My new Poetry Collection, SOBER. is out now. Please check it out on amazon! https://www.amazon.com/Sober-Lee-Allen-ebook/dp/B07TSZ5ZP5/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=sober.+lee+allen&qid=1563940599&s=gateway&sr=8-1
27/M/Bombay, India
a player of words. weaver is my soul. with an idiosyncratic typewriter. writing wearing an Irish hat. instagram/baavramallah vsco.co/baavramallah baavramallah.tumblr.com
41 yrs old mom to a beautiful daughter. Writer, Thinker, Doer, Hippie, Lover of ☮️ and all things poetry.. Huge fan of Plath, Woolf, Neruda, …