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 Jan 2014 Kait Zinke
 Jan 2014 Kait Zinke
Me ain't no perfect speechifyer or scribbler
But I curse the mistakes I makes
I had a stipud airor in my last poem
So what. Why should I kare?
I should' nt : **** i do
I fill the need to be perfect 100 persent of the tyme
Win it coms to grammer and usedage
Dos a meckanic need to drive perfectly;
No and ain't no nobody say nothin
**** i fill the nead to be perfact allways
It just ain't fair
How ever: ain't one people out of 363 reader
Said nothin to me
Sew may be I m the only ones who aspects
Me too bee purfect!
Or were u thinkin how Ironicable?
I wrote this as therapy to help me feel better about having an error, but now I simply feel *****. Haha
 Jan 2014 Kait Zinke
 Jan 2014 Kait Zinke
I miss sunday nights in my bed
laying there so angry with me
so unwilling to explain your jealousy
because you're so unwilling to admit
everything i can hear on the edge of your tongue
and see in the bitings of your lips.

so ******* unwilling to admit
that i make you laugh
like you never thought i would
think about things
that you never have before
talk about life like
its something so new and incredible.

i miss the things we've never done before
with an aching in me that i'll never tell
because i'll pretend to be heartless until
you can finally admit that
you miss those sunday nights in my bed
just like i do.
 Jan 2014 Kait Zinke
 Jan 2014 Kait Zinke
A love, faintly remembered, is rekindled below my weary spirit. Your acute absence has made this cliché stronger. My forbidding heart warms in the moment I smell the flame. I lose all restraint against your mysterious effect as passion overrides my shivering fear. I pull you to me desperately with a newfound innocence. I open myself over the flame with a surety never before known. You kneel intimately at my feet, removing the last of me with such a patient gentleness. My heart truly breaks at the sight of your exposed vulnerability. You light up my fair skin with your poetic hands. Tenderness, how I had forgotten your true beauty. Breathing my name into my naked shoulder, you make love to me. In response, I raise my ready body to meet yours, realizing I am lost. I cling to you, shaking, as our passion consumes all that is comprehensible. In the fading darkness, tears spill from my eyes as you stroke my neck into a false affection. I ache to have you as my own, lying with no other. The desire dies in my heaving chest as I escape this beauty once more.
I feel more sedated than alive,

Defying reason and questioning reality,

It’s like morbidly walking through

The endless fields of familiarity.

Slowly losing the ability to feel,

I can no longer distinct what is real,

Cold melancholy and apathy creep in my heart,

My existence becomes shrouded; like a rainbow in the dark.

Testing the bounds of sanity,

Human excess and passion flood the mind,

Releasing any bonds of any kind,

As I’m consumed by the snakes of vanity.

Laying among the ruins of my life,

As my paradise plummets down to Hell,

Because the confusion of chaos defeated me,

With kind words of reverence.

“Pride cometh before the Fall”,

As narcissism festers in self-loathing,

The feeling which makes your soul crawl,

Will cause intimacy to be exposed like clothing.

Fear is a thief for whom I hold no grudge,

And pain is a rehearsal for death.

I looked down at the abyss and took the lunge,

As my world was compressed into a single last breath.
 Jan 2014 Kait Zinke
 Jan 2014 Kait Zinke
the smile you give me
leaves me hanging
on the whim that is us
and i cannot let go
because you and i
are a beautiful
 Jan 2014 Kait Zinke
I have a secret...
Promise you won't tell?
If you break our promise you may die...

Was that a threat?
I cannot tell...
A little girl in front if me...
Something is amiss-not well...

If I tell you the secret...
Can I trust that you'll keep it that way?

Those words-no-
her* word echoed...
Trust a strong word indeed...
Can she trust me?

I trust you,
So let's keep it that way~

What way?
What secret?
What trust?
Words I want to say...

Hush, I know what you want to say...
But first let me tell you this:

History is repeating...
It has been renewed.
Your life is now nothing...
You are your own dying art piece of a dark ****** hue.

People can't keep promises...
That's why trust is so hard to make.
People leave each other...
That's why relationships are usually fake.

I don't want to know!
I want my eyes closed!
This pain is unnecessary,
Leave the truth Untold!

But this ****** little girl continues,
As if I never Spoke...
I cried for her to stop,
Covering my ears as she spoke.

But her words penetrate...
Into my Mind...
Into my Soul.

Unfairness has been breached...
By the inhumanness of this world.
War is just there,
To bring down our walls...

Speaking out your mind!
You are silence for all!
People think you're crazy!
Many will watch you fall!

If you think me insane,
Think of this now!
You are the crazy one!
Believing these lies,


Of all the things...
You wish to not do...

I run to her.
I covered her mouth.
I have to silence her,
Or Death will befall us both.

**Hush child,
All is well,
I Know these Secrets,
And I know none of them is well...

But speak no more...
Child of Sight...
For the world forbids us...
To open our eyes...

Keep these a secret...
Until the time is right...
Fore Darkness will crush...
Every force of Light...
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