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Keith W Fletcher Dec 2019
My shadow looms largest
At the dusks dwindling light
Overwhelmed by darkness
Disappearing from sight
Leaving me alone to atone
For all that I feel I might have done
in careless disregard for others who
Dont realize night doesnt cover their shadow ...... It joins it to all become one.
Keith W Fletcher Nov 2019
Was it the fitful dreams
Or maybe it was the annoying flies
Persistent in their touch and go
On the tip of my nose ..that opened my eyes
To be met
With the reality
Of a pillow drenched with sweat
From my bedraggled saturated hair
As that may have been more the cause
That rousted me into this sweltering putrid air
Not even the ceiling fan was moving
As the power had been pulled 2... or
Oh... who knows....... a few days ago
Outside the grimy fly spect window I could see
The rainbow bedazzled sailboat sail
Gently moving across the placid aqua blue water
From up here on the second floor  
I could see the entire lake is it stretched away
To seamlessly blend with the baby blue sky

Closer in along the shoreline a dozen little kids at play
Content in their animated movement as they skittered about
All brightly dressed little 4 or 5 year olds
Reminding me of gumballs as they spilled out of a torn sack
Watching carefully were the parents or guardians
Posted in somnolent but  wary guard duty
Along the peremater wall of park benches

Along the bright green manicured ground
Brightly colored and abstract blankets
were scattered around
Where people sat or lay back
To watch the lazy movement of cotton fluff clouds tracking north

Standing there taking this all in
I noticed two dead flies that had crash-landed on the windowsill
Victims of that invisible barrier to freedom
Good I said to myself  out loud
As I hoped one was the kamikaze who woke me from the sleep into this
Although I had to admit the beauty
All that life - Love - happiness and fun
Was something special to see  for
And I stood there sweat drenched
Overheated and overcome by the overwhelming desire to close the ****** curtain
So that's exactly what I did
And then lay back down with laced fingers behind my head
To stare at the ceiling and the fly that wandered around and around the  motionless ceiling fan blade
And I was ....
Powerless to do anything about it
Keith W Fletcher Nov 2019
Somewhere somehow someone
That it's okay
To allow the water to be polluted
As long as it's downstream
From the elite and privileged classes

And if they please
They mow down the trees
Ignore the sign and pay the fine
Amid smiles and afflicted laughter
The glasses ring with a fine crystal ting
And they reset the finish line...
.... yet another time

While somewhere deep inside
Mother Earth shudders and sighs
Hope is torn loose from the truth
That no longer matters or applies
Serving as an example ,how to trample
The garden into total submission
Keith W Fletcher Nov 2019
A pall fell over the crowd
When they heard the announcement
The pronouncement
That freedom had been rescinded
Pursuit of happiness has ended
Your liberty is no longer honored
Arguing is no longer tolerated
Your reality is about to be eviscerated
By the new one we have created .
Keith W Fletcher Nov 2019
It  ain't always fiction
And you' ll feel that friction
When you get dragged across...
... those memories
That are as rough as cobblestone
And you know that means you
really are...  really really really are
all alone

Bleeding like rain from all your wounds
That you ignored  
Or tried to - for so long
Like trying to find happiness
While listening
Listening to the saddest tunes

Cant ever really dance
When you are broke in half
No matter how hard you try
Cannot turn those painful days
Into good nights by trying to fake a laugh

When you know
That you still leave a trail
Everywhere  you go
from the sharp edge of each fine detail

When you are being dragged
over those
Cobblestone memories
as it keeps all
those wounds bleeding - just like water flows

And you know...OH YEAH!
Yeah you really know
That it will take some time
To allow your SELF to really heal
Both your body and your mind
Until one day
You take a chance
and glance behind ...To find
exactly what you need
That you did indeed... manage to succeed
In weathering out the storm

Because ...BECAUSE...

though the wounds do still exist
you see that they no longer bleed
Cobblestone ...Cobblestone
Time to allow my memories
To stand on their own
Whatever they turn out to be
Whatever they turn out to be....TO ME!
Keith W Fletcher Nov 2019
She came a kickin through the doorway
Just sbout  as mad as I've ever seen
her hair was on Fire and she smelled like gasoline
She was spittin out words at a mile a minute
I tried to intervene with a word or two
But I couldn't even squeeze a syllable in between
But it seem to have something to do with her daughter...  Delta Dean
who had just barely turned 17
And just as pretty as a vine ripe  peach
And I know that you know
Exaaactly ...what I mean!

I  figured it was probably some young stud
Who decided to see if he was tall enough to reach

Whoever he was
trying to see if he could get into that tree
I kind of feel sorry for ya
whoever you may be
I can't imagine Colleen
Puttin up  with anyone to trifle
And I imagine she's up there now
searching up and down looking all around
Fit to be tied and ready to rip off my hide
If she cant figure out where I might of hid
Her daddies old rusty trusty squirrel killin rifle I mumbled out a prayer
up under my breath
I don't know Who You are
but if you have any sense
you'd be scared to death
A making Fast tracks for getting out of the state
or out of the county
at any rate
and then I heard her coming back down
When she stepped on that old creaky step
went up in a rage but came back down
Much more sedate
earrings in her hand and I guess
that she saw that strange look on my face
so she kissed my cheek
and she said I don't know if I can take it
she wants to drive
and  that's okay
but she got my diamond stud earring
and I got to wear these of little old pearls today
As she was Heading out the door
i started to let myself say
Pearls Before swine
but at the very last second
I grabbed my tongue  
And I changed my mind ......

What the hell were you thinkin ....
   You been drinkin ?No!   Well maybe we outa be
Cause that was too close .
Keith W Fletcher Oct 2019
I am beginning to realize the depths of corruption ,and absolute hatred necessary  to fracture the very  foundation that is needed for any  civilization to exist within the framework of world history,!  Time alone dictates when tribalism becomes the natural antidote for the ills of entrenched  governments- not ones borne of true rule of law or any visionary enmeshed enlightenment,- but one simply conjured up by the latest charlatans of any era. The ability of persuasion is probably more powerful when introduced to the upward mobile societies because the very same momentum that is required to navigate the rise is also the fuel that will widen the gap between the haves and the have-nots.
   No government ( as we understand such elements today)  could step into power here and make a balancing  attempt short of totalitarian austerity, simply because those who have become the rich and powerful riders are not concerned by who , what why or how they are allowed to ride so comfortably up the rise . No! Sadly they only care about their seat, and making it secure for themselves and theirs, not the multitudes of laboring, hungry ,abused, and neglected who have found their life is simply 1 of 2 choices . 1 is to just push and survive for themselves and therefore their families or quit pushing and try to get out of the suddenly backsliding monster , hoping to salvage something - anything - from the eventual catastrophic collision as the future propels itself into the reality of an ever looming past ; that is time itself and cannot be stopped. Certainly not  by our insignificance, no matter how vainglorious we believe we are !  In the end, - as in any beginning -  time has shown that we are nomads to entrenched stone fortresses... back to nomads.. to bigger, stronger fortresses that never hold forever- time sees to that as it passes by.. ,carrying the latest brand of tribal nomads with it and crushing all in its wake. The world ,- I fear - has never seen the likes of the  American  
nomads, who are now being manufactured as we stand here today ,arguing about what MAGA means and what bathrooms should be used . In Federal terms AGAIN indicates a return to something we were... which is something time simply will not allow , as those riding high and unconcerned are determined to see for themselves as it flashes before their eyes . I am no longer pushing or encouraging others ,who may believe a rest will exist when we reach the crest. No crest exists because time is constant ,it's march always steady and it's path is a flat endless plane while we create the rise and angle of ascent  in mathmatical precision ...calculated by the number of ,and energy needed, by the ones   pushing-multiplied by the unknown factor of X (what it takes to stay alive )
.   Hungry, hopeless ,frightened, sick and neglected people cannot( no matter the good will and pride )  keep going if more energy output only steepens the angle. Time runs this show and you know what that saying is ...only time will tell.
Absolutely correct ...only this go round we may still have an internet connection linking us back to who you were and what you did to your family name . That will be your legacy ,but it may well be the heavy chain of shame that your children and  grandchilren will bear the weight of for generations to come- and only you know why they are sentenced to do your time as  the Amercan version of untouchables
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