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Just look me in the eye
And tell me you love me
no strings attached
 Dec 2014 Kaitlynn
Melody Goodner
you are a summer night

the way you keep me up

so hot the sheets stick to me

i have to open the windows,

take off all my clothes

morning comes and i still

feel you on my skin

Settle yourself.

Try to understand.

We were meant to love.

And if we can not love, then we were meant to try to love.

And failing that we were made to breathe.

And try again.

-Sean Critchfield
This is the product of an exercise. I was instructed to grab the 7th book on my shelf, turn to page 7, and use the 7th line as my first line. The poem was restricted to seven lines.
 Dec 2014 Kaitlynn
I need you
Not in the needy way
But more like in the way
Mere mortals need air...

I want you
Not like in the
another slice of pie way
But more like the Oh My-look at that exquisite dessert way

I love you
Not like in the I love you way
But more like in the I have never been so connected to anyone in my life way

I love and need and want you
In a way I never have before

— The End —