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Lauren Gorger Dec 2014
Have you ever watched it go from so simple to entirely complex,
like in the way you watched me dance in that dress of distress?
...When laying on your chest turned into counting all of your breaths; I heard your heartbeat express everything I could never forget.
Have you ever watched it all bloom beautifully out of its doom, like the shadow in your room that will consume all that you knew, but allows you to move in a motion that can always improve?
You learn to assume that you must remove what was once untrue to you.
For me, I've watched a teardrop turn into a vast sea...
A change in perspective - to see that there is no end to the idea of what could be.
Have you ever watched a ripple turn into a fierce rumble of waves?
Those kind of days where the gaze in your eyes is no longer misplaced in the maze. A certain place where we finally take the stage, leaving a trace of a brave-hearted phrase that we will let seep from our broken cage.
Would you trade everything you've made?
I am back stroking upon the hightide, and i am unafraid to be alive.
I have traveled far away from the shallow waters and taught myself what diving had to offer.
The water seems much softer in this place I have wandered.
Have you ever watched the observer become the one watching yourself?
Everything on your shelf is no longer your wealth, and you become rich in the way you felt the day you would so peacefully melt in a space you comfortably dwelled.
I wonder if you find yourself compelled to face all you have watch everything become propelled into another realm of reality.
I wonder when I was upheld in this place where all of these words fell far from out of me.
I reach so I can see everything that I knew I could be...
I am one with the sea, and i swim effortlessly and truly.
Lauren Gorger Dec 2014
I am driven by a force that is to be reckoned with.
I have ridden a dark horse, and we ride away just as the seconds drift.
I feel a little section of me split - the section that has rested in a pit,
perfectly fit to figure out if i should fly far away or to commit.
I must admit that it once hurt a bit.
You tend to feel unfit when you know that the energy you emit radiates something that seems unsure.
You feel a little less pure on a path you are not assured you are ready to endure.
so you do what you prefer,
and you defer a lesson learned.
It is no wonder many are unsure since birth.
We cannot close our ears to the words
that would appear blurred to our eyes
and expect to travel any further than a tiny, flightless bird.
We must be unafraid to fly, in order to be heard.
I wonder if you hear me.
I heard the seconds drift.
I have become equipped with the ability to recognize
the riffs in the waves that slowly drip
from my fingertips.
I loosen my grip so that these words can dance off my tongue
and fall from my lips.
These tiny dancers form from a pit,
perfectly fit to soon eclipse the perfect note.
Too soon, my melody plays
everything that I ever wrote.

- L.G
Lauren Gorger Dec 2014
If the sky is the limit, then please, tell me where I fit in.
I slow dance while I hover above the clouds,
just trying to listen.
If the sky is the limit, there will be no room for a cynic.
We will never bloom with a heart that was surely never in it.
If the sky is the limit, I will tell my soul to take on the shape of a mockingbird
and my wings will mimic.
If the sky is the limit,
then one day we will be finished.
Something will diminish within it,
and i will not fade away without leaving something for the children.
I continue to listen and i hear everything that is missing.
Like the space between these lines
or the fine print that provides the most detailed signs.
Let me fill in the blanks.
If the sky is the limit,
I wonder what being limitless takes.
Maybe it takes on the shape of the letters in words
going unheard.
Maybe it is in the muscles assured,
that make you get up not the first or second time,
but the third.
Maybe it's in the charm
that rests in the heart of the sleeve on my arm.

If the sky is the limit,
maybe we will go too far.

- L.G
Lauren Gorger Dec 2014
I am so disconnected, but equally as in touch.
I believe in everything within me, but still do not believe in much.
I understand if you wonder how that could be.
Maybe you will never know, detached from my frequency.  
I used to see it as an emergency when I would bleed these things
and no one would hear me.
My heart would panic like a manic depressant;
I was a maniac that didn't know how to stop second guessing all of these lessons.
I suppose it was my pride that halted me from living life alive,
instead of merely existing.
Things that kept on insisting, I kept on resisting.
I used to wonder why I was exhausted and still only desired to sleep...
Until I realized that my dreams were the only place I felt I could be free.
I was a dead tree living in the middle of a forest of blooming leaves...
And then the day came where I gained inspiration through the branches of the the trees
that were reaching out for me.
My dreams began to sleep on me;
So now, when I bleed, I want to give you something to read.
Then, maybe, you can see me times 3, as I reflect off a deflection of what you see me to be.
I mirror myself as the third person through these words.
I am even and odd; disproportionately birthed.
I roam with the heards,
but I fly with a flock of unheard birds.

This is my world...

- L.G
Lauren Gorger Nov 2014
Misplaced anger, displaced strangers.
Where do we go wrong
putting all these hearts in danger?
I stare out the window and i realize
that this is not the place for me..
When I should be outside living freely;
I am tired of waiting patiently.
Clear some space for me, would you please?
I am assured that I need
to be comfortable because this, too, is a place for me.
Hidden aggression, backwards digression.
If we do not move forward,
we will never learn the lesson.
We act too prideful, like we are all rivals;
Not realizing that we should be one - no wonder we are suicidal.
Because we are too caught up in the lust,
and not the love.
Living below but never above...
When push comes to shove,
we should never laugh when another bleeds.
Where is the sympathy?
The empathy leaves
when it doesn't benefit the sheep.
I weep at the fact that we refuse to understand.
We have left all this substance on the counter,
as we stand here bland as man and woman.
That's exactly what we shouldn't be.
I know that "the land of the free" has little to offer you and me...
But I feel that we should flee
beyond everything that stands between.
Heartless rhythm and undeserving victims...
I stand here with my heart on my sleeve.
while my third eye stares at me, in the pyramid of my prism.

- L.G
Lauren Gorger Nov 2014
My heart is heavy today,
as I try to wrap my brain around how I can make a way,
so that we all forever say that we are equal.
This seems like a sequel to the darkened history that leaves our world blistering
with the burns that lurk and linger from the gun powder behind the finger on the trigger.
This is much bigger than me and I know it's hard to see
that we can all be free.
If I could bleed for you,
I would grieve so hard that the trees would rip from their roots.
I would stand in front of these guns that they shoot at you.
If I could clean the hearts that they constantly pollute,
I would give my breath through the symphony of the most beautiful flute.
My heart is heavy but it's been so already.
We are treading on thin ice and we grow much colder when it all breaks.
This place is so focused on ranks and defacing a nation,
burning every location where peace should be stationed.
If I could take away the pain of this acid rain raining down,
I would offer to you the only sane part of my brain
so you could see one day without rain.
I too, am in pain.
And we are the ones to blame.

- L.G.
Lauren Gorger Nov 2014
I encourage you to become reclusive
and use this time to explore the depths of your elusive mind.
I have found immense importance in the indulgence of focus,
as I expand the space of time to let these words fall onto these lines.
This page was once a blank slate just waiting to be made
into the masterpiece of today.
What I create, will never fade away...
Like the concrete that lays in this little corner of my brain.
See, at times I can be hard-headed,
but my heart is as soft as water.
Maybe because I am a daughter that did not fall far from her father.
I was never taught to be a martyr,
but to push beyond any falter to become stronger.
I encourage you to become transparent. -
Let the light that shines through you always appear apparent.
Everything you say should reflect the mirror that stares you down straight in the eyes,
like the sparkle in the rain on winter's first day.
I have found sense in each aspect of the sentence that relieves my tension.
The attention that I give to these lessons,
is why I continue to harbor these questions.
When you are on a quest in search through all of the testing,
sometimes the answers only come when you rearrange the information you're so accustomed to ingesting.
Sometimes the answers come through the sun
as you lay asleep and the sunrise begins it's luminous cresting.

Maybe it is time to wake up...
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