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Dec 2014 · 1.0k
Cat - a - logging
ManVsYard Dec 2014
The "Future Apps" are
taking shape
don't run, don't hide
there's no escape.

our, whims
and flaws.
Ranking us as, if
have paws.

It's a dog eat dog world  
(they are, so encoded)
most folks don't care
until they get old  
(or their brains go exploded)

Code listen-ers hear, as we
curse their e-brain,
log each syllable in the
file - gone insane.

We used to walk and run
now we sit and tweet
(and game and chat)

and carress "the mouse" like
its a ****!
(and get dumb and fat).
Dec 2014 · 547
Words of Wisdom Whispered
ManVsYard Dec 2014
I think
I think
I am.

My own
cosmic sham.

Who was I
before I

The same
as now
a gorgeous

Except I
did not

I did
not have
to show

I did
not have
to grow

Into what
I am

"no plan
as to,  what
and not,
to say"

Lost in
my psych
job - self.
No way!

To stop
I am,
is ME.

a before
when I

I wanted

Except I
did not

I thought I
had to

I thought I
had to

Advice from
G. Hunk

Let It Be
Dec 2014 · 534
The Age of Aquariumlessness
ManVsYard Dec 2014
The Ancients of the Ancients
leaving hints and clues
of pi's and phi's and square roots,
of sixes, threes and twos.

To tell us things that we don't know
how could we have forgotten?
The workings of the universe
maybe our brains went rotten.

When big rains, began to drop
short circuiting the Aether air.
Comets! Turned us into dumb
and gave some folks,  frizzy hair

and fuzzy minds, that repeat
all they've heard and seen.
Shows them pre-runs of their lives
in their, day-mare dreams.

But now our blue orb is warming
The truth? In view, and clear!
The era of "good vibrations"
is oscellating, NO MORE FEAR!
The Age of Aquarius
ManVsYard Dec 2014
We are wig~gling the universe
one protein at a time
agitating the
of the eternal
cosmic slime.

Twisting and turning time.

Until we see 'The Beautiful"
the quent-essence,
we must jiggle, Aether.

dull to bright
day to night
width to height
all is light
goose bumps racing
up and down
my spine


make me giggle

Dec 2014 · 687
Stuck To The Roof
ManVsYard Dec 2014
The pain of life is, sometimes, so
great that even rhymes
annoy ,  confine
destroy , define
devolve my
in-to green
Explain the
reason for the
two faced MIME:
laughing and crying
screaming whilst trying
to stop die-ing  to live and
living to die, AND! stop asking
why, why,  a thousand times  why
Everyday seems like a continuation
of yesterdays custom tailored
multiflavored, chew it up
spit it out, step in it
again and again
sweet pink
Dec 2014 · 547
Every Day is a Holo-day
ManVsYard Dec 2014
Prisoners on a planet
fenced in, locked in
by a dream.
Makes no difference
if it's true.
Choice: Starve to death or
join the team.

Just one REAL big cell
but, OH!
what a view!

Incarcerated by see-thru
H2O from the gods
in the sky.
Heat and light from a sun:
do not stare.
Gravity *******, so we,
can not fly.

No way to complain?
You may
grow your hair.
Listen to daft music
crank it up real loud
make the old folks quiver
appear ****-sure, so proud.

Ethanol for you livers
arrows for your stealth weapons: bows.
Just don't defy "The Givers"

Don't make a face.

Don't hold your nose.

Authority is the rule
There is NO such thing as cruel
All you learnt in FREEDOM school
(tiny jails for tiny fools)
How to use the "feed me" tools
(dunce hat corners, tiny stools)
Will be usefull in you futures:


Polluting, lakes and rivers.


Free swimmig pools.
Dec 2014 · 671
Luke, I Am Your Grandfather
ManVsYard Dec 2014
Our vision of the future
is changing, oh
so fast,
that sometimes tomorrow
seems just like
the past.

As we look from the shadow
that time
has cast.

Will we control gravity?
With wiggles from
the sky,

travel to the stars as soon
as we learn, again,
to fly.

Communicate thru DNA
with vast "we nets"
I ask WHY!

It seems, do we assume that
the acients were so
ultra dumb.

When they had the tech-no wit
to understand the
Aether hum.

Wonders from back in the day.
Were built by whom?
The aliens?

I'm not talking immigrants
but tiny green folks
from beyond:
"the stars"

Who tweaked our inner programming?
E-volved us into


Who's adjusting us today?
Perhaps our ancient
Maybe not men from

Our dreams? Teleportation
space flight, levetation.
Traveling thru
"The Time"

Manipulating, pouring
imigaes, into our skulls of quantum

Holo-decks with lights and sound.
Full access is granted
when we become
"The Mime"

Meditate, like we are them.
We are all air fish, learn to swim
thru water that is
very thin.

Surf the waves like crazy loons.
Sing out loud, those inner tunes.
Life's just one big


Don't *** in the water.
Act much more like you ought-er
Be more than just
fool fodder.
Dec 2014 · 712
Mega Hertz That Don't
ManVsYard Dec 2014
Our brains are, immense antennas.
They listen to "The Source"
Harmonic oscillations singing.
all the time.

You may think I have gone lunar
but this bio-crystal tuner,
works best when we
invoke our inner

If we tweak our "thought-in" buffer
down to one breath, we'll discover
a silence that can hear our
planets hum.

The music of the orbs, spheres
is ointment for our sore ears.
A soothing salve to heal us
from "the numb".

From the rapping and the tapping,
from the repetitious yapping
If there is PEACE OF MIND
to find
I'll take some.
Dec 2014 · 670
I Need A New Hat
ManVsYard Dec 2014
Big rock falling to the land?
From the sky, no one knew,
how to stop, or divert it.
So, they came up with a plan.

Shoot, a rocket thru the clouds.
Fill it with Cesium.
Blast until, there’s just dirt.
Chicken Little! Peeps loud!  

“Mammasita,  mama, see:
stuff, falls from, up above.
Boinked me on my skull as,
I was dozing in the tree;
with the dove.”

“Hit me on my feathered head
so hard, it made me cluck.
Pebbles, powder, wafting down.
Looks like sand, is blood red:  

Like manna, for the live stocks.
Covering the whole grounds.
Every field, river, lake.
Hickory’s dickeries, docks and towns.

Mouse’s growing, with one eye.
Hen eggs glowing, in the dark.
Moo’ers: All sprouting wings.
Birdie, birdie, in the sky,
Elsie’s now a meadowlark.
ManVsYard Nov 2014
What if we found the "tree of life"?
Would we cut it down?
Make it into a small house
for our dog?
and paint it Fido brown?

Or would we cure the nations?
And folks in our on home town.
Crush it, roll it, kneed it, bake it.
take a bite, pass it around.

Or would we give it to the giants.
who make life drugs that cure.
"Synthesize this herb tree please."
Make a pill that's pure.

Death? Poison? Take one more!
We tested it. We're sure.
Only a few, of you will die
Our words could not be true-er.

Oh, yes, that bush we started with
We, "THANK god", no longer need.
We make health from sweet crude oil.
It cuts down on the greed.

As well as fueling your car
It's know, you freaks love speed.
Think of all the time that you will save.
No more crushing up that evil ****.

Imagine our world with life on a limb
It surely would be chaos!
So we destroyed every plant!
The leftover leaves we tossed.

We own all of the sea floor, pumps.
billions is what they cost.
Give up your plans to help each other.
It's over. Too bad. You lost.

The battle, the war, everything
It should be plain to see,
Worship those who give you life.
That's right, drop to one knee.

Swear allegiance to the king
Whom-ever that may be.
He only makes one demand.
Do not TOUCH that "of life" tree.
Nov 2014 · 486
Like We Were Never There
ManVsYard Nov 2014
Bubbles in time
not easy to see
Me thinks
the next

Most folks have,
now, more pc's,
than they do hands,
to tap the keys.

Old school tech!
Just touch the screen.
Finds where your going
Tracks where you have been.

Listen to hop music.
post to every blog.
sit on your  couch
rot like a felled log.

Productivity will be
non-existent someday
Why, too many games and Miss Muffits,
all curds, no whey.

Milking our days
of "do something" time.
Will our grandkids pass laws
to make it a crime?

To sit and stare
at a box all day long.
To touch a small screen
even, just for a song.

Bluetooth extractions
We call them "noon-ers".
Why? We must work.
to support the boomers.

Who now fill the jails
for lies, drugs, and ***.
Described now in our text books as.
The generation that
"time forgot"
Nov 2014 · 497
Geneocidal Herbacide
ManVsYard Nov 2014
The tree of life,
a burning bush,
incense burnt
for healing air.
A sweet savory flower scent,
Bud so pure,
It has the power to scare.

Rich humans into hiding it
Remove it  from the medicine kit!
Besides kids, "Can't manufacture it!"
So, guess what? We don't care.

If it helps you not to puke
that's the price that you pay
for living life that evil way.
You only need one meal a day.
Do people gasp and stare?

When you shake and trimble?
Just, take these six pills. But sit!
PS: they make you spit
Ignore the herb! Do not take a hit!
You did not want your ugly hair?

Did you? The flames of cancer do
not the disease but the radar,
like cops point at your car,
Be proud now! You are a star.
Because you did not pollute the air.

With that ILLEGAL tumor destroyer
Yes, we've known since seventy four
we were smart, shut the door
So sure! the cost would be much more.
Repeat after us 'It's only fair"
Besides! we just bought you three more years!
Still dizzy? Here, sit down it this chair.
Nov 2014 · 520
Liberty or Death ?
ManVsYard Nov 2014
I wonder about freedom.
A universal right to be,
who and what and where we want,
gripe and moan  and even taunt.
Type in our own, homemade font.
Or, launch a raft into the sea.

To find a place that
is more liber-ated, still.
But greed turns choice to tyrany.
The motto? Give it all to me!
Need a house? Chop down a tree.
Each day is such a thrill!

Until those pitter patters
Turn into stomping boots.
Asking who will pay the bill?
Tearing down each homebrew still.
Whats for dinner. More pig swill?!
We're looking for recruits.

Who want to live a better way
In a world much less corrupt.
We'll have good rules to keep in us line
So prisons won't explode again this time.
With committers of some petty crime.
Or just failing to keep up.
The Illusion.
Freedom is.
The Final solution.
Nov 2014 · 644
Ps. It is a RACE
ManVsYard Nov 2014
How can I stop,
this lead filled shaft,
from texting about lies?
Spreading words that
expose some truths.

Cheese, burger and fries.

Orders to desist,
from the right-thought cops,
make my wood wand, wiggle
spurting tiny dots
on paper.
Some puns, to make one, jiggle.

Onions, mustard.
How, this parch-
ment does stink!
No more fragrant
lines that clatter;
old stained platter in the sink.

Bold pro-nounce-ments.
Little ditties, catchy rhymes.
Freaky fables,
twisted gristers.
Mills churning, fruit, from ripe vines.

Meals of corn gruel.
New! Eye candy.
Salivate on par-a-graphs.
Drooling foolish
in - u - endos.
Reveal wisdoms: walked down paths.

Rebuilding brains,
is the point,
of these obscure, obscene words.
Lettuce listen
to the crunching
of our inner munching herds.

Power surging,
from vibrations
as the cantor, picks up pace.
A light comes on.
Awaken- ness!
Gulp! Right in the nick of time.

Ps. It is a RACE.
Nov 2014 · 653
Wish Granted
ManVsYard Nov 2014
I live inside an aquarium
I do not need a boat
I fly around
in water
Sometimes I even float

Surfing back and forth
wafting, to an fro
all is still
most times, I just don't know

Where I'm going
where I came from
I have never
found the side.
Of the glass!
I must be dumb.

I know it's there.
Outside of it is stuff called air
I've seen the faces,
Oh! How they stare
As they brush their wavey hair.

Suddenly, there's a whirling
swirling, round and round
I have never
fathomed gravity.
Today's new word is: DOWN!

At last! I'm in thin water
then suddenly I frown
I search for
tiny dropletts
More! More! Before I drown.

I **** them all into me
bugs, insects! dirt and slime
I learn to breath,
dance and walk and sing
no more the aqua mime.

No more the fin man on display
no more the question, bake or filet?'
Alas, when rain
comes, I feel weak
Just why? I can not say.

I look deep, into my own eyes
I see, my old, friends in there.
CRAVING, begging
to get OUT
with glowing plastic
signs that read:"This Is Not Fair !"

As I gaze at my reflection
and brush my wavey hair
and pearl white teeth,
and spit.

Wish granted.
ManVsYard Nov 2014
Are you a fruitcake?
Are you all kinds of nuts?
Do you eat poultry
turn in-to chicken butts?

If we are what we eat
I guess I'll say moo!
Oink cluck, glub glub,
****-a-doodle doo.

I do not eat crows
road runners,
turkey gizzards
monkey or elephants
or brown to green lizards.

So, guess what's for lunch?
Yum, fried Alligator,
with octopus legs,
bye bye
see ya later.
Nov 2014 · 769
Break Time
ManVsYard Nov 2014
I go out to the Holodeck
fifteen times each day
maybe it is fifty.
The truth? I can not say

Suddenly, I'm in a place:
some place, far away,
or near.
Living out, some future life:
the hiding place of fear.

And other, "what if", emotions
tusnamis of thoughts
washed in blue oceans.

Hearing and seeing, like
I be slurping potions,

Love! Number nine?
No, Ten
outdated notions.

Action, danger, full color fantasies
Must be the "not here now", disease
must be the "pre-plan how" disease.

Not living in the present.
Saving on the fees.

Protection reckets for my selfs
My tiny inner syndicate, mob

who lie and cheat and laugh at me
then proceede to rob.
I'm deaf dumb and blind.
Nov 2014 · 464
ManVsYard Nov 2014
Searching searching,  out of time
for the place, where I'm alone
somewhere to loose the mime
the silent me, who smiles and waves
who pens a simple rhyme.

A chant, a song, some non-laments
about the ever frothing foam
that flows from gaping, spewing vents
the place of worry words, and fear
so many messages!
So many marked sent.

Somewhat like wolves locked in a cage
not wanting to leave, they snarel and moan
old scars from old wounds, still dripping in rage
cowering!  At the first beam of light.

Free the mad puppies!
Advice from the sage.
Nov 2014 · 656
Rock-in and Roll-in
ManVsYard Nov 2014
I saw myself, just yesterday
sitting on a roadside rock
contemplating this and that
What was once skinny
now seems fat.
What once was mouse
now is rat.

Doors once open,
now have locks
Looks like dog packs
sounds like *****.

inside outside underware
Hawking mudpies at
the County Fair.
Thoughts so thick, I yank my hair.
Suddenly frozen. I sit and stare

days, weeks pass. "was that a knock?"
I find my wrist.
A strapped on clock?

I see the lie-ing hand spin round
moon rises, sun rises, make a loud sound
what was lost, remains un-unfound
what was valley, now is a mound
Big toe rooting,
ventilated sox
both shoes missing, cardboard box.

Suddenly, It's today
at last!
Debris surrounds me. Shattered masks?
Stomach empty? Methusela fast.
No more future, no more past.

Large ships!
Arriving, at the docks.
Time goes crazy,
when there are
no more tocs.

A lovely world of only tics.
no more stealing,
no more tricks
no more soft talk,
no more big sticks
It's raining gold,
no axes no picks

chickens sleeping
with the fox-es
Un coveting of the neighbor's ox-s.

And his gougeous
brick house wife
and his so called
perfect life
Dict. : Deleting
words like strife
dancing to ditties
from a fife

Wearin fine hats shaped
like a Chinese Wok
sittin alone on a roadside rock.
Nov 2014 · 642
Shrinking Out All the Tocs
ManVsYard Nov 2014
I live in a giant matrix
of imaginary wierd-oooo's
A cast of coo-koos counting
and clocks.

Who are totally ignoring
a situation deploring
It's like they are all snoring!
There are locks,
on all
the tocs.

Yes! Ticks are piling up
at six, five, and seven
****** by gravity
dead or alive,
without even one debate
without Tocs: always late
Time slowed down is our fate.

The curse?
Nov 2014 · 893
Connection, Time? Out?
ManVsYard Nov 2014
Speedy data transfer vine
indexed in junk DNA
Instantanious communication
no possibility of delay?
Holo-fractal hookups.
Is everyone on the line?


are we listen--ing too slow
are our ears to big to tell
ack from nak, yes from no
The solution? maybe
Quantum time!

Just one eternal grandfather clock
with only a TIC,
never a TOC
delays maybe caused by reneade gyres
like intestellar,
"slowdown feller"
invisible, swirls, with gushing spires.

E-fracting for minutes, hours, years
decades, eons, epics and more.
As pools of whirls slow,
there appear open doors.
The locks are no where to be found
The keys?
All scattered on the floor.

What is that, hissing sound?
Nov 2014 · 567
Waiting to Wave
ManVsYard Nov 2014
I'm waiting for
that blissfull moment
I am freed, from the torment
of the world of wars, laments
of safety,  health,  protects , prevents!
of the waking world, of
groans and moans and sighs

From the ever
silent smirking
todays plan, no more working
simulated twerking
bad news briefers perkin
A respit from,  "The Land of
Lovely Lies"

Oh, the smiling
nodding jestures
the too-cute empty nesters
the, once we were protesters
the, Winsor Knot and vest-ers
makes me look away No! contact for sad eyes.

With lead lids
steady drooping
pace has slowed, now stooping
alone: no more grouping
no chicken, rooster cooping.
It's time to sleep, so, I'll say todays goodbys.
Oct 2014 · 545
Battle Stations, Romulans!
ManVsYard Oct 2014
I took a little ego trip
long ago, one day.
To the land of
"anywhere but here"
I did not plan to stay

But, alas, the lure was great
Promises from the past.
My Holodeck app, that was so complete
a made up world, nice and neat
For sure, it was peace at last
Oct 2014 · 561
And Sensible Shoes
ManVsYard Oct 2014
Sometimes "the pen" calls me
black ink throbbing
in a brass tube
muffled screams handheld dreams
with words, yet understood.

"What's your intent? One more lament
or a quippy,  query?
tale to tell?
As you invent, please just indent
and, punctuate  as you,
cast your (perma-spell)"

And then it starts.
The wiggles.
I hold it loose between my thumb
and fingers
sometimes I get the giggles
sometimes I just go numb.

Desperations, contemplations
Ego trips with routes exposed.
I'm never quite sure where we're going
I try to wear comfortable clothes
Oct 2014 · 729
Smile And Nod
ManVsYard Oct 2014
There are things
that my brain loves
some of which
I know not.

It isn't  that
I can't remember
It is just that
I  believe I forgot.

And so I continue
acting insanely
figuring that is
the way that I am

un-til I, pass a mirror
(a wall mounted mirage)
come face to face with my

Stories of what
I like, love, and fear
tales of my woes
their numbers are legion!

The who's  I am NOT.
The whys long forgot.
The if's and so whats

and how to act
during the joyous
Oct 2014 · 549
Every Planet, Every Star
ManVsYard Oct 2014
Fireballs zoom across our sky
spewing massive vapor spawn
watering, our garden orb
with agua from beyond.

Collected in a "to be" hole
(Crater if it is quite large) Bomb!
How much H2O, would it be?
A puddle? A lake? An ocean? A POND !

Stealth droplets, called, 'landing craft"
filled with teeny  folks who yawn,
as they splashdown, into our dome of air
crahing, SPLAT, on my, fresh cut lawn.

I must pause here, to lament,
the aliens brought their tiny pets
Fido, Prince, Hairball, Fluffy, Spot.
enzymes, microbes, worms, insects!

Is what they look like to me, on me, in me...

They also ignore, grav-ity!
Or they would all end up in our toes's.
Now, they fill the "empty" spaces,nest in our hair
beards, on our faces
enter and exit? where? Thru our nose
Oct 2014 · 982
Smurf Me Up Scotty
ManVsYard Oct 2014
Anti-gravity, rivers, streams
flowin high above the grounds.

Powered by giant speakers that
pulse propulsion sounds.

Information waves in stealth
conveying, like particles: cars,

from their backyard "bye bye" gates
to the store, the moon, venus, the stars.

So small they nest on cell towers
tweet, tweeting their "special effects"
and form a web, grid, around the whole thing
a mulit-port, self guiding, blue cloud matrix.
Oct 2014 · 526
Round 72
ManVsYard Oct 2014
I yawn and raise my arms up high
awaken from my rest.
I think about a dream I had
a-bout a little test.

A test in life, a guage of how
asleep I was and for how long
an hour, a day, some months or years?
Someone must have banged a gong

I did not search for time clues
but I found then anyway
scrapyard reciepts, swarthy rhyming tweets
no hint that I would hit the hay

A plan to set a few things right
clean up my crowded cluttered life
I must have made too much progress
maybe I just flunked the test

Round 73

I yanw and raise my arms.....
Oct 2014 · 379
Expirey Dates
ManVsYard Oct 2014
my past due expiration date
has just arrived again
every fifteen minutes or so
I get that "no me" yen

dying inside
sixty times a day
is a bit hard, to get used to
I thought it woud be just a few

Or BANG! Like the drop
of a size 10 shoe.
Oct 2014 · 299
ManVsYard Oct 2014
worries for the future
worries for today
worries that
I will get lost

Unable to find the way.

to a place  I know not
where or whence
I may go visit-ing.

Or if it even does exist
but still
I go a - tizzy - ing
Oct 2014 · 526
The Scent of The Source
ManVsYard Oct 2014
Each generation of we-bots
installs an app called "Been Forgots"
(of-the-wheres), we came from long ago.

So, each can play their special part
in life, just one great big, freak, show.

Hairies, fairies, ordinaries
hybernating with trolls and stealths.
Hypertexting to alternate selfs
churning, burning, always, on - the - go.

Grinnin as-if all is peachy.

"It's like they have and endless supply
of hi-grade hy-dro!"

So, drink eight ounces e-v-ery day,
Eat an apple every night
(you add ten gigs with every bite).
Bytes! Liquids help the data flows.

PS: garbage in, garbage out,
power down nightly, for upgrades of, your "knows".

Blowing, wafting, in the cool breeze,
the exhalations of the trees.
Solid ground on which we walk,
becomes the tongue, with which we talk.

The seeds we planted last December
will bloom into beauitful fragrants.

Take a sniff. Now, remember.
ManVsYard Oct 2014
When life, seems like a nightmare
from which there is  no  escape,
no one to pinch
no way to wake
no pills to take,
to make, the stench smell rosey,
to drain the dread
out of my heart
no fence to scale, no screach-ing, rusty, gate,

When, words of fear are spinning
like a gyre inside my guesthost, skull,
a whirling top
wobbling non-stop
a pin-point brain mop
circles in crops in mindfields, of marigolds
plant-ed with love, springfed
but message obsucre - ed
by a small muddy pond, of tears, over full.

When hope, is a four letter word,
black not white lies, abound
clinched, sore teeth
self-sad grief
trapped underneath
relief, is what, tall trees, do year-round.
Rotting roots
long lost un-truths
when I fall, will I make a sound?

— The End —