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Your heart
A badge in your lapel
Stabbed with a safety pin
Dripping dark shadows
On your black winter coat

Your eyes
The sins you never commited
You keep them wide open
Shooting bright sparks
On the moving frame of your world.
 Feb 2017 K M M
phil roberts
Never trust the establishment
They do not exist for our benefit
For they believe  that we exist
For their convenience
Their only purpose is self-perpetuation
And they think that our only function
Is to accommodate that purpose
Whereas our true cause should be
To get rid of the *******

                                        By Phil Roberts
 Feb 2017 K M M
Jane Christensen
I love the sounds of seagulls and I know why
It makes me think of special days gone by
Early morning walking thru the dunes
Listening to them ‘singing’ all their tunes

Racing the surf, jumping waves and building castles
With those gulls flying low with all their chatters
They glide by with eagle eyes and notice all
Just in case a wee morsel of food might fall

The countless hours we lay upon the beach
Listening to every little screech
They came and looked at us and then
Decided they were not into our Zen

And when the ocean winds begin to blow
And gusts of air move in with every flow
These creatures catch the air and soar along
And keep us all alerted with their song

And now I close my eyes and take a breath
And feel the sea air in my chest
I hear the rise and fall of seagull sounds
When they frolic in the air of coastal grounds

©By Jane Jan 16, 2011
 Feb 2017 K M M
I'm afraid to lure to you to me,
I know they won't like it.
I'm scared for you to know me,
I feel like I'm a ball you'll hit.
Foreign people, foreign disputes,
Pacing unrealistic promises.
Trying to make up absolutes,
Even though I'm the only one making crash courses.
Tying to talk to us again,
Attempting to rhyme;
Like sewing tattered linen;
Quite easy, but not easy on time.
I left just for me to return,
I typed just for you to know;
I'd never stop, I'd never learn;
Like a madman resurrecting someone from a barrow.
I just want to talk to you about random **** like we once did

Even though I know I'm not that important to you
the boat pierced the grey mist
and her eyes were misty

it has taken us twenty years
to be on that green island
to dig up the time
she glowed like a butterfly
and I shivered from her touch

her hand is ripened now
but that time
still hanging in the air
unleashed a wildness
froth from which
spilled into two children
chasing butterflies.
Sabuj Dwip (Green Island) on the confluence of the rivers Bhagirathi and Behula; 1996, 27.11.2016; 1 pm.
 Feb 2017 K M M
I nearly passed out... Or did I?  Wait!  
I need to help the darkness princess..
I must swim up!
I must save them all!

I emerge from the shadow filled pond that was formely a prison cell of some sort.  It held captive the princess of darkness.  They were all waiting for me! I felt all of their touch. I felt her hold me.  I then felt her breathe. She wispered into my ear.. " Thank you... Please help me take my world back. Help me spread my benevolent darkness to this endless light.  Pleaseeeeeee.. I need your shadow, I need your shade,  I need your darkness to spread today.  You are the Shadow savior.. The twilight song,  The blessing of shades... "  As she held me I noticed that my darkness started to spread into the air itself. I felt a shift inside my heart as I gave myself all to the darkness! I could now spread darkness without physical touch.  I was now a dark star in a world of light.  I grew and I grew.. The light beings were all trying to run away from me.. I was a singularity, I was a black hole!  My sadness grew infinite! I was a sad shade and shadow! This world of light was no world at all! It was the very sun that gave life to us all.  The dark princess laughed at my mistake.. She laughed at her deceit!!
Even light cannot escape..
 Feb 2017 K M M
Lorraine Colon
Soon the sun will set in this valley
Where I've roamed for many a year,
So many questions left unanswered!
So many answers remain unclear!
And others will ask what has been asked before,
But this much I know:  I'll ask no more

I cannot say that I'll miss this Earth
That censured me at every turn;
Too often were tearful lessons laid
On a heart that was too slow to learn,
And many more tears will flood misery's shore,
But this much I know:  I'll cry no more

And as for love that hid from my view -
Come, emerge from your hiding place!
I'll no longer seek your charity,
Supplication was my heart's disgrace;
Surely, more lonely hearts will plead at your door,
But this much I know:  I'll beg no more

This frame will dissolve into the soil
To nourish the worms and green things,
And flowers and birds will take delight,
Uncomprehending the gifts death brings;
And life will continue the same as before,
But this much I know:  I'll be no more
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