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 Jan 2014 Kait Zinke
 Jan 2014 Kait Zinke
I crave your touch,
the soft graze of your
fingertips against
my hips

The warmth of
your breath tickling
the back of my

The constant
thrumming of your
heart - reminding
me that you are

That I am not imagining things.

That I am not crazy,
I'm just crazy in love with you.
 Jan 2014 Kait Zinke
 Jan 2014 Kait Zinke
I laugh, I cry, I even cuss
I throw the words out in the lust.
you have to stay, don't go away.
Embrace me like in the first day.
I am not lost,
Remember that...
I've found you out in the dust
You're hurting and seamed lost.
I care, I kiss, I even love.
But in the end
You choose to die.
You choose to go away
'cuz you don't have for what to stay.
 Jan 2014 Kait Zinke
 Jan 2014 Kait Zinke
"Hm.. Is this how happy looks like?"
I voice out absentmindedly.

My eyes stare at the wood grain adorning the table.
  Wordlessly, it speaks of the age.

He slowly wrote each letter on this scrap of paper.


And drew an straight arrow at the very bottom,


"Yes, that's how it looks like.
Beautiful, yes?"

You know that discomfiting feeling where there is something at the very back of your throat?
Softly silencing all your words.
It doesn't quite go away for a while.

But there certainly isn't any silence between my eyes and his.

"Yeah, me too."

Inaudible to this messy, starry universe.

But enough for
*m i ne.
Hi there darling!

 Jan 2014 Kait Zinke
 Jan 2014 Kait Zinke
I sit, I wait, I watch
I sit here wondering when you'll pull into my driveway that's a thousand miles away
See you pay your fair to the man that ended up bringing you to me
I wait for you to walk up to me and crush your red lips to my aching ones
Feeling your hair between my fingers and the grasp of your rough hands
I watch out my window waiting for you to return home to me while I sit on my bed
Just longing for the moment when I first see you again
 Jan 2014 Kait Zinke
Aravind Saju
The sparkle in your eyes,
The love in your hug,
The touch of your hand,
The warmth of your cheek,
The happines you gave,
The moments that we shared,
The kisses that i promised,
It will always be there,
Where ever you go,
How far you go,
It will always be there,
You will allways be there.
 Jan 2014 Kait Zinke
LJ Chaplin
He talks to me,
In dreams,
When I wake up,
When I sit at the writing desk,
Quill in my hand.
He made me feel safe.
Who are you?
I am Hyde.
Why are you in my head?
To guide you. To help you. To love you.

He spoke to me everyday,
His deep and subtle voice lingering
In the back of my mind,
Never interrupting  when I spoke,
Never intervening in my actions.
I felt compelled to keep him close,
To drag him from the dark confines
Of my subconscious and let him
Perch behind my eyes so he could see what I see,
Behind my mouth so he could say what I say,
Behind my heart so he can live like I live.
We became one.

But one day he changed.
He grew stronger,
I felt his phantom presence
Fuse with my bones,
Wrapping his fingers around my ribcage,
Cutting off the air in my lungs.
It was suffocating,
Letting him take over me,
To overpower me.
I tried to send him back to Hell,
Back to the dark confines
That I so willingly and half-heartedly
Pulled him from,
But I was weak and I was foolish.

I felt the sinister urges boil beneath my skin,
Felt the need for destructive satisfaction with each pulse,
He didn't want to hurt people,
I did.

I gave myself to him,
And now I am his puppet.
A tragic love story between
A troubled body
And a chaotic mind.
down on her knees
pleading for it to arrive
days without
a meager amount
she was dying
as time did pass
to be endowed
in it's refreshment
towards the heavens
her hands
were stretched
asking so earnestly
for the opening of clouds
to replenish
her core so dry
had abandoned
her terrain
gone was it's  life giving
which would allay
her anguish and pain
arid she'd been all summer long
twas too long a period
being bereft
of those quenching drops
her ground so dusty
and so lifeless
she pined
for the sweet moistening
to fill her with enlivening streams  
a band of richly laden clouds
came as she pleaded
to the sky once again
she implored in desperation
to be saturated
monster spots of rain
poured down
which so soothed her landscape's crust
was she to be in  receipt
of it's wetting balm
long she'd made supplications
to the sky
for her ground
had been excessively dry
on her knees
and with her hands stretched
to the heavens
on high
the sky bequeathed
her it's deliverance  
as her death
was drawing ever nigh
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