know her somehow
Somewhere someway
Perhaps from the past
Perhaps from the future
Maybe a soul mate
I've yet to meet
It's as if she was torn
from my being
And in my waking hour
I am but half a man.
I long for more
than just a dream
Yet at least I hold her
in my unconscious world...
Traveler Tim
The strange life of a Traveler.
Re to 02-17
 Feb 2014 lina S
Frosted Flowers
Without you is like life without joy
Without you I know not true sweetness
Without you I am but a bitter misery
You who I made from scratch
And baked lovingly in a batch
Your delectable aroma etched in my memory
Your soft sponge so very airy
You are my sinful indulgence
Truly you are a decadence
My brother had to write a poem about cupcakes for his school's cupcake festival. He asked me for help so I wrote a random one as an example.
 Feb 2014 lina S
Katrina Wendt
please don't leave me
I know there are others
and I love them too
but i can't stand the thought of not seeing you every week.

I cried tonight
because I missed your last dance
and no one could console me
because it was the last one
and I wasn't there.

You're leaving in 4 months
and people keep trying to tell me that
as if it's a good thing you're not just leaving tomorrow
but four months is less than 6 months
It's slightly over a term away
and I can't handle that.

I cried all night
every time I thought about the fact that you were leaving
and i can't stand myself
because I was supposed to be there
and i feel like i let you down.

It will never be the same as it is now
and i'm so afraid for that time to come
now that i've met you
i don't want to live without you

please don't make me.
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