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Aug 2015 · 339
Karen Pimentel Aug 2015
I listen to that song you liked so much
close my eyes and breathe the air you're not breathing
It kills me
I'm breathing but it kills me
Each breath, and I'm closer to madness
Deceivingly bothered by unattachments
to you
to life
to this mediocre page in my journal that can cut you like a knife   
into a million pieces
Jul 2015 · 350
3:00 am
Karen Pimentel Jul 2015
"I have nothing to say."
What? Am I supposed to feel better that everyone has ******* stories than I?
They've been *****, abused, almost killed, addicted to drugs and other things.
They have scars.
But so do I.
Its like this competition of who's more deserving of feelings.
Who's more depressed? And its sick. As ****.
Got people in here lookin at you like you're totally fine, and people out there lookin at you like you're not.
Jun 2015 · 364
Karen Pimentel Jun 2015
anytime anywhere
Apr 2015 · 814
Karen Pimentel Apr 2015
She's going in reverse
she felt like a baby who needed a security blanket, a teddy bear
throwing inner tantrums, praying for something
She used to be a chameleon, adapted
must have lost her colors to something so ******* shallow
oh well, she's not ashamed, her body can't help it
**** it, she says
She's a baby, going backwards
needs, needs, needs
gets, and pushes away
Lost connections make her feel hopeless
Since when did everyone become a part of her?
The irony is that nobody really is
She shelters herself in a daydream
is her own bestfriend, makes herself feel ordinary
Comfortable, safe, apparently its dangerous
She lacks, but she loves
She's a baby
just some ****
Sep 2014 · 1.2k
In our nature
Karen Pimentel Sep 2014
I want to have control
but truthfully the thought of pleasing you controls me
the guilt I'd feel inside of not pleasing you controls me
and although I may have the control of a different mindset
My love for you is simply too strong to control
Why, I'd die to have control of my life
I'd die
Feb 2014 · 437
Karen Pimentel Feb 2014
Drained, depressed, dead
I'm not supposed to feel this way
Confused, clueless
I feel them getting closer
Scared shitless
Why is that shadow moving?
Distorted view
Chaos at the tip of my toes
Why is my head spinning?
Helpless, hopeless
Shaking bodies, no control
Banging heads, squeezing arms, bruising legs
Nobody sees
Jan 2014 · 600
Karen Pimentel Jan 2014
These strong urges, these strong desires
to get to that final destination
Chills taking over my entire body
starting from my arms straight to my head
Blanking my whole mind
These good feelings, amazing feelings
I think this is the best I've ever felt, and that's sad
I'm sad that I feel complete at this moment
Dec 2013 · 326
Karen Pimentel Dec 2013
time doesn't exist; change exists.

— The End —