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Keith W Fletcher Oct 2019
Allow me to be
T.he one
Who helps you
Set yourself  free
Removing all those chains
That had  been  for so long
weighing you down
Wipe away those stains
Set you back on your road again
So  that  THAT.....familiar ground
WILL hopefully
remind you was
     ...once you were bound

Then if you need...someone
to walk along beside you
For a moment a minute or a day
Well that would be me
and if you need somebody
To walk farther up ahead
Even behind
That would be okay
I dont mind ..really
Im here for you ...  
        ...not me.
Keith W Fletcher Oct 2019
I love the way
her hair creates
a mysterious land
of shadowy depth
As it falls across
  the outside
corner of her eye
As that accentuates
those cool pools
glistening eyes of mordant green
Inviting the overheated
The physically depleted .
A respite  an oasis
Right at the entry
Of that shadowy mystery
Like a fairytale forest
I want to get lost in that woodland
haunting beauty and waiting mystery ,
but alas  i dare not trespass
Time may find a chance perhaps
For now i slip silent into the cool
Of the eyes so green where i can float
Where i may swim or Then again
I could just dive deep
never to resurface
and a hundred lifetimes
In the beauty of her face... .your face!
Keith W Fletcher Oct 2019
In the America we are building
we fight hard for our right
To do others wrong!
Keith W Fletcher Oct 2019
I fell
lost and forlorn
the grief stricken
darkness ladened
Time braided
,minutes and hours
While she lay
in chill surround
Far away from
All things familiar
I like to think
I feel her energy
I must believe
She lives to see me
To cry out in mournful relief
At my arrival joyous wailing
Not the bellowing of my own grief
When this morning i return
To the vet and hope my baby
Was not in need of all  my woes
Of my long night
of overflowing  concern
Im scared to death
of mornings light
And what will be the things i learn

"Please Oh God of  love.....don't......"
Keith W Fletcher Oct 2019
They stand in blatant disregard
Unmpressed by how deeplly scarred
The lives are
As they roll through
Protected by the coded hue
The twisted visions and pirate pose
Avast and untouched area grows
A veritable smorgasbord  
of victims wait
and saturate
In the oily slime
Of those committing legal crime
Doing all they believe they can do
With anonymity
  and  assumed impunity
Behind the thinnest of veiled ruse
Blue lines and the sides each
will choose.
Keith W Fletcher Oct 2019
Someday soon
this space
will be empty
No for rent sign
Will bring to mind
What used to be
The occupant  who
Truly fought to do
All he could
thinking that should
Be enough to sustain
The publics relation
The joining together
Through true considerations
Re•noun•ced  reverberations
Pronoun•ced vowel use
In sentencing alliteration
To solitary inconsiderations
In deliberations or  indeterminant
So in the end
resulting  Inclinations  
may have hinged upon
That period
with an overriding Exclamation  
marking the end
extinguishing the flame
accepting that the now dark  emptiness
May have
Tried  to guess... as they did their best
To seek out some exclamation  mark
but in the end, they could not bend
It into a question mark  
The end came like a thief in the night
Leaving an emptiness all but unnoticed  
As poem after poem came tumbling down
Torn loose by the very same hand
that  also once wrote us
Someday soon  this space will be empty
With no  "for rent " signs  to  remind 
That anything ever even existed herein.
Keith W Fletcher Oct 2019
FOR SALE- cheap
Make me an
I can no  longer afford to keep
Since its not working - that is to say
It runs okay
Just not for me...
...Is it able to do ....
....all it's supposed to
So its just a thing now that is in my way
What its real value is
I haven't a clue
Just needs to be gone
Out of my sight
OUT OF the memories
That are all torn apart
Comes the need to succeed
As i am Sellng cheap ....a one- owner heart.

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