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K Mae Feb 2013
There is no closure.
Death joins and veers life's flow
We continue
stumbling, sliding, climbing
each stage as best we can.
I cannot know depth or breadth
of your grieving path
Shamed I believed I could
Nor can I know my own
until it rises
flooding body and mind
pummeling down
I cannot map its course
only know there is no closure.
K Mae Jan 2014
snow clouds fully spent
sunrays grace the softened land
sky has come to ground
K Mae Feb 2016
I am author
you my poem, arisen,
my informant
fleshing truth
on this life  
epic without hero
no lie between the lines
K Mae Jun 2013
choice is made
no more my widow
again to be a bride
my doubts abundant
you feel safe
this path diverts from mine
our love
*but now
widow of my brother, set to wed another
K Mae Apr 2014
You think this song will last forever ?
Drop your bags
and dance with me !
Strip off that coat and
show some delight !
How alive we are
when we dance.
People in Tunisia, Ukraine, Brazil (and our home) are dancing Joy
in protest of brutality and tyranny › Co.Create‎
K Mae Oct 2012
Oh Passion of mine
you make my life worth living
no matter the goal
I follow your scented trail
to feed you is my Delight
K Mae Sep 2012
You stand before the cutting board,
Excited, eyes wide
Juices flowing in your mouth
and in the tender meat.
Oh, my Sweet,
Turn your hunger on me !
Devour me too !
K Mae Jun 2013
You stand before the cutting board,
excited appetite
juices flowing in your mouth
and in the tender meat.
Hungry man, do turn your gaze
Devour me too !
Edited repost,from Sept,12.   Just to add some balance or diversion to the vegan/carnivore theme.
K Mae Jan 2014
So she said.
Upright and mobile, weary of this lonely arrogant stance.
For whom, before what shall I crumble, inhaling relief of the kneeling ?
Or fold all the way down, head beneath heart, tender child's pose.
Might that be beginning or ending ?
Might there be surrender salvation here pending ?
title quote, May Sarton (The House By The Sea)
K Mae May 2013
on knees all day I pray
******* newborn shoots
****** vibrant from my earth
nurturing roots in darkness
soothing love moist mantle
under sun benign*
*expanding joy in growth
K Mae Aug 2012
He is my Only One.
I'm lover rich with family and friends.
Love for Him can eclipse any other.
Adoring my husband, though not like my son
Loving my man with mind heart and body
but Son is my One
Partners are bonded, supporting and growthful
But Son is my One
Danger here, I've learned to be vigilant.
Separate love from feelings of need
feeling the need that only He fills
Tolerate free fall
as if not connected
into the birth core of me
K Mae Nov 2012
My leaves have fallen
Only Stars remain
**Illuminate cold darkness
K Mae May 2013
You're not counting
tolling years
but you do count
despite your fears
You touch our lives
You share your heart
I am so grateful for your art
May you find unexpected happiness among your treasures !
                              Thank you for being here.
K Mae Sep 2012
Sunrays this morning paint startling orange
on patches of deep shaded woods.
Ah, this is the palette that comes.
K Mae Jan 2013
Our Goddess and Our Beast
come together for a feast
Delight in fur and fangs
that neither ask to change

He gentles in her gaze
Enlarging her embrace
Inhale his scent so true
Earth Essence through and through

Together now complete
a plan divinely sweet
K Mae Nov 2013
alchemize this world
constant metamorphe
myself to birth anew
on the 10w Tuesday train
K Mae Jul 2013
we say
we create our experience
so now
take a chance
raise the big dream out of hiding
nourish well with expectant desire
let it grow
beyond known imagining
what we did not see
was ours all along
We only recognize that which we conceive and believe
K Mae Mar 2013
I remember us, so connected.
I thought to follow you
but yours was not my time.  
You expand and explore
  your soul path
our mother no more

Phoebe called insistently, loud and close.
 I remember you
whistling to the birds
rarely so innocent, so dear.
  You are beyond regret
our father no more.
K Mae Nov 2012
Hubby's red truck
went on its own
off the drive
over the bankin'
What's it sayin' ?
Retire us both
worked way past reason
Leave us be.
K Mae Feb 2014
one layer of learned coping
now moved aside
the cost too much
newly opened caverns reveal
rawness writhing ripe toward awareness
bittersweet taste of clarity
nightmare visions invade fragile peace
sanity ******* urge to escape
but still explore the crypt
all but forgotten
*I remain awaiting my own  embrace
K Mae May 2014
"All I had was a voice. Same melody I would sing when I was in the field--I just wail out in the woods and let the echo come back to me."*
                                the only pure act
                                       is express all I am
                                           essence alive filling void
                           receiving response of lovers and strangers,
                                  of walls which waver then melt and bless me
                                                undulating waves of joy
Percy Sledge sang the exquisite "When A Man Loves A Woman"
Quote from the Muscle Shoals, Alabama music industry documentary
K Mae Dec 2012
Perverse it is that I will party in december
and squeeze gifts from nine *******
when what I long for is to go deep
running my hands along smooth dark cavern walls
perhaps pausing
my finger in the ****
dreaming to hold back
the torrent of all that is emerging
in these final days of year
when I Earth Centered Pagan Pray
to be delivered from longest night.
K Mae May 2014
Pretty women wonder where my secret lies.
I’m not cute or built to suit a fashion model’s size  
But when I start to tell them,
They think I’m telling lies.
I say,
It’s in the reach of my arms,
The span of my hips,  
The stride of my step,  
The curl of my lips.  
I’m a woman
Phenomenal woman,  
That’s me.

I walk into a room
Just as cool as you please,  
And to a man,
The fellows stand or
Fall down on their knees.  
Then they swarm around me,
A hive of honey bees.  
I say,
It’s the fire in my eyes,  
And the flash of my teeth,  
The swing in my waist,  
And the joy in my feet.  
I’m a woman

Phenomenal woman,
That’s me.

Men themselves have wondered  
What they see in me.
They try so much
But they can’t touch
My inner mystery.
When I try to show them,  
They say they still can’t see.  
I say,
It’s in the arch of my back,  
The sun of my smile,
The ride of my *******,
The grace of my style.
I’m a woman
Phenomenal woman,
That’s me.

Now you understand
Just why my head’s not bowed.  
I don’t shout or jump about
Or have to talk real loud.  
When you see me passing,
It ought to make you proud.
I say,
It’s in the click of my heels,  
The bend of my hair,  
the palm of my hand,  
The need for my care.  
’Cause I’m a woman
Phenomenal woman,
That’s me.
Maya Angelou, “Phenomenal Woman” from And Still I Rise. Copyright © 1978 by Maya Angelou. Used by permission of Random House, Inc.
Source: The Complete Collected Poems of Maya Angelou (Random House Inc., 1994)
Maya born 1928.   Lived Large and Full until today,May 28, 2014
K Mae Jun 2013
Gathering the weekly harvest
on the way to pick the flowers
I passed a gathering of pigs
comfy in their summer digs
under shelter from the sun
My focus riveted on one
glistening and pink his snout
teased water from a copper spout
I stood in awe, I stayed in wonder
Vision magnified
Archetype of face and need
Achievement Dignified
Inspired by Center of Your Table by Maria, I remember this experience, after which Pig shall never be my meat.
K Mae Aug 2012
All you want to do is Play !

But, Mom, kids are experts at Play !

Decades later, I beg my child :
Play for me.

Decades later, I beg myself :
Just Play.
K Mae Jul 2012
Wearied by choice
I deny that I make
as simple and complex
as time give and take
Blame love
my cravings
my duty my shoulds
Passions the seasons
there's no lack of reasons
when drama is over
I know once again
I bring it all to me
in all the disguises
I'm playing my games
and I choose  my prizes
K Mae Sep 2012
I said , "Let's play...soon."
He looked at me .

I said, "I don't know how I want to play
and what is play, anyway ?"

He went straight to open Webster.
"Too many definitions !"
"Read them !"
"Not appropriate to our conversation."
"Appropriate to me!"

So to please, he read to me.

I jumped in his lap ,
got in his dear face
that very moment
and we laughed at nothing.
We laughed at what is real.
**I know what play is.
K Mae Oct 2012
Tender man, raised to play
we loved on a dream
which became all too real
or so it did seem.

Our childhood is finished,
parents' and child~~~
grown beyond both of us.
Evolution is wild.

You still have the chance
to walk out of your haze
and see your son.
You'll be amazed.
K Mae Jul 2012
asking for poetry
attending the breath...
inhaling exhaling symmetry
K Mae Aug 2013
with words fresh in time
uncanny to the point
              gift wisdom and support
           under need undefined
                    shining light  in scribe darkness
          stranger  alchemized  to  love
K Mae May 2013
Poet with the wounded soul
            Let your lover suffering go
        It is time for you to know
            beyond the pain a light will show
                  another path to follow now
  Dare this step and you'll see how        
         you're welcome as a blessed chance
              in partnership to join the dance
Hearts are everywhere need healing
   help to raise a body kneeling
Offer grace to one who's lonely
Find your joy if you will only
    choose to part the veils that hide you
Love is flowing full inside you
*to be shared
                      Be not scared
                          You're not done
                                  Welcome One
K Mae Sep 2012
The pendulum swings
cutting a swath deeper, wider
extreme left and extreme right
frenzied in the struggle.

Right as I am ,
locked in the polarity
I could ****
to make your threat go away.
Thus we create Civil war, Economic/Power war , Holy war...with God on our side....No war is holy.
K Mae Dec 2012
brushing long hair
mirror to each other

Raw then.
Poem speaks to that.

now ready to receive
eager to share
I speak my ode to her

present in each others eyes
all streaming tears of relief
K Mae Aug 2012
how poignant your music
expansive expression of soul
I treasure each moment of hearing
emotions exuberantly whole

from where this creation?

labyrinthine your verse yea rarely is terse
you tease me to follow you there
I cannot
philosopher ~ scholar you are
unlike me
choosing ease with my various pleasures

you birthed from me !

while loving you travel
through darkness and brightness
faithful to nurturing friendships
with those who respond at your level of truth
your innocence offering balance

possessing yourself  I've utmost respect
for all that you are and hold dear
future unwritten
create as you live
your dreams all become crystal clear

what I can do is to celebrate you
as you are
with gratitude to be your mother
as we are
K Mae Jun 2013
Single cells no organelles
with membranes permeable
respond with will to live

Prokaryote so simple
no nucleus  no lack
nearing food evading harm
Membrane assures survival
  expanding one to two

Membranes of the human
process mystery
When shall we admit
our brains do not direct
our intricate survival
understand membrane as membrain, Bruce Lipton, The Biology of Belief
K Mae Mar 2013
simply to be
all I am be-coming
consequences unknown
beyond my awareness
simply to bear witness
and so change the medium
in which I observe
not separate
simply present
meeting your eyes
doing this courageous thing
that may be easy after all*
when my gaze aligns
with my purpose
K Mae Aug 2012
I am Lady in Waiting
for my Queen of the Night
through seasons of darkness
I tend to your needs
nurturing with reverence  
your grace that is rare gifted gesture.

Now appears precious promise ~
Swelling expectantly
no longer neutral but
Blushing insistently.
I maintain composure
take rest while I may
for any night now
your fullness will herald my fast beating heart
Brilliant pure color
with exquisite shape !
Fragrance Narcotic Perfume...
brings me unabashed to my knees.
I shall wake all the sleepers
to witness your glory
Come breathe in her presence!
Magnificent flower of this darkest hour!
But oh.
I slept.
This fleeting time she is come and now gone
with no swoons and no adoration.
No court to be held....
Royalty has lost its grip.
K Mae Sep 2012
Quiet day
Sun bright behind veils
as am I
K Mae Jul 2012
Trying to catch raindrops
how elusive we seem to be.

Still and moving,
All that I touch is me.
K Mae Nov 2012
My muse does not desert.

She waits in quiet recess.
K Mae Nov 2015
you were full
ready to spill
as was I
pouring into darkness

now half gone
moon and I
when you refill
shall I ?
K Mae Aug 2012
Though I peer deeply all I see
are my perceptions reflecting me.
K Mae Jul 2013
cycling and recycling
devotion to remotion
a spiral past  a comfort blast
well known save our rewriting
yet here we tumble on
to spiral all unknown
  fresh emotions rising
  potent and enlivening
Thanks to Maria, for permission to use this word "remotion", from her poem Intervening Space.
K Mae Aug 2013
nightsong revelries
crescendo before the fall
silence bides in time
K Mae Apr 2013
                                    unfiltered blurts
we clamp down
                                       afraid it hurts
raw expression
                                      may be rude
as fresh awakening
home in darkness
                                       slither meek
trust the truth
                                         and rise to cheek
K Mae Aug 2013
weary I come for touch  
no judgement  no demand

amazed I feel myself
as I am
rising ready
K Mae Apr 2013
make this day holy

sacred space of rest
nothing to achieve
worthy we exist
K Mae Jun 2013
solitude in sight
   waving sunlit grass hearkens
sacramental bliss
K Mae Nov 2013
safe isolation
                   pride covers fear

        numb doesn't feel
                            *reflections clear
K Mae Feb 2013
Safety:      Care for me
Safety:      Show me how.
Safety :     Keep them out.
Safety :     You know the score.
Safety :     Dull the fears, dream no more.
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