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1.7k · Jun 2016
Please hold me tight
Karen Jun 2016
Please hold me tight, he says, as he awakens me from deep slumber,
This strong willed man has finally let me in to his true feelings, his vulnerability unencumbered.
For whatever reason, he opens up and lets me into his mind's thoughts.
Panic of upcoming events and uncertainty are playing havoc in his head.
Hold me tight, I'm scared, he breathes softly in my ear.
This strong man is even more sexier to me, within his own fear.
1.4k · Apr 2016
Sexual Awakening
Karen Apr 2016
a fleeting glance
  a timeless shift
do I really know?
was it a change in the wind
  or something I have blocked in my mind,
a spreading of sexuality unknown?
The moist pressure of my petals seem to be unravelling.
  at the thoughts of a heart that needs travelling.
I am slowly opening the vast depths of my passion
  I am seeking the longing of my womanhood, an openness
towards the androgynous kind.
Who is to say what is right or wrong, aren't those lyrics from some crazy song?
In days of old, the mind was closed, but now in present times, open to rhymes.
Through internet channels we can explore, the sexuality we ignore.
666 · Apr 2016
I like to listen..
Karen Apr 2016
Some say I am a good listener.
Some say I am too quiet and reserved.
Some say I am judgemental,
but I say that's absurd.

I do like to listen
For the shear fact of listening
shows people I care.

But the truth of the matter is:
I like to listen to the song birds as morning sun rises,
I like to listen to my sons contagious laughter,
I like to listen to my cuddly cats purr,
I like to listen to my favorite songs,
I like to listen to the gentle breeze of summer.
I like to listen to the waves hitting the shoreline,
I like to listen to the loud pipes of my motorcycle.

I do not like to listen to meaningless chatter
I do not like to listen to gossip
I do not like to listen to negativity
It gives me a head ache and throws me into despair.
637 · May 2016
Miles Away
Karen May 2016
I just woke up from a fuzzy dream
You never would believe the things that I have seen
I looked in the mirror and I saw your face
You looked right through me, you were miles away

All my dreams, they fade away
I'll never be the same
If you could see me the way you see yourself
I can't pretend to be someone else

You always love me more, miles away
I hear it in your voice, miles away
You're not afraid to tell me, miles away
I guess we're at our best, miles away

When no one is around then I have you here
I begin to see the picture, it becomes so clear
You always have the biggest heart
When we're 6.000 miles apart

Too much of no sound
Uncomfortable silence can be so loud
Those three words are never enough
When it's long distance love

You Always love me more, miles away
I hear it in your voice, miles away
You're not afraid to tell me, miles away
I guess we're at our best, miles away
So far away,

I'm alright
Don't be sorry, but it's true
When I'm gone, you realize
That I'm the best thing that happened to you

You always love me more, miles away
I hear it in your voice, miles away
You're not afraid to tell me, miles away
I guess we're at our best, miles away, so far away.

Lyrics from Madonna's song "Miles Away",  I have enjoyed the song for many years, thought others might too.
MADONNA lyrics are property and copyright of their owners. Written by Madonna, Justin Timberlake, Danja and Timbaland. (2008).
581 · May 2016
Me, myself, and I
Karen May 2016
I write poetry,
some say it is bunk,
It lifts my spirit,
some say that it's junk.

Writing poetry clears my soul and sparks a journey,
A foray into the deep depths of thoughts and sometimes worry.

I hope that those who understand,
will take a moment with pen in hand,
To be creative and play with words.
An afternoon spent in thought and contemplation,
can be the best way to dissolve stagnation.

A poem can be heard by others who do not seek to criticize,
who wish to relate and sometimes wish to conceptualize.

How can passerby's stake claim
to something they do not understand.
It is me and I who shall say *******,
taste, touch, and smell, if you don't like it then go to hell.
544 · Apr 2016
What might be
Karen Apr 2016
once I knew the lust the pain
  to not hold you again,
you spin my mind into what might be
  then stand aside and pretend it was not for me.
is it someone else who occupies your mind.
  The lustful moments we shared, are they now not for me.
The games of want, then wait and see are so hard to take.
  I am blinded by your messages of love, then at the end of the day
you say you have no time for me.
  What is to come, I cannot foresee, are you tired of me?

The long passionate kisses we share, then unbeknownst to me, you turn a loving moment into an argument with no care.
How am I to fare, through this crazy mirage.
  Am I so weak, that I cannot see that I am no longer your muse.
You have found someone else, and I am hanging on to nothing but a dream.  A dream of a wonderful life, of passionate love making and utter acceptance of you and me.
  What is to come, I cannot foresee, are you tired of me, or am I so lame, so ashamed to keep hanging on to what might be...
536 · Apr 2016
She took a chance
Karen Apr 2016
She took a chance
   for some romance.
A scary task it would be.

The ups and downs did quite abound,
  but the final outcome she did see.

Was it luck or fate that did transpire,
  a hand to guide or intuition to interfere,

She found her match, due to her perseverance,
  and now she has her catch.

The lonely nights, they still occur,
  with less frequency.
Life as a single girl, is just a hazy blurr.
Never give up on something you really want.  It is difficult to wait but more difficult to regret.
512 · Jun 2015
Today and Tomorrow
Karen Jun 2015
Unsure of what will come.
Trying to live for today, but feeling so glum.
New glasses, new sight, maybe a new perspective on life.
Feeling scattered and unorganized; therefore need to prioritize!!
Get making those lists girl..
Do not deny your procrastination side, celebrate it, note it, move forward.
501 · Aug 2016
My Dear Sister
Karen Aug 2016
Childhood memories of time spent together, days of hopscotch, giggles and laughter. Monopoly, Sorry, Barbie dolls, and sand castles, swimming, cornfield ice skating, ski trips down the hill, and all the pets we shared and loved.
You were my friend, my foe, my confidante in times of woe.
I watched your spirit grow, to watch again as it fluttered away.  My dear sister where have you gone?
You are lost in a world of despair.  I reach out to you but you are not there.
Come back to me, remember times we spent together.
I pray for a ray of hope, that by some chance, you find your way and you are able to cope.
499 · Jun 2016
Time is a continuum
Karen Jun 2016
Time is a continuum
from the last moment our eyes met.
The void I fill, while waiting
until our paths cross,
and we are "tete a tete".
Memories of snapshots;
places we explored.
Long talks, naked bodies,
the feel of your touch,
the taste of your mouth,
things I cannot ignore.
The way you hold me tight
and whisper your love in my ear.
I hold onto when we will meet again,
I know your love is with me,
and that's all I can see.
492 · Jun 2015
Forever and ever
Karen Jun 2015
Not a word was spoken, as we walked hand in hand, along the forest path.
The energy between the two of us was of heartfelt love and joy, sharing the present moment, in love.
The bliss emitted a spiritual connection that can only be felt with that chosen one.
He is the love of my life, even with his flaws. I am the love of his life, even with my flaws.
Together we are perfect.
Walking hand in hand, smelling the pine trees, listening to the chickadees call for summer to return, ducks quacking that crack us up, and beavers gnawing on trees close to the rivers edge.
We see it all and enjoy that moment, the one God has given us, in this special world, he has put us on the same path in the forest.  
We have finally found each other, forever and ever..
484 · Oct 2015
Our Moment in Time..
Karen Oct 2015
It was like my heart stopped beating...The house is tremendously quiet, after you moved out.
Baby I was wrong, so wrong, I have tried and tried to make it work.
The anger and the fear so strong.  It kept driving me to kick you out.
Your words were so relentlessly painful and stabbing, your lies and broken promises blinding me.
Baby I was wrong, so wrong, should have tried to make it work out.
But you said you were not using, but I knew your secret.  So hidden from me, your highs were filled with crazy ideas and your lows were crashingly unbearable.
I didn't want to be your caretaker, but your lover and friend, and now we are a distant memory that echoes in my head.
I loved you so very much, the future was so bright, but your lies and broken promises robbed us of what could be.
We had our moment in time..
390 · Apr 2016
My Possessed Lover
Karen Apr 2016
Your two eyes of blue
with moons of black,
transform into demons
for all who attempt to slither inside.

Each pretty woman
who takes the chance:
beware as you will transform
into a restless demon,
and bring upon your own demise.

Within these glass covered mirrors
the world inverts;
the lovely admirer's attentions
are only abated,
as the demon comes out to ******
darts and hurt.

Unashamed of his actions,
only to pretend sorrow.
This vile creature awaits silently to attack.

Is it trickery or twist of mind,
why the pretense and courtesies offered,
if in the end the outcome is to waiver then attack.

So I sit and stare into those wonderfully crafted holes.
Where kindness abounds,
and suddenly find peace and happiness there,
unaware of when the demon shall unfold.
338 · Jun 2015
Another second
Karen Jun 2015
The very moment I turn to walk away from my baby's arms I feel as though I have been condemned to live without his charms.
My hands feel tied behind my back and a bag put over my head.
I walk through life like a zombie, like I am the walking dead.
Thoughts of tender moments together run through my head.
And now I wait for my sentence to be delivered, can I last another day, another hour, cause without my baby, I cannot last another second.
335 · Jun 2016
Karen Jun 2016
Seaside, pungent earthy smells..
wrap my dead body in an effervescent cloak.
life breathing into me, I  begin to float,
supernatural universe has claimed my thirsty soul,
life and its distractions have taken their toll.

Give way to unrelenting primordial yearnings
follow the seagull, the oriole and blue herons,
dance with the wind, for I am Karen.
Not a care in this world, I am free..
to laugh and explore and just be me.
301 · Apr 2016
Unspoken Hunger
Karen Apr 2016
I woke up with you in my head.
I could smell your musky scent.
Feel you pressed up against me, our legs entwined together.
Your face so close to mine, lips softly kissing.
Oh how I hunger for you all the time...
301 · Apr 2016
Karen Apr 2016
Why the Alberta clipper again my Lord?
Have we not had enough to afford.

Oh this wetness, this coldness, will it not end.
The robins are in hiding and the daffodils suspend.

This precipitation subterfuge of snow, ice, and rain , occurs time and time again.

My love for summer and glorious sunshine shall give me hope.  
For it is your will and I will have to cope.
257 · Jun 2015
Karen Jun 2015
You know just what to say to me.
I just read your words and feel a sudden calm.
You love me and I love you, so simple..:)
188 · Jul 2019
Set my spirit free
Karen Jul 2019
We were two love birds, feeding off each other's energy.
  Not sure if we were independent or codependent.

Weaving and dodging, soaring to great heights, in and out of each others lives.
Intertwined in the branches of love and ****** desire, wanting to bring happiness and life time partnership to each other's lives.

But the lies and distrust, and arguments kept pulling us apart, with each blow, the nest disrupts, the heart saddens, the love diminishes, and sorrow ensues.

Both wanting to be free spirits, but also, some how some way wanting to be locked in each others arms, an equal partnership of sorts, sharing the best and worst of ourselves.

Can one truly be themselves in a partnership, grow and flourish, and soar.... till death do us part?
178 · Jul 2019
Why do you need me
Karen Jul 2019
Why do you need me he says..
I, this independent woman, who can survive alone and has for quite some time..
I ponder this thought:
I need you..
  to hold my hand, play in the sand, be my adventure partner.
I need you..
to kiss me softly, hold me tightly, be there to explore and  understand.
I need you...
   to think of me as your first and last love, trust that I will be loyal to you, that I am your equal, and that I will give you the freedom to be you, as you do with me..
I need you..
   to open your heart, and believe the best is yet to come for you and I ...

— The End —