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Kelly Rose Oct 2015
Harsh words spoken
Are an arrow that
Pierces one’s heart
Leaving its mark, a wound
That can slowly heal with time

The one who slings such arrows
In their bitterness
Wounds their own heart as well

The difference is…

The arrow the wielder receives
Leave such a wound
That erodes over time
With its bitter sting
Robbing them of
And compassion

Harsh words spoken
Harms all within its vicinity
Leaving some to recover slowly
And many who will recover, not at all

The best course of action
Is inaction
Leaving harsh words

Kelly Rose
October 9, 2015
Kelly Rose Sep 2014
Have you ever
found someone who
accepted you enough
that you call it love?

Have you ever
been afraid that
no one else
would accept you
like they do?

Have you ever
felt something was
but too afraid
to find out?

Yeah, me too!
Kelly Rose Sep 2014
Poetry deserted her
Are all dried up in her heart
she desperately
tries to gather
her scattered thoughts
as her heart bleeds blue
Kelly Rose Oct 2014
Caught in that place
between dreams and waking
A rainbow is illuminated
Showing the path
to my Heart's Desire
The desire for love
And to give love
I awake with a smile
upon my lips
My Heart's Desire
is found
As the hearts of many
have illuminated my path
Giving my heart
the knowledge
That Love fluidly flows
and has always been
A Heart's Desire
Kelly Rose Oct 2014
A Beautiful gift
was bestowed upon her
she found a way to
Express herself
Explore herself
Know herself
Is she a poet?
A Writer?
Maybe one in the making
Does she care
what others call her?
Not as long as
She is able to keep
This Beautiful gift
bestowed upon her.
Kelly Rose Oct 2014
Lo, she thought she saw
A ray of light
but Alas
No, tis the darkest of nights
Kelly Rose Mar 2017
How I wish my life was
Just a dichotomy
Or even “Fifty Shades of Grey”
I am standing still
And moving forward
Living in the present,
But pondering the past
While worrying about the future
I am neither here nor there
But somewhere in between
I go so easily from feeling good
About myself
To self-sabotage
So even though
No matter where I am, there I am
I am in my dreams
Or somewhere
In between
Oh, how I wish
I was either here or there
But no!
I am everywhere
I am nowhere
And everywhere in between.

Kelly Rose
© March 30, 2017
Kelly Rose Jul 2015
I am the Poet, hear my siren’s song
My woven whispers ****** ways and words
Mesmerizing, you will feel you belong
Be part of an inner circle and be heard

Write with me, no lines will be false or blurred
Together we will create and be strong
There’s no need for pleasure to be deferred
I am the Poet, hear my siren’s song

I have been sad and alone way too long
Belonging together is most preferred
Creating brings joy, won’t you come along?
My woven whispers ****** ways and words

Take a chance and your senses will be stirred
Part of our circle, not lost in the throng
We are more together, grace is conferred
Mesmerizing, you will feel you belong

All ideas are welcomed, no thought is wrong
Just know this; your spirit won’t be interred
May our venture be successful and long
Be part of an inner circle and be heard
I am the Poet

July 21, 2015
something new and different
Kelly Rose Jan 2018
Yes, I am my own worst enemy
Sabotaging myself at the drop of a hat
It’s a habit so deeply ingrained
Within me that I don’t even realize
When I’m doing it
But, there are moments
Those rare moments
When I step back and I can see
I’m not where I want to be
Only then can I change reality
I’m able to squash self-sabotage
And take a step forward
Changing the moment, the day
My life
Though I know I can step back
I usually don’t
So caught up in the drama of it all
If only…
If only I remembered
And always took that step back

Kelly Rose
© January 4, 2018
Kelly Rose Dec 2015
How I wish to embrace each day
Meet the Morn with a song in my heart
Instead depression pulls me into the dull and grey

Despair rises up, much to my dismay
Clouding my judgment and tearing me apart
How I wish to embrace each day

A new day dawns, but still with feet of clay
I succumb to the darkness, wishing it would depart
As depression pulls me into the dull and grey

I awake with good intentions that go astray
It’s a constant struggle that I don’t wish to be a part of
How I wish to embrace each day

Out of the quagmire I make my way
Towards the light, thinking it’s a new start
Instead depression pulls me into the dull and grey

How wondrous it must be to find one’s way
Rising above the despair and make a new start
How I wish to embrace each day
Instead depression pulls me into the dull and grey  

Kelly Rose
December 8, 2015
Kelly Rose Dec 2015
Funny, how like
A freak she felt
Not knowing if she knew
How to love
How to give
From outside appearances
She was seen as
Quite nice –
How often deceiving
One’s appearances can be
As she lost herself
Behind a façade
Only ever seeing the
She hears the
Endless scream
Of her soul
No longer can she
Feel that pain
Lost, she no longer
Knows herself
She only sees
The façade
Though, deep down
She knows there must be more
She does not know how
To strip herself
Of her mask
And sorrow infuses
Her body and soul
As she seeks
A way out of the
Chains of her
Self deceit

Kelly Rose
December 27, 2015
Kelly Rose Jan 2015
He's a
poet philosopher
who feeds the mind
elevates the soul
Anubis The Philosomancer
with his honesty
gracing us with words of wisdom
poems of love
from ******/Catharsis to Temple of my Earthly Goddess
advising all to Carpe ******* Diem
Just love the many sides of Anubis The Philosomancer
Kelly Rose Jan 2015
Steamy hot
With an appreciation
for fine music
Tells it like it is
Wolf Spirit aka Quinnfinn
You make a girl swoon
& Song
do you bring
a smile to warm the heart
Always do you bring joy and pleasure
with your poetry
Kelly Rose Jan 2015
He writes...
Poetry rich in history
that vividly
captures nature's beauty
quirky, funny
or wonderfully romantic
It makes one
want to kick back
with an iced cold beer
Daisy as she
plays in the fields
Just Brilliant
For Rick (r)
Kelly Rose Dec 2014
Just a touch
of madness
Life would be so
dull without it
Kelly Rose Jan 2018
Not good enough
How often did she feel
Not good enough?
Always trying to fit in
Be normal
But what is normal?
Stifled by her fears
She could not change
Now, she's done with that
She’s not normal
Never will be
It’s too late for that
No, it’s time to
Face her fear
And just be

Kelly Rose
January 18, 2018
Kelly Rose Dec 2014
is her self esteem
another love her
maybe alone
she is destined to be
Too old
Too outside the box
she strives to feel
who knows
when that will happen
thinks she has love now
lies, as nothing
she does is right
he thinks she's insane
she ever know
when it's time
she strong enough
to be on her own
will she remain insane
scrapes of love
of a feast
because she feels
Sorry for the melancholy mood
Kelly Rose Jan 2016
Just for Today....
My smile came easier
I laughed more freely
I liked myself just a little bit
Causing a certain calm, peace, and warm glow

Just for Today...
I had a golden moment

There is hope for tomorrow

Kelly Rose
January 27, 2016
Kelly Rose Dec 2016
For years they shared similar
Goals and dreams
Then a crossroads
Upon the horizon
Brought them to a halt
Choices were made
And paths diverged
Once united, now divided
Though moments
Shine with laughter and joy
Swiftly, storm clouds
Of disdain and contempt
Can color the air
As choices made are ridiculed
A delicate balance exists
That teeters rhythmically
One minute, camaraderie prevails
Stirring feelings of love
The next moment, despair rules
Planting seeds of rage
How I miss the one,
But hate the other…

Kelly Rose
© December 29, 2016
Kelly Rose Dec 2014
Strange and twisted
are her dreams-
She knows
her thoughts
are often
Though she craves
It seems
beyond her reach
It is hard
to accept
Her dreams
her thoughts
are often
strange and twisted
clearly lacking clarity.
Kelly Rose Mar 2018
Laid Bare – Winning battles or losing wars?

The internal struggle
Between –
I am worth while
And utter despair

Wondering what is the point of …
Well, of me
Feeling life’s passion one day
Death’s embrace the next
Feeling the tether between
The two stretched
To the point of no return
Wondering where I’ll be when it snaps
In passion’s bed
Or death’s pit

Today, a gentle breeze
Caresses me
And life’s light shimmers before me

If only…
If only this inner struggle would end

Kelly Rose
© March 7, 2018

From the madness of my soul
Kelly Rose Oct 2014
Why is it so easy
to hate myself
then love myself?

Lessons in self love
were lacking
whereas lessons
in hurting myself
were bountiful

Better to hurt yourself
than others,
Yes, that was the motto
I grew up with

A lesson well learned
I have become an Artiste
in the lesson of self hatred

One lesson I pray to unlearn
but fear it is too ingrained
Kelly Rose Feb 2015
How i wish for
rainbows, magic and joy
I struggle with life's
ups and downs
There are many
filled with laughter
Even though life
is not all
Rainbows and Magic
Love, laughter and happiness
help balance out
The frustrations, angers, and disappointments
that life sometimes
throws my way

It's just a matter
of remembering

All the love, laughter, and happiness
that comes my way
and lights my path
leading me out of the darkness
Feeling philosophical...I think (lol)
Kelly Rose Sep 2014
Shedding that
overwhelmed me
I found balance
between work and pleasure
Kelly Rose Oct 2014
How little changes
Can bring about
A great divide

Our humor was in sync
I don't recognize you at all

I know we grow
and change
I never thought
I would find
Your humor so repulsive

Queer even
How little changes
Can bring about
A great divide

As I ponder
This chasm
That has opened
Between us
I feel my heart
Well, maybe just a little
Sad by changes I see in one I love
Kelly Rose Jul 2017
Little dreams
Tiny wants
And simple pleasures
Often get me through
The dark days of life

Life’s journey is made
Up of so many steps
And I dance through the day
When life is drenched with

But, it is
That soothing cup of Earl Grey
That feeling of clean
Or the desire to learn something new
Those little pleasures, wants, and dreams
That restart my engine
When it stalls
And I’m caught in the pouring rain

It is those little things
That allow me to
See beyond “lost gods and howling dogs”
To brighter climes
With endless skies
Of hopes and dreams

Kelly Rose
© July 27, 2017
“lost gods and howling dogs” from Phil Roberts’ ‘In My Mind’
Kelly Rose Oct 2014
She lives in
a Faery Tale World
Odd from conception
She never quite fit in
Flawed and damage
Her parents sought
Others more perfect than she
So she lost herself in Faery Tales
and tried to live her life
like a romance novel
Always knights,
Too many knights
And well maybe not so shiny
Dragons, Griffins, and Unicorns
Yes, these were always
part of her dreams
Now the years
have gone by
but still
Like Delta Dawn
She wears her faded rose
Looking for a love
Looking for an acceptance
that maybe,
that maybe...
Can only be found
in Faery Tales
and Romance novels
Always on the outside
Always looking in
Always wondering
Why or what it is
that is so unacceptable about her
Even she thinks she 's odd
Her head up in the clouds
Searching for something....
Making impossible demands
Living in her Faery Tale Land
Living on the outskirts of reality
She's an Echo,
A Shadow of something
not quite real
She just a Faery Tale Myth
Real, but not....
Sad to think I live in sandcastles in the air
Kelly Rose Sep 2014
Her heart beats
for acceptance
Tears fill her eyes
as she realizes
That she still shuns herself
Her time is not now
Her heart has not bloomed
Slowly she turns away
Knowing this day
Loneliness embodies
her heart and soul
Kelly Rose Dec 2015
My odd companion
Is a hard habit to break

Kelly Rose
December 31, 2015
I think I have chosen loneliness for so long, it is hard to give up
Kelly Rose Nov 2014
She just wants
someone to confide in
someone to understand

feeling so alone
she knows
no one wants...

the craziness
she brings -

a nerd, a pagan
a lover of learning
loves a video
in French
even though
she does not know the words

pain pierces her heart
as she knows...
well, she just knows
that something's not right

Sure, she knows
she not anybody
that someone wants

yes, loneliness is
her companion
she was foolish
to think anything else...
Kelly Rose Jul 2015
Lonely and filled with sorrow
Self-hatred burns bright, loss of self is profound
Defeated, she feels there is no tomorrow

Abandoned, she is left to beg, cheat and borrow
Hope is nowhere to be found
Lonely and filled with sorrow

She is torn asunder and on the morrow
She will stand firm and hold her ground
Defeated, she feels there is no tomorrow

As her heart is pierced by an arrow
The ground crumbles; she feels drowned
Lonely and filled with sorrow

She is bereft and feels quite hollow
Life makes no sense, leaving her confounded
Defeated, she feels there is no tomorrow

Hopeless, feeling despair she wallows
Afraid she’ll never rise up and be found
Lonely and filled with sorrow
Defeated, she feels there is no tomorrow

Kelly Rose Dec 2014
Relationships constantly
evolve and change

And the dreams
that bloomed
are doomed
to die

Mourn these
lost dreams
then put them away

It's  time
to remember
you can always
dream another dream

Follows your dreams
and when a dream

to create
and live a different
Kelly Rose Sep 2014
Beauty was in his smile
But within his eyes
Only Terror could be found

Love was never welcomed
within his heart...

Tears refused to well -
dried eye
He tried to tell the truth
Words got stuck
inside his throat

She saw his inner conflict
She offered him
A small sad smile

Both knowing the
Magic was gone
And death awaited him
Kelly Rose Dec 2014
How passion's flame
between a man and a woman
slowly over time

She lies
next to her man
closes her eyes
to re-capture
love's memory

Tears fall
filling the space
where once
love's memory
was found

Though the weather is
hot and humid
Winter's chill
has stolen
into her heart

So much to be grateful for
just thoughts dwelling
on things lost
Kelly Rose Dec 2016
In the blush of youth
It is easy to believe
In fairy tales
That a knight in
Shining armor
Will rescue one
From all their sorrows

In the Autumn of life
One finds that love
Is not always about
Happy endings
Love must come from within
Not from without

Self-love if often
I miss the love that
Is right in front of me
If I do not love myself
I end up rejecting the
Gift of love

Love tries to welcome me
And sometimes…
Love seeps in
Coloring my world in
Many beautiful hues
And I find acceptance

A beautiful gift is before me
For the taking
If only…
If only I would embrace
This precious gift everyday

Kelly Rose
© December 22, 2016
Kelly Rose Jan 2015
Love's light
illuminates a path

The Soul
yearns to take

If only
she would see
Kelly Rose Sep 2014
Curled upon a porch swing
Bathed in the soft glow
Of moonlight
A gentle breeze
Stir memories
Long forgotten
As her finger tips
Caress her lips
She dreams...
Of a Passion lost
Her sigh blends
With the whispering leaves
As her tears mingle
With the evening mist
Longing for
Love's lost embrace
Kelly Rose Mar 2015
so strange
sometimes ugly
fills my heart

A lover who...
draws a line on intimacy
who accepts, but not fully
who makes me laugh
but slings an arrow
a tear drop falls

Love so fulfilling
but leaves me wanting

the heart yearns
for romance
and sighs in comfort

Always touched
in friendship
denied a lover's touch
of sensual promise and passion

So strange
sometimes ugly

Fills my life

a love poem?
Kelly Rose Dec 2015
Is there anything more wonderful
Then being part of the poet’s corner?
Lucky am I to be a poetry lover!
A romance novelist used poetry to ponder
A story that changes and transforms
One’s heart.  Is there anything more wonderful?
Joining a poetry site, I blundered
My way to writing a poem, oh what torture!
But lucky am I to be a poetry lover.
Many offered their support, allowing me to discover
My path and slowly my writing became stronger.
Is there anything more wonderful?
So many inspired awe and wonder,
Giving me strength to claim my own corner,
Justifying my becoming a poetry lover.
To those who offered encouragement so tender
I offer my thanks and give honor.
Is there anything more wonderful
Than becoming a poetry lover?*

Kelly Rose
December 29, 2015
When I first came to this site, everyone was so supportive and encouraging.  I would like to thank - Nat Lipstadt, SE Reimer, Wolf Spirit, Tonya Maria, Anubis the Philosomancer, Sjr1000, Timothy, The Anonymous Joker, K. Kalachandran, Pradip Chattopadhyay,Traveler, Jack and r who all supported me in those early days, as well as so many others.  Thank you and I wish everyone a wonderful New Year
Kelly Rose Feb 2018
Mad, am I? Well it’s better than being insane.
What’s that? Repeating myself,
Expecting things to be different.
Humm, I see.

Kelly Rose
© February 6, 2018
Kelly Rose Feb 2015
For a moment in time
we heard the same song

Magic and music
dancing in the air

For one magical moment
we shared a beautiful song
Kelly Rose Feb 2015
Love lives within her
hidden so deep

Maybe one day...

She'll tap into that
endless well
that abides deep
within her

And love will
blossom and shine
setting her aglow
Happy Valentine's
Kelly Rose Oct 2014
Summer's heat
Its coiling caress
is slowly choking her
She dreams
of Autumn's cool breeze
Gently playing
across her heated body
As wanton goosebumps
kiss their way down
On her knees
she pleads...
Throwing off Summer's
coiling heat
and longing for
Autumn's chilled embrace
What I wouldn't give to see Autumn's vibrant fall as Winter takes her place
Kelly Rose Apr 2017
She is moonbeams
And dappled sunlight
Renewal and
New beginnings
Gracing the land
With fragrant blossoms
Buzzing bees
And dandelion flurries
As children play
In Spring’s garden
Blowing happy bubbles
And laughter floats
Touching the heart and soul
She is Mistress of Spring

Kelly Rose
© April 1, 2017
Kelly Rose Feb 2018
Another sleepless night
I wander about trying
To “find myself”
Slowly the sun rises
Revealing the mists of time
And for a moment
Clarity strikes
And I know

Kelly Rose
© February 8, 2018
Kelly Rose Feb 2015
He gently brushed
the tear from her cheek
his heart shattering
as their moment passed
Kelly Rose Mar 2018
Moon’s light pierces the mist
Giving hope that shadow’s embrace
Can be escaped

Kelly Rose
© March 5, 2018
Kelly Rose Apr 2018
The moon’s pale light caresses me
My desire wakes by the moon’s glow
Dreaming under the Willow tree
The moon’s pale light caresses me
Passion is ignited and set free
Dark lust leaves me feeling ******
I dream of him in naughty glee
My desire wakes by the moon’s glow

Kelly Rose
© April 8, 2018
Kelly Rose Oct 2014
Moonlight at midnight
Weaves it's beautiful spell
As its kisses rain down
Like silken rose petals
Spreading love's glow
All around
Kelly Rose Dec 2014
The muse of
Edgar Allen Poe
visited with me
late one night
And the walls
of my mind
bled red

The muse of
Emily Dickinson
visited with me late
one night
And I found out
is a real chatty kind of guy

The muse of
Elizabeth Barrett Browning
visited my dreams
late one night
Teaching me the sweet
depth, breadth, and height
of a love so true

The muse of
Robert Frost
gave me nightmares
late one night
Making me choose a road to travel
and reminding me of the
"miles to go before I sleep"

my muse laughed
"just stick with me
at least with me
blood won't coat the walls of your mind
nor will you have to listen
to Death's incessant chatter
you'll never drown
in that big river
of love
nor worry about the miles you have to travel
so open your heart
your soul
what you will find
is the most
beautiful gift ever bestowed
your voice
and finally your song
will be sung"
Just trying something new
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