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Isabelle H Graye Aug 2013
A Shallow Puddle
Is how deep you are

Broken Light-blub
Is how bright of a star

Jack of all Trades
Master of none

Claiming Love
Breaking hearts of everyone

You are nothing more
Than a Two Faced *****
Isabelle H Graye Aug 2013
Year One:
Full of fun
First year bliss
First kiss

Year Two:
Full of blues
A girl with a beauty I cannot beat
You got drunk and almost cheat

Third Year:
Hardest to bear
Left me with heartbreak
With girls so fake

Fourth Year:
Realizing you do care
She was the one  that lie
The one you love is I

Year Five:
I feel alive
This relationship sees the light
Our future together is bright
Isabelle H Graye Aug 2013
Can you be afraid to go home
Is it possible to feel alone
Can you be sure you know the battles you pick
Is it enough to make you sick
The ones you held dear
Can fill you with fear
Can you run away
Just hide the rest of the day
Isabelle H Graye Jul 2013
Inspired by my boyfriend that made a comment on the way he look due to the lack of sleep*

What can I say
I'm a poet at heart
Though I don't do it everyday
But is an art.
Morbid I can be
Even to point something out
That is me
You need sleep without a doubt
Today the way you look
You look like carp
So stay away from Facebook
It is a trap
Isabelle H Graye Jul 2013
I love you
Though I can survive
without you

I'm with you
because I enjoy being
Around you

You're not the
Reason for my success
It was all me

I'm not weak
I do not need to
Be saved

I do not need
Someone to come to
My rescue

I'm strong
I don't need another person
to make m  happy

I'm with you
Because I want champion
A friend, a love
Isabelle H Graye Jul 2013
I lay asleep
at night
Can't fall asleep it's
Too bright
I need to turn off
The light
My leg hurts it must be
a bite
Something has a hold of leg, and it fills me
With fright
Kicking and screaming I try
to fight
I break free and look and see what
a sight
In the corner it is an
incredible height
I'm scared my face is
pale white
I run as fast with all
my might
Running down the hall and I
move right
Find a gun and I pull the
Trigger tight
Isabelle H Graye Jul 2013
To my love,

I love you so much

I'm here for you

Give me your sadness

So I can cry with you

Give me your rage

So I can calm you

Give me your hand

So I can help you find your way

The world may be dark

It may be cruel

I will be your friend

I'll walk the road next to you

Give me your Dreams

So I can help make them come true

Give me your friendship

So you'll never be alone

Give me your heart

I promise I will never break it

I'm hear for you

I love you oh so very much
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