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LadyM Jun 2018
We haven't talked in a while,
I lost count after a year.
Long gone are the days
When your load I had to bear

You might think of me
Sometimes, I wonder if you care
You have secrets and I know
That you don't want to share.

For years I used to sit and cry...
Until my eyes could cry no more,
I tried and tried to shut you out,
Ignore the knocking on my door.

Even as I write these words
The memories start to scream,
You're far away, yet some nights
You take form of a dream.

Two long years, it's almost been,
Clearly - I recall
Last time we spoke, your last mistake-
That terrible phone call

Your words flowed, you took no breaths,
Did you even know-
That actions can't be reversed ,
No second chances to borrow.

Oh, how funny- second chance:
To right the wrong of any deed
No, - 200th or 2000th
Is the number that you need.

I'm not writing this to say
I forgive for what you've done,
I just want to let you know-
I'm happier since you're gone.
LadyM Jun 2018
I loved you like a summer day.

You were all the shades of blue,
The blue was in your eyes,
And more than the sky-
I loved you.

Your touch was a cotton cloud
Soft and light:
Floating around near the Sun.
But even the Sun became blind
When your lips parted
To show a smile.

Your words were like a breeze
Blowing through my hair
On a hot, summer day.
I felt them on my skin
And I felt you -
In my heart.

Your voice was a symphony -
A million raindrops
Falling from branch to branch
After a storm.
Just like the rain does to the Earth-
You gave life to me,
And more than the rain-
I loved you.

I felt the heat of July
When your hand touched mine.
I felt the warm, golden sand
Beneath my feet
When I saw the endless ocean in your eyes.
Your eyes were an ocean.
And more than the ocean-
I loved you.

It was always summer
When I was with you,
You were an infinite day
Of rosy sunsets.
You were my beautiful summer day.
But even more than summer,
I love you.
Dedicated to nobody specific. I was just inspired by the feeling of being in love and summer <3

— The End —