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Written by Keith Edward Baucum
The River of the Painted Rocks inspires a heartfelt allegory , imparted unto Butterfly and Zinnia , River to Seashore , Hill Country to a grateful resident .. May White-tailed Deer appear from her woodlands at Dawn and graze upon her open countryside forever ! ......
Copyright -September 15 , 2015 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
"This is the day we've been waiting on.  It's ok to be nervous but don't be scared.  You are the sacred vessel" said the tall dark skin woman as she looked down into the eyes of the ten year old boy.  Dressed in a red and black robe the ten year old boy says "I'm not afraid.  I'm just ready to get this over with."  "That's just what I wanted to hear Levi.  It's time to get started.  Please follow behind me" said the tall dark skin woman.  "Yes mother" said Levi as he followed his mother out of his room.  Leading Levi down a long hall that was illuminated with red light his mother says "When Priest summon the spirit Cruelty remember not to fight it.  Just let it take over."  "Ok" said Levi.  When Levi and his mother entered the worship area Levi's mother had him stand in front of the altar and the clergy.  "Thank you Harriet for escorting Levi to the altar" said a tall figure wearing a black hooded robe.  "You're welcome Priest" said Harriet.  Stepping down from the altar holding a baby creature in his right hand and a knife in his left hand Priest stood in front of Levi.  Priest stabbed the baby creature in it's stomach and ripped it opened.  He then dipped his finger in the baby creature's blood and anointed Levi's forehead with it's blood.  "Bring me the Book of Sins" said Priest.  Stepping down from the altar holding the Book of Sins a short figure wearing a black hooded robe brought Priest the Book of Sins.  Turning to the chapter of Cruelty, Priest began reading.  "As night blinds the sight of the male and the female and Hate stands on the grave of Love.  Only then will evil reveal it self.  Like Death stalking the living Cruelty will crush Kindness.  I offer this vessel to the mistress Cruelty.  Come forward I summon you Cruelty."  When Priest finished reading from the Book of Sins the red lights that illuminated the compound began to flicker off and on.  From out of no where a gust of wind began to circle around Levi.  Slowly the wind began to transform into black smoke.  Over taken with fear Levi was unable to move.  Entering through Levi's gaping mouth the black smoke took possession of him.  Shaking violently Levi fell to the floor.  "Levi are you all right?" asked Priest.  Standing to his feet and looking Priest in his face with eyes as black as death Levi says "The child is no longer in control."  Walking up to Priest, Levi sticks his hand in Priest's stomach and pulls out his intestines.  "LEVI YOU KILLED YOUR FATHER!" screamed Harriet as she ran over to the lifeless body of Priest.  "I am Cruelty.  Like I told the child's father Levi is no longer in control but for amusement everyone may still call me Levi" said Cruelty as she looked at Harriet.  Pointing at the robed figures on the altar Cruelty tells them to get rid of Priest's dead body.  "Yes Levi" said the robed figures.
Written by Keith Edward Baucum
Existential awareness
surrounds her being.
Emanating light in
the most magical of ways.

Lythe and lissome,
filled with the essence of Love.
Her smile settles in as a
wave into sand.

The embrace is filled with
compassion and mercy,
touching and dear...
One is blessed by energy received.

Our "I dream of" joyously present.
"Your wish is my pleasure" Genie,
reveals wisdom of
the Ancient ones.

A divine vessel of Being
Words of clarity, knowledge and
understanding, eminating
from a place of otherworld divinity

Her voice is an instrument of
Celestial Beings. A mistress to the
Heavens, She blesses us
with each communication shared.

Grateful for her miracle of
Manna (Mana) We are gifted by
the gentleness with
which she shows the way...

☆Jeannie is a Channeler☆

(CHANNELER. : a person who
conveys thoughts or energy from
a source believed to be outside the
person's body or conscious mind;
specifically: one who speaks
for nonphysical beings or spirits.)
(MANNA: the power of the
elemental forces of nature
embodied in an object or person).

Copyright © 2015 Christi Michaels.
All Rights Reserved.
This piece is not to be viewed as
anti-faith of any Religion. Rather a
celebration of all spirtuality
that represents Love.
Anger the ******* child of Hatred despised and rejected stands before his father and ask "What do me and my mother mean to you?"  With glowing red eyes Hatred answers "I care nothing for you or your mother Lust.  Lust your mother is nothing more than a **** who I had *** with."  Looking Hatred in his fiery red eyes Anger says "For someone who lurk in the shadows you hurl a lot of insults."  Stepping closer to Anger, Hatred responds with another insult "Your mother Lust is a **** plain and simple.  How can you not know and who are you to question me?"  With a bold voice Anger says "My mother is not a **** and I am your son."  With an evil smile Hatred says "Her name tells you what she is.  Don't blame me for the life you was dealt.  If you're looking for love you'll find her with the rest of the virtues in Tranquility.  Why can't you be more like your sister Cruelty?  Truly you are a waste of *****."  Turning his back to Hatred, Anger respond by saying "These are my last words to you.  You're a pillar of salt.  No one wants to be around you."  As Anger walked into the night he heard Hatred say "Like father like son."
Written by Keith Edward Baucum
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