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784 · Feb 2017
The Snakes Charm
DC raw love Feb 2017
For reasons of the unknown,
what is it about the snakes charm...

Could it be the hypmatising eyes,
that makes one feel paralized...

Could it be the hissing sounds,
that sometimes numbs the mind....

Could it be the site of it's fangs,
that keeps you near...

Could it be the bite of might,
which now the venom flows...

Your time could be near,
as you get feelings of fear...

The snake has now charmed you,
so what do u do...

Let the feelings hurt you,
because your time is due...
783 · Mar 2015
Only on HP
DC raw love Mar 2015
I love how people express themselves on HP

I agree with the happy on HP
I have empathy for the hurting on HP
I have understanding for the loving on HP
I enjoy reading the complicated on HP
I think about the dysfunctional on HP
I like reading about religion on HP
I get caught up in the short novels on HP
I like chatting with the new on HP

A place to express any thought
any desire, any hurt
without being judged

Only on HP
778 · Feb 2015
do i just overreact
DC raw love Feb 2015
if i say i love you
will you love me back

if i say i need you
will you need me back

if i say i want you
will you want me back

you say you love me
you say you need me
you say you want me

and sometimes say
you don't want to hurt me

you always seem to confuse me
with your words

you never elaborate your thoughts
your meaning,
your truthfulness,

this always have me thinking
is something wrong

am i replaceable
are you true
am i fool

has our love faded
is our love strong
do i just overreact
773 · Jan 2015
DC raw love Jan 2015
Some say the end is near.
Some say we'll see Armageddon soon.
I certainly hope we will.
I sure could use a vacation from this

******* three ring circus sideshow of freaks

Here in this hopeless ******* hole we call L.A.
The only way to fix it is to flush it all away.
Any ******* time. Any ******* day.
Learn to swim, I'll see you down in Arizona Bay.

Fret for your figure and
Fret for your latte and
Fret for your lawsuit and
Fret for your hairpiece and
Fret for your Prozac and
Fret for your pilot and
Fret for your contract and
Fret for your car.

It's a ******* three ring circus sideshow of freaks

Here in this hopeless ******* hole we call L.A.
The only way to fix it is to flush it all away.
Any ******* time. Any ******* day.
Learn to swim, I'll see you down in Arizona Bay.

Some say a comet will fall from the sky.
Followed by meteor showers and tidal waves.
Followed by fault lines that cannot sit still.
Followed by millions of dumbfounded dip *****.

Some say the end is near.
Some say we'll see Armageddon soon.
I certainly hope we will cause
I sure could use a vacation from this

Stupid ****, silly ****, stupid ****...

One great big festering neon distraction,
I've a suggestion to keep you all occupied.

Mom's gonna fix it all soon.
Mom's comin' round to put it back the way it ought to be.

**** L Ron Hubbard and
**** all his clones.
**** all these gun-toting
Hip gangster wannabes.

**** retro anything.
**** your tattoos.
**** all you junkies and
**** your short memory.

**** smiley glad-hands
With hidden agendas.
**** these dysfunctional,
Insecure actresses.

Cause I'm praying for rain
And I'm praying for tidal waves
I wanna see the ground give way.
I wanna watch it all go down.
Mom, please flush it all away.
I wanna see it go right in and down.
I wanna watch it go right in.
Watch you flush it all away.

Time to bring it down again.
Don't just call me pessimist.
Try and read between the lines.

I can't imagine why you wouldn't
Welcome any change, my friend.

I wanna see it all come down.
Bring it down
**** it down.
Flush it down.
769 · Dec 2014
good or bad luck
DC raw love Dec 2014
A black cat
A broken mirror
A step on a crack
A walk under the ladder
A broom swept over your feet
A loss of a lucky charm

A horse shoe
A four leaf clover
A penny heads up
A wishing well
A shooting star
A rainbow
A lucky charm
If you know more reply and I will keep adding them to this writing
766 · Apr 2015
The Poppie
DC raw love Apr 2015
The poppie plant blooms to the most beautiful flowers. It is called the Flower of Joy, the colors, the tranquility and how they can absorb you is one of a kind. And when they cut the bulb before it blooms, it bleeds *****.

In the Wizard of OZ, the field to the castle of OZ, was a Poppie field. Where, Dorothy, The Tin Man, The Cowardly Lion, The Scarecrow and Toto, caught a nap.

Alexander the Great used this flower to conquer the world. He gave it to his army to quite the hurting and to help and motivate the fighters from the pain of fighting.

Great Briton used it to control and suppress China and to make money to grow their kingdom.

It was then turned into Morphine and ****** in the late 1800's, legalized and taxed. It came in many forms of elixirs and then turned into big business. It could actually be purchased out of a Sears and Roebuck Catalog, where you could purchase it and get it in the mail. They could get their daily usage along with a syringe for a mere $1.95.

It was one thing of a few things that brought ****** to his knees when they cut the ***** supply to Germany. That stop his drug making for his soldiers that left them useless. His scientist then he invented methadone but it was to late.

In Afghanistan where the majority of ***** is produce, our army has only cut down a few of the poppie fields, only to know it will make it's way to the US. What could be their reason and motivation. Is it to help each economy though blood money.  

In today's world it is controlled by War Lord in the east, the south, and the orient, shipped to many different countries  in many unusually ways. Yet some of it to be purchased by large pharmaceutical companies.  

This innocent beautiful flower, that brings only joy to the eyes has been misused by man since 3400BC believe it or not. The death that it has left behind is uncapable of being calculated.
765 · Jun 2016
Value of Life
DC raw love Jun 2016
If I had the time,
I would make a perfect life....

How do we define time....

Is it the tick of the clock
or is it moment to moment....

When the heart is aching,
time seems to slow down.....

When your happy and laughing,
time seems to go very fast....

How does one define perfect....

You could have mad money,
and still be sad....

Yet it's the humble one,
that always stays glad....


As one they are the value of life....
Perception, reception, direction....

Set your path....
DC raw love Feb 2015
Picture yourself in a boat on a river
With tangerine trees and marmalade skies
Somebody calls you, you answer quite slowly

Cellophane flowers of yellow and green
Towering over your head
Look for the girl with the sun in her eyes
And she's gone

Follow her down to a bridge by a fountain
Where rocking horse people eat marsh mellow pies
Everyone smiles as you drift past the flowers
That grow so incredibly high

New paper taxis appear on the shore
Waiting to take you away
Climb in the back with your head in the clouds
And you're gone

Picture yourself on a train in a station
With plasticine porters with looking glass ties
Suddenly someone is there at the turnstyle
The girl with the kaleidoscope eyes
762 · Mar 2015
She must have been high
DC raw love Mar 2015
Who are you to wave your finger so full of it
High voltage in low water, what a hypocrite

Who are you to tell i'm a lier
Suffering on your inside and blaming me

You must have been outta your head
Eye hole deep in muddy waters
You practically raised the dead

Rob the grave to snow the cradle
Then burn the evidence down

Living in a glass house collecting stones
So don't go tossing your stones around

Foot in your mouth and your head up your ***
So what are you talking about

Difficult to dance around this one
Until you pull it out

Liar, lawyer, mirror, show me what's the difference
Steal, borrow, refer,  to save your shady inference
Kangaroo done hung the juror with the innocent

Now you're weeping shades of cozened indigo
Got lemon juice up in your eye
When you ****** all over my black kettle

She must have been high
757 · Dec 2014
Love and Thanks
DC raw love Dec 2014
Christmas is now over
And the remnants now fade away

The day of life for love
Is now an economic way

Just as thanksgiving, as we give thanks
And our love for Christmas

Is for only one day

But in my heart, this makes me sad
Because everday, should be about

Love and Thanks
751 · Nov 2014
Talk to Complain
DC raw love Nov 2014
People talk to complain
and do nothing about it
We say whats better
and they don't even listen
We offer them help
and they don't even care
We tell them about life
yet they know it all
They try and tell us whats right
but they don't even know
They say they know GOD
but they don't understand
They think their better
but if they only knew
I feel sorry for them
because they don't lnow better
750 · Dec 2014
DC raw love Dec 2014






raw love
global impact ministries fb
748 · Jan 2015
DC raw love Jan 2015
How do you define accountability

Is it taking care of things on time or
doing what you say.

That's being responsible.

Accountability ??

It should be about yourself.

Something you want in life, to where it takes many task to get there.

You are the one that can only do it.
You knock off each task one at a time.

This takes time, the more you accomplish the more drive you will have to get what you want out of life

Accountability means accomplishment
to one's self.

This leads to self satisfaction.

don't be stagnant

**Faith without works is dead
746 · Jun 2015
DC raw love Jun 2015
Some say the end is near
Some say the armageddon is here

Sure could use a vacation
from this three ring circus

The only way to fix it
is to flush it all away

Some say a comet will fall from the sky
Followed be meteor showers and tidal waves

Will bombs fix it all soon
and put it back the way it oughta be

So fret for your car
and fret for your home
and fret for your prozak
and fret for your contract
and fret for your hairpiece
and fret for your plane
and fret for your boat
all material things

so whats up with one
who values materiel things
more then life
745 · Apr 2016
The Drama Tune
DC raw love Apr 2016
The drama in life,
comes in many different fashions...

The tune that your playing,
will be the song you will reap....

The dance moves you make,
will be the drama at stake....

If it's a love song,
the dance will always change...

If it's the blues you seek,
you will find yourself weak,

Now if you like to rock,
and listen to hip/hop....

Then your life will be real,
but keep off your heals...

Drama plays a roll,
in everyone's life...

So hold down that song,
and you can never go wrong....
743 · Dec 2014
tick tock
DC raw love Dec 2014
Tick tock, one two
I want you

Tick tock, thee four
I want you more

Tick tock, five six
Show me a trick

Tick tock, seven eight
Don't be late

Tick tock, nine ten
Be my friend

Tick tock, eleven twelve
It feels like hell

Tick tock, thirteen fourteen
You give me protein

Tick tock, fifteen sixteen
You make *** clean

Tick tock, seventeen eighteen
You make me feel mean

Tick tock, nineteen twenty
You give me plenty

Tick tock, twenty one twenty two
I love you

Tick tock, twenty three twenty four
I love you more

Tick tock, twenty five twenty six
You make me sick

Tick tock, twenty seven twenty eight
You make life great

Tick tock, twenty nine thirty
You make me feel *****

Tick tock, thirty one thirty two
You make me blue

Tick tock, thirty three thirty four
You act like a *****

Tick tock, ? ? ? ?
740 · Nov 2014
DC raw love Nov 2014
I wasn't meant
To be like

But only to be loved
739 · Mar 2015
Kiss of Life
DC raw love Mar 2015
There must of been an angel by my side
When I was led to you and you were led to me
A dream come true with a kiss of life

It couldn't be more clear this sky of love
Bliss are the true feelings in life
Flying through this dream with a kiss of life

Love me up with the color of love
Catch me with your love
Kiss me all over with a kiss of life

737 · May 2016
One More
DC raw love May 2016
So the thoughts of one which can change us apart from Particles preposition apart preposition Conjunction function plus and accept dysfunction ..
733 · Jan 2015
just say you love me
DC raw love Jan 2015
didn't want to see you crying
didn't mean to make you feel like dying

i beg you to want me
i beg you to need me
i beg you to hold me

just say you love me
and stop those tears
733 · Nov 2014
Our Government
DC raw love Nov 2014
Against all odds
Is the way life's stacked

They want us to lose
But why is that fact

They want to control
They want us to ask
They want to use us
How ****** up is that


They say it's Democracy
It's a line of ****
Socialism or Communism
Is what it is

Obama says Health Care
And lets everyone in
He then fines us
Because we can't afford his plans
I'll tell you what
Our Deficit is out of hand

What do we do
What is his plans
We better beware
Make a life stand

Vote for who
I don't have a clue
732 · Dec 2014
Good Morning Again
DC raw love Dec 2014
Good Morning Again
I'll say it everyday

It's Oil of Honer
It's what we all should know

It's something in life
That people should say

Oil of Honer
Signs from God

It's like
Love thy Neighbor

With good feelings inside
raw love
731 · Nov 2014
DC raw love Nov 2014
Fellings and admaration
Will get you to your destination
The love that you hold will never grow old
The things that we learn
Are the things that we teache
Our life long adventure
Is something we keep
There's pain and suffering
Show that you care
With these things in life
You can go anywhere
727 · Apr 2015
nothing to prove
DC raw love Apr 2015
As long as one does the right thing
As long as your feelings come from your heart
And one takes care of their responsibilities

You have nothing to prove
No how
No way
725 · Dec 2014
I'm sorry to Mom and Dad
DC raw love Dec 2014
i should of spent my time caring
as ya'll have done for me
ya'll brought me love
so i could be free

you've alway told me
i better beware
i take life for grant it
and i was going no where

i wanted my way
cause i thought i was right
i did some things wrong
that i've should of done right

can you forgive me
from in your heart
can you love me
and tell me where to start

i can tell you i love you
i can tell you i'm sorry
yet thats easily said

let me prove it
so we can love again
724 · Dec 2014
DC raw love Dec 2014
Shingle of doubt
Trapped in a dark room
Tied to a chair
With no one there
With hands tied behind the back
Of a place, I never want to be
This insane asylum
Is beneath me
No one really knows
What goes on there
We call it a crazy place
For people we don’t need
Is this fair, do you care
Do you know any one there
Proudly not you say no, no with no care
But it’s a life, a life that could care
724 · Mar 2016
White in the Hood
DC raw love Mar 2016
How can I begin this true and yet very odd story... Do I begin it when I was a child, my adolescent years, teenager or get straight to the last two years.... Yet they would all tie this story together.... At present I'm sitting on my poarch, straight up in the hood "lower 3rd, Alexandria Louisiana... Back to more shortly... Back... Did I tell you that I am a 55 year old successful business man from Ft Myers, Florida... Oh by the way I was a functioning ****** addict for the majority of my life, sold mega dope... And I love black women... Let me tell you, if you haven't delt with southern hood black girl attitude, you ain't seen attitude....

How life goes on and how things change..... I met a girl that was something different, could it change my life or will it be a fight.... Friday night in the hood is a different life... From dinner at the country club.... To staying clear of a fight..... Living in the hood still feels right...

As times have changed, black girls these days hold their ***** tight.... It will always cost you change, so what else is new in life.... It can come very cheap or very costly depending on the game....
720 · Feb 2015
Wicked Garden
DC raw love Feb 2015
Can you feel like a child?
Can you see what I want?
I wanna run through your wicked garden
Heard that's the place to find ya
But I'm alive
So alive now
I know the darkness blinds you

Can you see without eyes?
Can you speak without lies?
I wanna drink from you naked fountain
I can drown your sorrows
I'm gonna burn, burn you to life now
Out of the chains that bind you

Can you see just like a child?
Can you see just what I want?
Can I bring you back to life?
Are you scared of life?

Burn, burn, burn
Burn your wicked garden down
Burn, burn, burn
Burn your wicked garden to the ground

Can you feel pain inside?
Can you love?
Can you cry?
I wanna run through your wicked garden
Heard that's the place to find you
'Cause I'm alive
So alive now
Out of the dark that blinds you

Can you see just like a child?
Can you see just what I want?
Can I bring you back to life?
Are you scared of life?

Burn, burn, burn
Burn your wicked garden down
Burn, burn, burn
Burn your wicked garden to the ground
718 · Dec 2014
heal me
DC raw love Dec 2014
As I walk in my shadow
Spewing words of pain

Floating over a razors edge
Already dripping with my blood

Trapped in darkness, unable to move
Blaming God for all I've been through

Is it me or does satin have me
Can I be helped, can I break this spell

Is there a God, or is it a conterfit thing
I will now pray to this god

To please heal me
718 · Mar 2015
Tick Tock goes the clock
DC raw love Mar 2015
Tick tock, one, two
I want you

Tick tock, thee, four
I want you more

Tick tock, five, six
I'm slowly getting love sick

Tick tock, seven, eight
Our first date so don't be late

Tick tock, nine, ten
Your my best friend

Tick tock, eleven, twelve
Without you feels like hell

Tick tock, thirteen, fourteen
I now feel my love is certain

Tick tock, fifteen, sixteen
You make *** feel clean

Tick tock, seventeen, eighteen
You make me feel wanted

Tick tock, nineteen, twenty
You give me plenty

Tick tock, twenty one, twenty two
I love you

Tick tock, twenty three, twenty four
I love you more

Tick tock, twenty five, twenty six
Your my reason to exists

Tick tock, twenty seven, twenty eight
You make my life great

Tick tock, twenty nine, thirty
I love it when we play *****

Tick tock, thirty one, thirty two
I'm always blue away from you

Tick tock, thirty three, thirty four
You are the one I adore

Tick tock, ? ? ? ?
718 · Jan 2017
DC raw love Jan 2017
Life's limitation,
are only held by one's self...

Hopeless thoughts,
is where it starts.....

Life's emotions,
starts the notion...

Of a life,
we can't have...

Stress and burdens,
responsability and hurting....

Fear of not having,
is a wrong thought...

Drive and devotion,
is the right potion...

So hold your light,
into the night...

With love in your heart,
and control of your mind....

Work out life's problems,
and life will be fine...
712 · Apr 2015
To Liberate
DC raw love Apr 2015
Try­ not to hate

Love your mate
Don't procrastinate
one's own fate

Love is fate
A one world state
Human freight
The number eight
A white & black state

Never hate
The human race
A gentle trait
The broken crate
A heavy weight
Or just too late
Now devastate

The truth dilate
Special date
The animals we ate
Guilt debate
The edge serrate
A better rate

To moderate
Atomic fate

Clear the slate
Now radiate
Food on plate
Now simulate
A perfect place

A heavy weight
Is it too late
Racial debate
Love & Hate
Just create
Never break

A firm had shake
The State's on the take
The girl is late
A baby to take
A mother aches
A heart breaks
Just fornicate

Now devastate

A ******* child
The youth's irate
A mind to take

It's getting late
The Earth's own weight
Designate your love as fate
At ninety-eight we all rotate

To Liberate
DC raw love May 2017
There always making...
There always taking...

From a flower so sweet,
it will control your means...

The poppie plant,
the joy of life.....

Opiates consume,
and take another life...

What ever the dose,
yet ****** come first...

The pharmaceutical companies,
make it worse...

Now a legal drug,
with no proabition....

Will take many lives,
without a decision....

Either way in life,
weather its right or wrong...

Drugs will take your life,
regardless how strong u are...
DC raw love Mar 2015
Why is it when you are lonely
Women are not attracted to you

Why is it when your seeing a girl
Other women want to see you

I ask this question to girls I was seeing, not dating
They all said the same thing, that's not true

As I ponder on these thoughts
And discussed with my close friends
I had come up with a plan

The plan we discussed, of course my friends each had a girlfriend
and they could not participate, a perfect plan it was.

How many girls could I string along with all of them knowing
about each other with no lying about my intension for a month
The winner pays for a party at the end of the month

Ray said 2, he was ***** whipped and controlled
David said 4, he said i'll give you the benefit of doubt
Me 7, one a day for the week, I had confidence
One rule they all had to be hot

I did win made it for a month and they all knew about each other
The funny part it made them try even harder to get me

We did happen was, i did have the party, a huge party
Invited all seven,
first a cat fight then they turned their claws on me

One cat stayed
I may have had a few things gone for me, self made by 30
Big house, cars, etc... Understand, when i was young, i was poor with nothing and most girls would not talk to me.

Sorry ladies, not try to be disrespectful
706 · Aug 2016
Is there a super hero
DC raw love Aug 2016
From the green goblin,
to superman....

To the *** on the street,
to the handy man...

With lives to be saved,
from hurt and pain...

Who can tell the ***,
he's not insane...

Is there a would be doctor,
that can cure hurt and pain...

With superman to the rescue,
he is slightly distracted....

There's a naked girl in the window,
planning her grave full of hurt and pain...

Superman is now Clark Kent,
with a storey to be made..

With death in the air,
and to the people who stare...

There's the handyman,
with a wrench in hand..

He has love in his heart,
but doesn't know where to start.

With the green goblyin on his way,
enjoying the freight..

Watching the crazy people,
full of delight...

Who can save this world,
from hurt and pain...

Is there a super hero,
that can make this claim..
705 · Dec 2014
DC raw love Dec 2014
with the sun hidden
by the pouring rain
with a small glimpse of sunshine
through the clouds of pain

with the winds of evictions
with falling trees
as the flood is upon us
from the breaking of a levee

as the clouds breakaway
in the darkness of night
with devastation upon us
during the morning light

with the smell of death
lingering through the air
people crying
looking for their dead

no place to go
no food or water to be had
no sign of help
we’d be better off dead

why does this have to be
why did it happen to me
why  doesn’t anyone care for me

left me with a shattered life
of anger flowing through my veins
700 · Sep 2015
With No Tomorrow
DC raw love Sep 2015
The chase...
The base...
The little white rocks.....

With no tomorrow....

The needle....
The spoon...
The I. V. user....

With no tomorrow....

The razor....
The straw....
The white powder....

With no tomorrow....

The glass....
The drink...
The alcoholic....

With no tomorrow....

The abuser....
The loser....
The *******...

With no tomorrow....

The lier...
The cheater....
The deceiver....

With no tomorrow....

The poser...
The fake....
The phony...

With no tomorrow....

The manipulator....
The creator....
The one full of ****....

With no tomorrow....

The games....
The drama...
The never real....

With no tomorrow....
697 · Dec 2014
DC raw love Dec 2014
Smile like the sun
Yet kiss my pouring rain

Why do you follow me
It will only crush you

You're fondness heart
You're fondness ways

Only makes me
Lead your ways

Follow me you will
You're always there

Please don't stare
I'm not yours to bare

I don't want to hurt you
But you followed me

Not I to you
694 · Feb 2015
DC raw love Feb 2015
Who's love has fallen

As she begged me to promise,
never to hurt her
never to leave her
and to always love her

It was our first love, yet we were both very young

The first time she touch me
The first time I touched her
The first time we made love

We both trembled with excitement
Something so different, so new
A new feeling for both of us

Constantly battling who loved who more

Listening to nothing on the phone for hours daily
With few words spoken, but just to hear each other breath for hours
Was more then enough, with no one wanting to hang up

Scribbling I love you's, initials and our names
on every school book and folder

She was always telling their friends how much I love her
While I tell the boys and act cool and say she only wants me
Yet no one knows about our young passionate love

As we cruise the lake pontchartrain in my muscle car
with my group of friends, each with a girl in hand following

As we go to school dances
Running the streets during Mardi Gras
Partying in the Big Easy
Barn fires parting on the Mississippi river

As we work on our cars daily
the girls are always there
So much teenage clean fun

****, we did it all!
And we were good at it
Quaaludes, *** and beer

How grown up we felt

Now those times are gone
Yet still very vivid memories

As we grew older we drifted apart

Many, many years later
I sometimes try to find her

Sometimes I do
Sometime I don't

When I do, we reminisce

Her married with kids still in the same neighborhood
Me still single with a great career traveling the world
694 · Jan 2015
one heart at a time
DC raw love Jan 2015
Sitting in sins of my life
Burning away time
one crime at a time

With no past of a kind
No way to live life

Beaten beyond belief
From the times of my crimes

Building up hurt
To continue my crimes

Shackled by darkness
Filled with hate

I continue a life
Of love and hate

Crimes I commit
From the things I take

A life of love
One heart at a time
693 · Nov 2014
DC raw love Nov 2014
693 · Mar 2017
DC raw love Mar 2017
How can one describe ones life....
Is it the good or the evil...
What makes it right...

The times we fall....
The times we crawl...
But yet we still stand tall...

To the battles we faught,
weather win or lose...

The blood does dry,
yet tears still fall from the sky...

The healing process,
so thin, so frail...

Like a golden egg shell,
lined with diamonds...
So handle with care..

As one heart beats slow,
one will beat fast...

One from love,
one from death...

Like a fogged in road,
With no place to go...

My mind goes blank,
from the things I let go...
691 · Dec 2014
pLeAsE tElL mE
DC raw love Dec 2014
690 · Dec 2014
Don't Stand So Close To Me
DC raw love Dec 2014
Young teacher, the subject
Of schoolgirl fantasy

She wants him so badly
Knows what she wants to be

Inside her there's longing
This girl's an open page

Book marking - she's so close now
This girl is half his age

Her friends are so jealous
You know how bad girls get

Sometimes it's not so easy
To be the teacher's pet

Temptation, frustration
So bad it makes him cry

Wet bus stop, she's waiting
His car is warm and dry

Loose talk in the classroom
To hurt they try and try

Strong words in the staffroom
The accusations fly

It's no use, he sees her
He starts to shake and cough

Just like the old man in
That book by Nabokov

Don't stand, don't stand so
Don't stand so close to me
689 · Apr 2015
your reflex
DC raw love Apr 2015
dancing through a mind field
buy your time and don't lose it

like a electric four leaf clover
you want it and can't have it

your reflex is an only child
it will take charge of your mind

your reflex will do what it wants
and leaves you with the question of what was

like a rabbit in a hat
a jinni in a bottle

you think it may be right
and yet it could be wrong
689 · Mar 2015
The Bum
DC raw love Mar 2015
Tie-die sky's under a moonless life
Seeking rainbows around every corner
Yet he has only felt the rain, he lives in pain

His travels are short, yet his mind is vivid
He can go places no one has gone
He can travel, ****, be rich, be smart, have a family in his mind
Yet, he is a lonely sad man

He meals are paid for daily
He eats after the best
He favorite restaurant
Brennens 5 star dumpster

His accommodation
the most extravagant hotel
behind the Royal Orleans
A 5 x 8 box next to the steam grate

He works very hard
He is well known and is paid daily
They call him by name dropping change in his can

His name
The ***
True story in New Orleans
687 · Nov 2015
DC raw love Nov 2015
As the raindrops hit my skin...
The feeling of tears fall within....

As I look through the pouring rain.....
I hide the feelings of all my pain.....

The darkened clouds drift in the night.....
Reminds me of love with fear and freight....

As the rain stops and my skin dries....
Feelings of lonelyness begin to die.....

The clouds have now cleared.....
I shed those feelings of love and fear...

Now that the rain has passed....
Along with my criticism of my past...

The light now gets closer within my grasp....
I look to the future for the life I ask....
684 · Jan 2015
confronting the stars
DC raw love Jan 2015
I have nowhere else to hide
I try to wash this skin from hate

With a dark craving mind
I try to put the past behind

In this coat beneath the layers
I need to lose this selfish pride

What can I do to make this right
I'll confront the stars tonight
677 · Jul 2015
It's Your Decision
DC raw love Jul 2015
Time to change has come and gone....
Watch your fears become your God....

It's your decision?
It's your decision…

Overwhelmed, you chose to run....
Apathetic to the stunned....

It's your decision?
It's your decision…

You feed the fire that burned you....
To feel the pain that spurs you….

It's your decision?
It's your decision…

No one plans to take the path that brings one down...
And here you stand before me and say it's over...

It's your decision?
It's your decision…

Yes, it might seem to be your first thought...
Yes, it hurts to you know you're bought...

It's your decision?
It's your decision…

The lies we tell ourselves to overcome...
To **** those feelings of what we want...

It's your decision?
It's your decision…

We sit and watch the clock...
Waiting for the feelings to die...

It's your decision?
It's your decision…
675 · Feb 2015
the ladder to wisdom
DC raw love Feb 2015
Do you understand what it means to be profound. Profound is nothing that comes from a book learning. If you are to be profound, it comes at a early age and leads to insight.

The ability to look into something. Having it figured out before you start it.
Ongoing problem solving. The ability to see your near future and wanting to gain knowledge

To gain and understand right from wrong. To know what it is to gain intelligence, correct decision making. This can lead to visions.

To understand what it takes to get to where you want to go. To set your projection on life. How to gather intelligence.

Research and the gathering of information to get you what you want out of life. A way to conquer your fears and questions about life. This will lead you to realistic goal and dreams.

Goals and Dreams:
Set your goals and dreams. One goal and one dream. You hit your goal and then your dream becomes your next goal, Then set your next dream. Before you know you will be on your way to the top of the life's learning chain. That's were wisdom comes in.

I won't explain it, you can go to he Webster's dictionary and read the definition 1 for wisdom. It reads: see Bible

They are  other meanings these days and that is because people in today's society are losing their values and don't want to credit GOD for wisdom
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