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2.0k · Jul 2015
Kevin Horgan Jul 2015
Wounds heal but they'll always leave a scar. A little keepsake of memories. We may always lope that these wounds may heal without scars, that everything would out perfectly, despite us knowing that is very unlikely. It is reassuring that after time passes most will wear them with pride as a badge-like battle scar. Though I seem to fall into a hole of turmoil and confusion seeing as I'm not like most, I've always been different and found it hard to fit into the crowd. A blessing and a suede it may be but it is who I am and I promise you I'll always be your little "nerd" regardless of your desire.
#emotional #personal #indirect #todaysfeelings
639 · Jul 2015
Kevin Horgan Jul 2015
If nothing else comes of this I know that we've had good times filled with happiness, true and pure happiness, and that he, whether that end up being me or another, will give you all that you truly deserve. That same happiness that originally was so great, but everlasting. All I want is that and although it may pain me as of right now, I guess that's what love is. Right? Seeking another's happiness in spite of your own. A completely selfless pursue of joy and fulfillment. Love is both awesome and awful, both joyous and painful. A double-edged sword. I simply hope that our sword hasn't cut too deep and that our wound may still yet be mended. Love is a tricky subject but I am still trying my best, I assure you of that.
332 · Jul 2015
Kevin Horgan Jul 2015
Thoughts of life and death can often be confusing and scary being as they are the two most mysterious concepts we know. I've never been a fan of mystery story's but I'm interested to see how this one plays out.
328 · Jul 2015
Kevin Horgan Jul 2015
Love has been a particularly difficult lesson for me and I'm still learning the basics, but i am nonetheless learning and very hungry for knowledge and hope to have the same teacher through the whole course. Although that may be an unrealistic hope, most dreams are.
Kevin Horgan Jul 2015
You may have been hurt or affected in some way by these and I am not above apologizing but I will not be held down by them. I am not defined by my times of weakness and I will not hold them against myself for the rest of my life. I have chosen to learn from them and better myself as to prevent them in the future. This is as life should be. A constant never ending learning experience. And though it may hurt at times, know that I am in pain just as well. This is a battle of self improvement and, as with all battles, there are casualties. There is poetry in life and also lessons in life. This work is a chimera of both.

— The End —