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the land was a slumbering bird that had not yet opened
its eyes. the morning roared like a thunder

cloud and i gazed at the sky with her cornflower blues
and orchestral flutes, her dark bones whitening

in the yellow-threaded light. silence wrapped me like
a shawl, and love settled on my shoulders like

a bird. it was too early for the swallow to return
with its spring-tinted wings, the winter settled

in the nooks and crannies of the earth, sweet
as your mouth, crisp and cold as the ashen north.

and while you lay beside me, warm, nocturnal
and dreaming of the sea, i kissed your lips

and told you to hush, not because you had spoken but
because night had been so gentle to you that i

wanted to keep you wrapped in her star-scented arms.
 Jan 27 life's jump
Consciousness is precious
Like love and life and time
What right do others have
Over how I choose to alter mine?

Not hurting anyone
Just pleasantly minding my own business
Yet if I fail a ***** test
For **** I smoked three weeks ago...
I'd be sacked within in an instant?

Losing a loved one to alcoholism
Is the worst thing I've endured
Yet if I test positive for a banned substance
It's rehab until I'm cured?

Employers and society
Their ignorance is ironical
If they ever discover the real me
It will be nothing short of comical

I've earned a doctorate in ***** tests
Their ignorance makes me seeth
Hallucinogens are undetectable...

Written whilst watching the walls breathe
June 2021. No one should own your consciousness.
bigger outback cars with *** tires roam
swinging down the roads burning ethanol
not knowing how much further to going

that distant red-orange sky gets even so
as though the dark blue gradient were empty
of stars, but night proves otherwise eternity

sleepless at the wheel curving with the way
trying to spend more miles into break of day
believing in the next bend to bring us home

When one is loved
A vine's entwined
It burns at both ends
Heat is the sign

From branch to vine
From branch to fruit
Hearts caught in the middle
Are soon turned to soot
 Jan 27 life's jump
Submerged beneath the lake’s golden iris,
her body drifted in surrender,
listening to the music of the universe
spilling its secrets into her veins.
The bird of paradise rose in silhouette,
its plumage a fleeting memory,
like the faces of past lovers
blurring into the haze of confusion.

The hills, black and steady,
stood watch over her solitude.
Their silence mocked her shame,
woven like a spider’s web,
each thread a detail she could not undo.
The lacework of her thoughts—delicate,
but broken—
postponed the weight of reality
for another breath,
another ripple of escape.

This was her last resort,
a refuge abandoned to the wind,
to the flight of birds
and the courage of stillness.
She swam deeper,
chasing the reflection she longed to become,
never wanting to be found.
To a prosperous week ahead ❣️
Two decades and a year
I come back to Darjeeling.

The blaring horns
have snuffed out
the pines' whispers,

and the glorious hilltops
retreat beyond
the many hilltop hotels.

Richmond hill is rich
with structures
that have made men richer
and traders have ensured
Nature here has no future.

The once magnificent Mall
has grown so small
you wonder if it's there
you laid your soul bare
to the woman of your love.

once where
she rode a wild horse
I would never come back.

And I will have no remorse.
 Jan 25 life's jump
The bump on my skin
Like a bomb
I feel I must make sure
Doesn't explode
Even though in reality
I know it won't

I peel it off
But that sets it off
What have I done?
Now there's blood

Why does it feel rewarding
To see the bright red liquid
Pour down my hand?

The pain is a cue
To feel mad
At myself
For I have caused it

There's just one more spot
I need to peel
I swear this is the last one
But it never is

I just pinch
And peel
And pick
Until my physical pain
Can outweigh my mental one

I'm sorry that it worries you
Or makes you feel awkward
But I can't
"Just stop"
Sometimes I don't even realize I'm doing it. People allways tell me that I need to stop. I know. I can't.

(This note was written by a cashier that was a ******* and used butter knives as her bed.)
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