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 Nov 2016 kaycog
Seán Mac Falls
In overcrowd of family
I was orphan.  No legacy
Of leftover dream, in shut
Into indifference and colds
Unfounded, of cacophonies,
Egg of unreal yolks cracked,
Where even a heart is mute
Without ear, without touch,
When a soul is overlooked,
Like a shadow in high sun,
With parents, who seethe,
Breaking their own bonds,
In a room free of warmth,
Unbeknownst, harmony,
Let loose from civilities,
Open to rot and curses,
Hollow as any prideful
Automatons bent out
Selfless unknowings
True destructions,
Negating orphan.
 Nov 2016 kaycog
 Nov 2016 kaycog
person: "are you taken?"

me: "for granted"
 Nov 2016 kaycog
 Nov 2016 kaycog
i really can't wait for the day that someone looks at me like I'm their everything and wants to keep hold of me forever
 Nov 2016 kaycog
Married to the criminal;
Married to the saint.
Eventually the dreams are grinded;
Seasoning for the steak that
finds its way to the plate
Every single night.
When will I wake?, you say
as you take a bite.
'Tis all, I'm afraid, she replied
as she raised her knife and
portioned out her life.

A tear fell away;
The steak was seasoned, right?
Just another day,
A husband and his wife.
 Nov 2016 kaycog
Madhukanta Sen
Days are sweet
With an interplay
Of sun and clouds...

Nights are beautiful
With the super moon
And moonlight...

TV is disturbing
But music is soothing.
Listen to more music.

Winter is approaching
But there is Christmas
At its wake!
So stay cheerful!

We have travels in front of us...
Feeling excited about it
But will miss home
And all of you...

But I will only be gone for a month.
So let us rock on!
It is never all bad...
 Nov 2016 kaycog
Akira Chinen
We fall in love
Deep mad love
And everything
Everything about life
seems better
We hold hands
Kiss tightly and long
We get lost between
Slow *** and hard
reckless *******
We stay up late
with the stars
and catch the sunrise
We phone and talk
about nothing
and anything
and lose ourselves
in laughter and
forget to care about
what time it is
And time passes
and we get comfortable
We get so ******
that we forget about
the fire
the madness
and slowly we take
love for granted
We laze around it
We wander from it
in the grocery store
the long car rides
we carelessly ignore it
during what was once
love making and not
just killing time or
just ******* to ****
And the fire dies down
And madness packs up
And soon enough
mouths no longer kiss
and hands dont hold
and then
theres yelling
and finger pointing
and blame tossed around
And we forget about love
We forget how it all happened
How we got so
****** comfortable
and we lose it
and we find misery
and then misery gets
so ****** comfortable
and we enjoy it
We enjoy being miserable
and we just gotta laugh
about how stupid we
can be
 Nov 2016 kaycog
Lynn Al-Abiad
Tell me you love me one more time
Test me
What will I do?
Will I fall back again?
Will I take the bus to see you?
Will I walk away or come closer?
Will I smile or lower my irises to the ground?
Will I say it back or clear my throat?
Will I make love to you or touch your face fondly?

Endless choices to an endless love
Test me
You'll go to bed holding one more soft memory of me.

- LynnAA

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