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 Mar 2014 Kaiden Faith
Yesterday, it was all so gloomy,
Yesterday, it was all so grim,
But of course, it was yesterday.

Today, it is all so happy,
Today, it is all so fun,
But of course, it is today.

Yesterday, all hope was gone,
Yesterday, all here was tears,
But o'course, 'twas yesterday.

Today, all hope is back,
Today, all here smile,
But o'course, 'tis today.

Yes I feel the difference dear,
I feel happy in the best way,
The reason is you, yes you.
My HP Poem #561
©Atul Kaushal

I saw footprints in the snow
I had to follow where they go
Tip toe'd in every step
To keep my feet from getting wet

Over Hilltops, through valleys
And forests of pine
I traveled and traveled
Snow blind to time

When the footsteps ended
It was once again spring
I traveled the world
and hadn't seen a thing

Stranded by the shores
of vast oceans blue
With very little hope
and nothing to do

Except watch pirates
catch mermaids
With lassos of gold
And dolphins tell stories
Of days of old

As all seemed lost
What did I see
That sent a wave of hope
Crashing over me

I saw footprints in the sand.....
 Mar 2014 Kaiden Faith
 Mar 2014 Kaiden Faith
I touched Your eyes,
in Your sleep.
the dream was
beyond my reach...
I can have You, only this much!
 Mar 2014 Kaiden Faith
Desert Life
 Mar 2014 Kaiden Faith
Desert pool shimmers/
   Drinking water from cupped hands
   Cool sweetness of life

r ~ 5Mar14
I am too angry to write
My words will burn through the paper
Tear it to shreds
Smoldering anger
Burst into flame
Will destroy
Whatever I write
I am so angry that it feels like
Pouring out from deep within
 Mar 2014 Kaiden Faith
 Mar 2014 Kaiden Faith
I’ve sat quiet for several years now
I’ve just watched as you pushed me on
I’ve been laughing on the outside
I’ve sat quiet because I’m strong

I don’t complain when you go too far
I don’t care if I’m up till dawn
I don’t stop to take a rest
I don’t complain because I’m strong

I am still here because I don’t give in
I am content because you are wrong
I am not a fool for my beliefs or values
I am still here because I’m strong
If you ever need help, I'm here.
Run your fingers through my soul.
For once, just once,
Feel exactly what I feel,
Believe what I believe,
Perceive as I perceive,
Look, experience, examine
And just for once,
Just once
 Mar 2014 Kaiden Faith
I have one last request. **** me.
Help me run away. Anything.
I sit here in agonizing pain as
I press my frozen fingertips
Into my burning eyes,
Murdering every tear that threatens to escape.
I feel chilled across every expanse of my skin and
I wait for the end that I have wanted for so long.
 Feb 2014 Kaiden Faith
If it was known before that I have done what I have done,
I still would not be here. Any sooner, I would be gone, and later and I would have fallen apart more than I am now.
Please just leave me be.
I don't want to leave, but I want to go.
And it is all your fault.
My mom found out that I hurt myself yesterday. I just want her to leave me alone... Is that too much to ask? She caused this! Her and the rest of the people that judge me, don't understand me. I feel used, I am a puppet. This is exactly ******* why I did what I did in the first place! I need my own life!
 Feb 2014 Kaiden Faith
They’re back again.
The visions in my head,
The ones of blood.
Of my blood.
On the floor of my room.
Porcelain eyes are watching.
Staring at the mess I've made.
Scarlet threads on my wrists and neck are unraveling,
The color draining from my body.
Painful from your eyes,
Peaceful from mine.
Stress and worry are gone.
Never to be seen from my eyes again,
For my eyes can no longer see.
I am posting one of my first poems. I have it on another account, but I decided to post it on this one because it means a lot to me.
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