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Petrichor fills my senses , the western hemisphere receives the miracle of Dawn , magnificent palate of morning revealed in first light , punctual feast delegated amongst the plant world of the Americas ..Pull of the tide , the Moon coupled with mystery , disappearance , Sister Venus with nocturnal creatures of the forest relocate their private dwellings with the new day ! Warm , cool air confluence , Western cloud banks foretell Natures ambivalence ! Steadfast purveyor of the rambunctious , ever changing Earth !
Copyright October 23 , 2015 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Light creates images for us,
the appearance of Reality.

All that we know, all that
seems so real, is playing
a part we have asked it to
play. Unmanifest Reality,
appearing as all forms,
and all phenomena.

All that we know
is a dance of shadows
playing across
the infinite
ocean of bliss,
©Elisa Maria Argiro
A harsh Winter day , sweating copper , shoring ditches , sporting long johns and ***** coveralls , thankfully returning home to hot coffee and a chair in the kitchen ! Glance at a seashell on the window sill from Daytona Beach , recalling beautiful blue Summer days with Brown Pelicans , white seagulls and salt water taffy ! Ships on her horizon , children laughing with frisbees and sweet Summer memories ! What beautiful token from that magnificent coastland tempers a thick skinned , calloused workers train of thought such as mine this very evening ?
Copyright October 12 , 2015 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
The ghost of me from yesteryear
Visited me in my dreams last night
Reminded me of innocence so dear
Causing me to shed precious tears
Missing innocence’s wondrous light
The ghost of me from yesteryear
Encouraged me to release my fears
Now my soul struggles to take flight
And reminded me of innocence so dear
Though my path is not always clear
I fear being caught in an endless night
The ghost of me from yesteryear
Has snuggled in and holds me near
Wanting to fill me with such delight
And reminds me of innocence so dear
Silence fills me as I peer
Deep inside to find love so bright
The ghost of me from yesteryear
Reminded me of innocence so dear

Kelly Rose
October 16, 2015
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