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Rivers of Babylon flows on biceps
Hairly face, pin nose of unmade make up
Sparks beauty in her lonely sky face
Which suitors commit adultery in words

For wishes of closeness, I wish in millions in one day
Time only divide us, but our soul are conjugated
On a plain of misty air, how beautiful and sad it is
Our wishes drown us onto the path of loneliness

Did you see loneliness my love ?
But why I can't see it my love ?
How about our God ?
I am in your vast blue sky,
and every night I am sleeping in your warm heart

Filling the gap that resides in me
For all my breathe belongs to you
My days of soil and unsoiled cloaks you in me
I love your hands...دست های تو را دوست دارم for they are divine

In it does the words of love burn like the sun
Making the lonely persian jasmine smile
As the gulf waves secret writing on your heart
I Belteshazzar love the writing till the end of my life

Solemn steel avouch with sun and water
Yet the loose their beauty crying to the air for help
Humans without their eyes are still beautiful
So their loneliness become a persian jewelry

Written by
Martin Ijir
this poem is a collaboration of me with Martin Ijir
he is a real friend for everyone :-) <3
by the way i chose the title ;-)
 Jan 2018 kaycog
 Jan 2018 kaycog
I worry about you
When I can't hear your voice
And even more when I do hear it.

I worry about you
When the silence stares me in the face,
And especially when you fall apart.

I worry about you love,
When we don't sleep together
And you haven't checked my messages

My god I worry about you so much
That if I didn't I might as well
Do what I promised you I never would

I would let myself fall apart
And let myself be sad
I would let myself be unhappy-

Over someone I love so much
That when we don't talk I feel less full.
Somehow I feel less myself

Sometimes I worry about how it would feel if you ever left...
But mostly I worry that you worry about me the same
 Jan 2018 kaycog
I can’t even type it whole
I’ve never said it out loud
I’ve whispered it
Like some people whisper the
word ***
But I’ll never be bold enough
to just say it
It’s the most heart wrenching
word ever created
It consumes my every thought
Yet I refuse to acknowledge it
I prefer the words desired, accepted, loved.

I do not want this word Re-ject-ion
 Jan 2018 kaycog
Colin Makgill
 Jan 2018 kaycog
Colin Makgill
Acorn, maize and hawthorn
baby we were all born from light
beaten broken shattered
maybe we won't matter
if matter is all that we like
so its come to this
an abyss of crazy ****
****** out torn from fright
hazy from a kiss
crossed out promises
we got boxes of it
dreams of sailing the night
 Jan 2018 kaycog
 Jan 2018 kaycog
i will be made of love again
just you wait
it will gleam like dew on my skin
spark my eyes
it will fill out my hips
pour into the gaps
between my ribs
i will be full of it
it will burst forth from me
like sunlight
i will be radiant, evergreen
my love will be in overabundance
i will not know what to do with it all
but know this
not a drop of it will be spilt on you
not a dappled ray of light
will be wasted on your skin
my brilliance will not feed you
i will not be eaten.
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