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May 2015 · 1.3k
Sometimes I wish
To live the eagle's life.
Full of light and sharp eyesight,
Upward over 600 meters
But still,sharp to locate a mole underground.
With speed and swifty,
Lightening as it strikes .
Devotion to risking,
Can pass trough a metal and die
Just aiming at the mole,
Powerful and strong,
Can cause currents,to storm stumbling blocks,
Moving them out of its way,
Success to pick grasses
If at all to miss the mole.

I am growing the eagle
And crazy i am,
I will pick a stone
If at all i miss Gold,
But i am aggressive
I will finally pick myself GOLD.

be the next eagle,
Sharp eyesight you employ
See the opportunities, and try
If you miss them don't cry
If you get them don't die,
Grow stronger and fight harder
Pass through metal if you miss focus
Employ swift motion
Calculate more than a computer ,
Be risking,
One day,
I tell you.
May 2015 · 2.1k
If my devotion to work will bring me success,
I will not sleep until I see it coming my way.
I am obsessed,
Only if my hard work will pay.
May 2015 · 458
my fist
My fist so small,It cannot roll a ball,
For I just grow tall,
But never waity at all!

When life go tough,
And all i afford is a cough,
I go out to plough,
Out of the fields I come with flour.

My fist so weak
I depend on it though,
Life to face so courageous
And make achievements
Out of my small fist!
May 2015 · 481
Rain drops showers me and I love them
They hide my tears and wash my face
They shake my muscles and I love it
They hide my fears that shake me.

For years as it rains
I walked in the rain during downpours
I loved the scences in the rain
And maybe my success lied there...

People liked to see me wet my shirt
In showers that were tears
I kept crying for long,
And I grew a skekoton
I became a center of interest
And I was shy

But like hope rain fell
And I was a sprout of hope!
As i lead my life,
As I live it,
Whatever the course ,
I know in the begining I was nothing ...
Then HOPE sprouted in my skeleton
May 2015 · 666
i am a...
I am air,invisible but in existence
I am a flower,nice but perishable
I am water ,colorless but important
I am a poet,many lines but mean
I am a frog,noisy but deep under water.
I am a...
I am a...
May 2015 · 417
I have little about life
Maybe on a count of two
Not because I've not lived it well ,
In fact, I find it ambiguous not to classify it.

Sweet is life
It is a choice to lead it sweet,
A stress free life,
Choosing to count blessings
Celebrating success
Avoiding strainous activities
Life of optimists, life that has prosperity

Life can be pepper
Not sweet but boring
Strainous and tiring
Long and unending
Life of pessimists, life that has no direction.

In short,life is a choice
You live it or leave it
You decorate it or deteriorate it
You blossom it or just leave it dry.

I call it life,a personal choice
Life is a choice
May 2015 · 264
write one for me
Write a poem for me
A poem to cool my burning head
A poem to wipe my flowing emotion
A poem to heal my hurting heart.

It should be short but complete

Not a must be rhyme
It should be soothing,
I'll love a lullaby,
Can you make a good one?

I am patiently waiting.
Feeling odd
Apr 2015 · 1.1k
Sometimes, times that count and are rare
I think,thoughts that are funny
Perhaps, and I always find it true
In my past i had more gold medals, but were useless
For in them,and I have proved,was vanity .
I used, and it was a strain,
All I had to plan a future that I saw
Lucrative though,had a survival sense,
Today,happy enough , all the bad gold gave room to my real MEDALS.
Fake friends die the smooth way
Apr 2015 · 1.1k
fake medals
Uncountable MEDALS I met in the past
Friends I thought were valuable
Were just to make a super thinking brain of my then mind
Now i am happy for them
They made me MEDALS that are real,
Only to be replaced.
Fake friends! """"""!!!
Apr 2015 · 316
ful stop
Perhaps I need stop writing
For my writing elicit no emotion
For my writing has no meaning
I just have to put a full stop.
Apr 2015 · 270
I am real
I am a human being
I have emotion like you
I feel pain and loneliness
At times I am withdrawn
Not to add how I cry when you abuse me
I only stand on a single leg.
But real human I am
Apr 2015 · 369
who i am?
Who am I ?
I hear you ask
A poor chap trying to mess his way to success?
A failure trying his luck?
A crab thinking a lot but writing nonsense?
I hope I am not sarcastic to make you fear me
I am just trying to figure out if I am that important for you to ask who I am!
Sometimes negative feelings take control of life
Apr 2015 · 366
negative emotion
My feelings have turned to hurt
They give me peace no more
I know they are from deep my heart
They are true feelings furthermore

They turned me pessimistic
And worse,the much I try to change them
I am defeated to feel optimistic
tell me, if my life shall depend solely on them.
Because if it depends,I am done

This reminds me my recent past
Where I was a decent guy
My friends knew I was excellent
They asked me on how to go
I wasn't proud to let them know
All the secrets I gave them,
Now,on my bed I lie in despair
Worried if my emotion is up to any good.

My feelings turned against me
To massacre my optimistic nature
And perhaps leave a corpse of a dying pessimist

One chance that remains
Someone to help me,
Like an assurance
If for once I will revive my success
And make it glitter than before

Still,i breathe
save me from dying early.
Apr 2015 · 500
all i need is money
For I have known for years
That with money I can own ears
I can get the criminals bow
Whatever things I do,earns automatic show
Everybody show respect, for money is great
This is what people think is grate
But alas!
The money do not make water flow against the gravity in a stream
So for money is like steam
Hot and burning
But still cunning
Everything fake is money,
not true and sweet as honey!
Money has made everything fake
Apr 2015 · 357
true love
Was it not true love dear?
Every time I saw you I saw love
Mornings were warm and evenings were cool
Your touch was my gold medal
I loved you and only you
Now feel it for me!
You have another man when I cry
I'm not crying for anything but yours love
I love you and I'll love you
Kindly feel it for me!
It pains to cry for love!
Apr 2015 · 335
from the beginning ,I had a zeal
the one I always kept sealed
not one,even my closest friend could peel
I knew how it could ruin my deal.
so like I lived to thrill
people thought I was silly still
but mine secrets were not to spill
I knew there were thieves to steal.

now that I hide no more,
and my passion has come out real
I am keeping it steel
for it is the only way to keep it shine like a drill
Apr 2015 · 369
The field was big
Covered by sheets that were green
It extended far and wide
The horizons were vast
I sat in the middle holding green grasses!!!
I was possessed by spirits unknown
I talked and hysterically laughed
There were no audience
There were no people
Perhaps the few crickets that jumped here and there
I was conserved and caged
I was lost and in deep distress
The day my life started afresh
The day my old me died!
I'm now found ,full of hope and attitude
Success is nearer than before .
Change is a life's factor to consider
Apr 2015 · 639
seven lines
In seven days of the week
My mind got weak
Tired of dancing with the coin,
learning a lot that seemed vain
Monday to Sunday was the count
That made what i called my week
Full of stressing probability math .
My short poem on a week's experience
Mar 2015 · 698
a moment in the sun
When you shall shine bright
Like light glows within you
Like your skin is a bulb
And your eyes
Prove delight
True love not hidden
that is the time you will say
‘Thanks  God, today’s my day’
A day that will be  unique
Your  best moment
within the
shall be rewarded
you shall be delighted
you shall sing the best song
best dancers shall participate
the secret is only one sentence
press on, keep work alive,
Meaningless stories
kindly forget
for time
and others
you may wish for.
I hold my cup
My trophy is
Awarded for success
This far I came,
Wasn’t simple at all
I cracked even harder walls,
People were surprised and asked for the secrets I had
Ofcourse I had none,
The faith within me
The driving force   that kept me going
The patience and perserverance
All, I kept that were so painful
All I fogave, for the unforgivable they did to disappoint me
For the mocking and the spiting they did behind me,
All were meant to be like they war
I cracked through them,in no big blows,
I never fought to win
I kept love,
I kept patience,which was so hard to
And like a termite,
I picked one soil at a time, to achice a very big anthill
Man can spent time,only t be defeated…
That was my secrets
And they handed me this cup
This throphy to be specific.
Wrote in school
Mar 2015 · 299
not me
You said I'm a fool
I took it cool
Now I'm working like before
You find me new
The difference came in
When your words failed to change me.
Not before,never again .
I'm a substance from I was born.
And I believe in myself
The short moves or tides
Valleys or hills people create
Has no effect because
I am already myself .
Mar 2015 · 284
who can train me?
who can train me?
I fear that which drain me
for many think to strain me
and at last I remind them to refrain from that
for in simple terms,it rains blood nowadays
men are constantly searching to drain pockets
but for real ,I need a genuine being to train me
to become a poet
Mar 2015 · 901
my prayer today
This is for the most supreme
The almighty Jehova
The creator and mover of earth.

I have sin and not once have i insulted you
Not by word of mouth but through my actions.
I humble myself to seek for forgiveness.

I have trespassed dear almighty
I have used my body sinfully
I haven't been good at all,
I followed the worldly desires out ot my consent
God,I need a chance of reciprocating
I need change and be clean once more
No one,shall confirm me apart from you

My inequities are far much worse
I'm no longer fit for your house at all
Lord Jesus,take me I wipe your floors,
Because it is my only time I will be save
It is my single chance of life that remains
I now have known life though by chance
Thank you God for your eye opening.

I supplicate my prayer to my friends
Save their souls from danger Jehova
God,Father of us
See those in hospitals and heal them
See those in planes,cars,motorbikes ,bikes and pedestrians
Give them save journeys
You know the orphans father ,
Guide them and lead them to prosperity .
The old too Father ,grand them peace.

Lord give me power ,that I curse the demons away
Those that bring confusion I rebuke you in Jesus name
You have no power to thriumph over us
I chase you away in the mighty name of God
You have no power to stand near the people of God
Go to where you belong .

Lord ,Jesus we thank you
We bring praise and honor
All belong to you
I pray this short prayer
Believing and trusting in your name
I dedicate my morning and life to serve Christ Jesus .
Mar 2015 · 259
give me true love
love me like I know love is good
love like I know love to be genuine
keep love like I believe it stand like rocks
for years that went ,for years that are and for years that come ,
don't hurt me because I know love don't hurt
keep love like I know love.
It's like I need love that is love.
Mar 2015 · 441
No more
I am no more
Or I have no more
Let me say,this wall is expensive
Or cheap but to me,expensive
That my words are exhausted
My dictionary has opened its last pages
But still I haven't achieved my goals
I'm still in need of fiction
A diction that describe my hurting heart .
That can stop my blood sweating body
And cover my burning head .
Perhaps I'm still young
But growing older than my age.
Sooner than I think I'll be a granny .
It's somewhat awkward to think
My mind can't stop racing.
I call it confusion
Mar 2015 · 232
my today pains me
I will pour  my tears
It's my only way to ease fear
Life has taken to the negative
I'm left to compensate the loses.
Mar 2015 · 305
If only
If only my words can sell
If the lines I make has emotion
If the paragraphs I create has meaning
I will be rich
The world shall celebrate
If only.
Mar 2015 · 1.0k
qwan iman*
Life has gone too fast
It made me a big tortoise
I am a tourist attraction point
But still I believe
All will be OK.
Qwan imam
* qwan iman is a kalenjin word meaning truly painful.
Feb 2015 · 339
No word just work
Left to say no more
Keeping awake to work
The future tightens its gears
And for in life success stands a chance
I will deny sleep
For life is good to live bright
And for I am devoted to succeed
Not one can stop me
I am invincible to problems
Invincible I am
Hopeful in everything.
Feb 2015 · 242
Silence  sight
No word
Decision of solace
Silence and sullence
Takes control.
Sullen and silent,too bad
Feb 2015 · 545
my love letter
You being away make me think
I ponder far too wide
If for once I will make to you

I thought of calling you
I bought enough credit for us to speak
But unfortunately you had no phone.

I wrote a letter for you
I wrapped it well in an expensive envelope
I wrote your name on top of it
For real love I felt.
I was to send you,but I had no address

I thought for a whole day
I decided to drop to the air
For the wind to bring it to you
It fall back to me,it was a calmed day

I duplicated the piece
I believe you will get them all
One I tied to a dove
And I gave it instructions ,
Perhaps you got that one

I dropped one in the fast flowing R Nile
After wrapping it in a polythene
For in water it be save
Believe me,fetch it with water.

I burned another one to ashes
And blew it in four cardinal directions
And believe me,
Sincerely I hope you got my message

For in love crazy I do
Insanely I behave
My medicine is yours love
Nothing more.
Love is rewarded by love
And for real
Love's reward is love
Feb 2015 · 244
# is just#
I don't know what you expected.
Feb 2015 · 488
my pen
My heart is my pen
Ink is poured emotion
I will stop writing one day
That is one way
when my pen shall stop working
When my ink run empty.
I love writing
I will keep writing
Only death shall stop my writing
Feb 2015 · 568
in one day
In only one day
A sad story for days
Can end.
In only one day
A very tiring work pays
There in problems end.
In only one day
Success in failure lay
And then theories of  good life end.
In only one day
Truth shall stay
And in your life,there shall remain no bend.

All are sure if we keep hope in our lives
If we keep pressing hard even if sad we live
If our passion is success
If love shall keep us together
If we never stop working for success
I believe one day
Each one of us shall register a smile of success and say
"Today was my day "
Positive heart has success
Feb 2015 · 234
for you
For you I send a flower
Please be up on the tower
It will be special
You will like it
For you
Feb 2015 · 1.3k
Flaming love(With Blythe)
All I need is love
But it is the true one that want to have
Let me feel thy sweetness
Make my heart be filled with happiness.
Conversing emotion
Keeping love in motion;
Vibrant hearts
Nothing hurts;
Clouds of love as huts
Without you, I'm going nuts.
If by any chance
To the rhythm of my heart, you cannot dance,
Please be true to me
And don't ever fool me,
Don't give my heart false hope
Give me some time to mope;
A piercing pain is what I'll feel
Hoping for the time when I will heal.
This is a unified work of two
Kirui and Blythe.
Feb 2015 · 4.7k
Why Kenya?
K….Kenya my beautiful country
E ….earn honors and respect
N …none is like you my country
Y …you shine brighter compared to any other
A …across the world, you light brighter that the sun

The beauty sceneries of the green vegetation
The dark color of the people of Kenya
The arable land in Kenya
The mines
The animals and tourist centers in Kenya
The presidency
The politics
The hot springs
The digitality in Kenya
The economic growth in Kenya
The agricultural sector,
The flag of Kenya
The education sector in Kenya
All make me feel proud of Kenya….
And I feel so good to be Kenyan.
I love Kenya
I am a proud Kenyan.
Feb 2015 · 11.0k
why KENYA?
K….Kenya my beautiful country
E ….earn honors and respect
N …none is like you my country
Y …you shine brighter compared to any other
A …across the world, you light brighter that the sun

The beauty sceneries of the green vegetation
The dark color of the people of Kenya
The arable land in Kenya
The mines
The animals and tourist centers in Kenya
The presidency
The politics
The hot springs
The digitality in Kenya
The economic growth in Kenya
The agricultural sector,
The flag of Kenya
The education sector in Kenya
All make me feel proud of Kenya….
And I feel so good to be Kenyan.
I love Kenya
I am a proud Kenyan.
Feb 2015 · 410
A painful death

He could wake in the middle of the night
To flow his trumpet of life
He called it success
He ate dirt
He sang a dirge
He had forgotten himself
He wore rags and smeared **** on his face
He was too emotional too
He could cry a lot
There were times,
He sat down, sick and helpless
He could open his mouth to speak but
No word he could utter
Bitter tears
He felt pain
He was a human being
He had emotions to share to somebody
People feared him so much
They ran away from him
He suffered
Occasionally he recovered
He could call me, to visit him
I felt uneasy and pity could strike my heart
I felt a lot of pain in myself
Tears rolled down my cheeks
I was young and helpless
Hands very rough
He used them to wipe my small cheeks
I felt love then
He was a caring father
Who felt and worked for his greatness
But one day on a fateful afternoon
He was fencing his garden
He ran mad
And his life
Took another dimension
He was forced to lead a rough life
To live like animals,
No rest
No shades
No comfort ability of mind
He enjoyed being rained on, because he forgot himself
He contracted cold, he needed no medics
He was out of mind
He suffered
He made no mistake
He worked to earn, and out sweat he ate
He had no sin or dirt
He will have a second live, to revenge.
He was my lovely father honorable Kosgei.
Who led a miserable life so long
Died a painful death indescribable
This is what happened in brief
Feb 2015 · 459
love like war
love is like war
fought in emotion
when it turns good on your side
you smile and enjoy
when it turns o'wise
you feel the earth is not fair at all.
thats why
love is like war
and for sure
love is a kind of war
fought in the battle filled called heart
where the sweats comein form of blood
to colour everything red
whose impact
can be very good or very bad.
love is war
fought in moves
emotion takes charge
Feb 2015 · 899
cultivating love
I hate to learn that
For sure I jam your mind
But I love you
Your respect is paramount
For my case
You took all my feelings
And even if this night is long
It will end
In a crack of dawn.
You go to bed
To remain sleepless
Not that you are OK
But because someone
Is in your mind
And your heart sweats blood
Its painful and really painful
But not so long
Love is cultivated.
Feb 2015 · 596
post valentine
Once so sweet a valentines
People all over felt the good a day
They travelled far and wide
Like me,we enjoyed in the grasslands
Where the birds made our day
They had several tunes
They danced lovely and it was wow
We talked out of mind
We forgot ourselves at some instances
We were jovial
Like unfair is the world
My friend broke up with her madam
His full expectations of the day crushed
She was in her best clad
Out with another one...
Who she thought was her hubby
The next valentines ,
She will be out with another one
Because ,history repeat itself
For whoever enjoyed and
Built love
And whoever broke in heart,
Valentines is one day in one year
Let's come together and work like one
For the world needs us
And it is about working to meet our goals
Not about leading a remorseful life.
Post valentines
Many took place
I can't describe them
Imaginable and unimaginable
All took place
Feb 2015 · 377
Do I say nothing,
When I have nothing to say?
For I have the urge to talk
But I have nothing to share
Do I say nothing ?
Feb 2015 · 442
Happy happy happy
Happy happy happy
Happy valentines
Happy happy happy
Happy happy happy
Happy valentines
Dear lovers
Dear lovers
Use this valentines to improve love
To make each others love love
And know how it is important
To respect love.
Feb 2015 · 441
2 n 4
B4 I go 2 bed
B4 I sleep 2day
B4 I dream 2night
I have 2 ask God
2 bless you b4 2moro
2 guard you 4rom you enemies
2 give you the wishes of your heart.
Blessed nyt
Sometimes I feel like avoiding being too wordy.
Feb 2015 · 339
true love come once
Stories are meaningful in life.the stories have a story teller.a listener and gossiper .
What is important is to listen and analyze them.
It is the gossipers that broke your heart
You cut my stories
I was meaning each and every one
After your silence
I was heartbroken
I lost track and the only one who cared enough
Took my lonely piece of heart
But my problem is
I fabricate the stories to tell her
But I have no will to share with her
I have no heart to share true stories any more
In short I have no love
You took it all from me
Kindly return some for me to give her
She needs it.
Iveen you broke my heart.
Gladies needs love
Kindly return some
For she needs it.
Feb 2015 · 590
I am trending
For whatever it means
I am trending
Growing popular ever since
Though For silly bendings
In my class seven
I made a mark
My village felt my presence
I had **** in my pants
But I was young
In my class eight I scored very well
I was known throughout the division
The young knew my home
In my highschool I was the worst prefect
And the whole district schools knew it
In my university once again
Many are surprised
And my name is trending now
My nickname is everywhere
What a ****?!
This famous nature of life
Is taking me somewhere.
I am worrying ...I am playing to be cool but my cool is shouting
Everybody know me,
And I feel the lose
And the openness.
Feb 2015 · 267
I am past fourteen
I crushed for you when you were thirteen
I gave you reasons that were twelve
One covered that were eleven
For love ,I gave you ten
Of which now I met nine
Today I'm adding eight
For you told me you liked seven
I recall how you mumbled six
You had forgotten number five
Our love was four
I loved you in my form three
We were the only two
Who were meant to be one
You accepted to be my only one
We were the best two
We walked around conners that were three
I mustered courage in my form four
I took one of your finger out of five
And placed a ring i bought on date six
Our passage summed to seven
I told you past midday at eight
Then smartly and jointly we walked at the dusk of nine
I dropped you outside your home at ten
And reached my home at eleven
I later called you at twelve
Please come home on February thirteen
That we celebrate valentines on fourteen.
For true is my love
I love my girl
And for real blessing
I will keep by her.
Feb 2015 · 299
Flowing ink
Lovely on paper
On poems that speaks
Writer's emotions and feelings
Encompassing and pleasing
Reads that is blessing
Success in poetry i call.
I admire flowers and I give it meaning
To bless poetry in them
Feb 2015 · 322
That single moment.
Awkward moment I face
Time hard to agree
I messed and it's a fact
Up and down I'm moving
To resolve it I must
Everybody is busy
Moving and heading somewhere
Perhaps I messed years ago
When my tongue slipped
And for once negative I uttered
Only to make the boys laugh
I was full in hope
I was fine
Everything was smooth
I hate recalling dark sides of life
Circumstances has forced me
This time my dry eyes
Are swollen in tears ...
Should I give in?
Should I press on?
My friends show me pity
Which I hate
It is a taboo to lose a battle to me
I never lost before
I lack experience
I am inside darkness
I tried so hard to open my eyes
But still I haven't seen light
So I decided to close them
Perhaps I open them where there is light
I am not going to die
I keep hope and love within me
One day it will be my testimony
That somewhat
Will transform somebody
Today is my day
I am Brocken enough
I am fixing my pieces back
To rebuild my own self esteem .
Feb 2015 · 308
cash sale
I am selling my poems
These ones over here
Plus a hundred others
Interested buyers?
Talk to me!
Hey hey come one come all
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