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 Mar 2014 lina S
Frieda P
I tread softly upon your legacy
angel of mine with broken wings,
traces left behind in soft whispers
the best of times gone awry,
when you whirl through my head
soaring on kaleidoscopic tranquility
wrapped in lavender zephyr sighs
dancing on clouds of ethereal hope
carefree and peaceful without worry
floating above lapis forbidden skies
like a effulgent butterfly haunting me
   in the darkly mindless hours of night
when the haze clears my conscious etchings
       you flutter amidst my words
exhaling ephemeral moments of poetry
swirls of splendiferous opulence
dreams beyond my comprehension,
I escape to heavenly dimensions
'drips of moonlight washing over me'
    lingering in this stately haven of intention
 Mar 2014 lina S
a *daemon
lurking *in
the shadows of life.
Married to eternal strife...
I broke the shackles again...
only to come crawling back to pain.

A dark beauty, the most jealous of them all!
I heed to the call.
She forebodes insanity and pain,
I have nothing to gain,
somehow I'm still sane.
Hidden message in italics.
 Mar 2014 lina S
 Mar 2014 lina S
I am the master of charades.
I have you all fooled.
None of you would ever guess.
Guess that I'm falling apart.

I feel broken.
I feel empty.
I feel lost.
I feel lonely.
I feel afraid.
I feel like a ghost.

No one here needs me.
I am the back up.
I am acknowledged at most.
But disregarded in the long term.

I feel left out.
I feel ugly.
I feel fat.
I feel sad.
I feel like running away.
 Mar 2014 lina S
Jordan Frances
I hear people echo
"I don't want to just survive
I really want to live."
But what if surviving is hard enough on it's own?
What if it takes every molecule of my strength
Just to get out of bed?
What if my past, and traces of it
Including those bits surrounded by ashes
Infect every crevice of my being?
How can I
"Live life to the fullest"
If my body and my mind do not want
To let me live at all?
Perhaps the worst part is
I have no desire
For any Prince Charming
Or dark, mysterious man riding in on a stallion
To come swoop in and save me from myself.
 Mar 2014 lina S
cheryl love
 Mar 2014 lina S
cheryl love
On a warm afternoon
the gulls are squeaking
life is calm
children are speaking
life is calm
A bus screeches to a halt
All remains calm
A dog draws his last breath
He met his fate two seconds back
Then all is calm.
Children are silent
Tears well in eyes
The big red bus in shock
hearing cries
from the office block
And all is silent and calm.
 Mar 2014 lina S
Allen Wilbert
Just Words

those words cheat us
those words bless us
those words worry us
those words confuse us
those words are us
those words excite us
those words envy us
all these words can describe
everyday feelings we all share.
 Mar 2014 lina S
blair asher
 Mar 2014 lina S
blair asher
capricorn:* cover your heart in acrylics like you are art and promise yourself you'll leave after this one last kiss (you won't, you never do)
aquarius: you never stopped trying to be your own worst nightmare and this is why people find their breath of fresh air in you
pisces: something about the way shouting something off of a rooftop never feels the same as whispering it in their ear
aries: you are both a quiet tuesday morning and a tornado in the middle of april and there's never been a more beautiful disaster
taurus: you are the apology strung between two streetlights and you will never give up on finding the worst person to love
gemini: you are something along the lines of a fairytale but i think your author was drunk because this isn't going how it should
cancer: you are something of a tsunami stored in shaky palms and uncertain breaths and she will still love you with 100 mph winds
leo: you are nothing less than the scream your heart begs to let out when you feel like you're losing them and i want to punch it out of you
picking flower petals*—they love you, they love you not, they love you, they love you not, they love you, they know you want to die, they love y
libra: and ten years from now, you will still be falling in love with people the same way others skydive from planes
scorpio: you are more than the last "im sorry" between two people whose infinity was shorter than it should have been
sagittarius: death has been flirting with you from across the room all night long and there's a good chance that it's love at first sight
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