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Kenny Batista Aug 2014
This is a call to the lost
I pray you hear it
You've been gone but you ain't forgotten.
Please find your way back
We all know its easy to hide yourself
I mean
It's easier than facing problems
Hiding isn't going to solve anything
Hiding is going to make things worse
Hiding wont help you
I know
I know you've heard this all before
Face the problem.
But what happens when
You think
You're the problem?
Face yourself?
How? You're hiding from yourself
You're your worst nightmare
You're also your favorite dream
You're your favorite person to hate
Favorite person to love even though you don't
But why don't you?
Because we're all ****** up in the head
We all have this fake image of how we should look and act
This fake image of what's attractive
Let me tell you something
The most attractive thing in the world
Is someone who loves themselves
Someone who accepts their appearance and is happy
Someone who, even with all the hate, has a real smile.
Someone who stands up for others because they what it feels like to be put down.
What we need
Is you.
You don't think you're strong
You don't think you're pretty
You don't think you're worth anything
Here's the thing
You're everything and more but you don't see it
When you're hiding
There's no light to see how amazingly strong you are.
There's no light to see your beautiful faces
There's no light to see your smile
Stay Strong KiDDs ❤
Kenny Batista Aug 2014
"Isn't it ironic
How we **** flowers
Because we think
They are beautiful
We **** ourselves
we think we are not"

Isn't it ironic
That we didn't put this into our own heads.
Yet, it's what kills is the most.
Remember when you liked being called beautiful?
Now you don't believe it.
Remember when you wanted to be with people?
Now you want to be left alone.
Remember when your smile was real?
Now it's just for show.
Remember when you cared?
Now you don't.
Remember when you wanted to be happy?
Now you just want to get through today.
Remembering can be good.
Remembering can be awful.
Live your life for the good memories.
Don't live your life thinking of your bad past.
Live your life thinking of when you were really happy.
A real happy.
Not the fake happy to trick everyone.
Do it for yourself.
Not anyone else.
Your mind can't decide on whose it's savior.
But you are your own savior.
So do yourself a favor.
Smile a real smile.
Not for me or anyone else.
For yourself.
Because you deserve it.
You're worth it.
Written a year ago

— The End —