These are not broken bones.
They are bruises at most, from
A teacher's cane.
It's cool, I'm learning at
The best of schools; Life.
It's not built by wood or stone.
These are not broken bones.
These are not broken homes.
They are children freed from
Angry voices.
We're only flesh, blood; hearts
Grow apart. Grow better on
Their own.
These are not broken homes.
These are not broken lives.
They are journeys; adventures,
Drama; breath.
These lives are not broken, there's
Only dirt on those knees; no blood.
This is not Hell, this is Life, this is
School, this is your tale to tell.
Those are not scars, they are lines
On a map.
Those are you feet moving steadily;
Trust them to carry your weight.
You may travel as one, but you're
Never alone.
And those are not broken bones.