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 Nov 2017 Najwan R M
Jade Louise
This whole time
I have been
Searching for Her
In Movies, Books, & Fiction

Wanting her to come off
The pages
Or jump out of the screen
So I can recognize her
And resonate and relate

All so I know I exist
Outside of myself
I wanted a character
To make sense of me
Pull my paradoxical-self together
In fiction form

Be a strong woman
And a vulnerable girl
A student of Law
Fairy Tales
A believer in logic and reason
But also all the abstract and obscure
To believe only what you see
And know the most real existence
Is what I cannot see

To laugh and smile with your eyes
Even after your eyes have seen so much death
To be this combination
That people claim I am
That is so rare

I am an enigma
They say

Normally people search for
In the real world
But since that is where I already exist

Fiction seemed
More real than Life

I wanted to find
Myself in the world of

A character
That could make sense of myself
So I knew I existed
In the real world

I wanted to know
That someone else
Could have pieced me together
And imagined me
And drawn my character in its arc

So I can relate
To more than just
A character from a Soap Opera
Or a heroine with a Bow and Arrow
Who is so real
Yet never smiles or laughs

But then
I realized
If someone
Could have pieced me together
In formula- fiction with such ease
I wouldn't exist
With all the paradoxes and complexities
That real humans do
In real life*

 Nov 2017 Najwan R M
I don't regret it
Being with you
My first best friend
My first girl crush
Well that's a lie
The first girl crush
I allowed myself
To acknowledge
Was you.
You scared me more
Than anyone before you
I lived on edge for months  
I don't regret the
Music we shared
And the times
We cried
And the times we
And the times when I was too scared to sleep because I thought I'd wake up to you having gone.
I don't regret loving you
Even though it hurts
And I hope you know
That I still care.
I will always care
I think.
I got feelings :/
 May 2017 Najwan R M
aj heatherly
Only in my dreams,
where the butterflies are aflutter,
Can I find the warm, smooth surface,
to something so much grander than I could ever imagine.

Your hills,
your valleys,
your rivers,
your lightning,
the beauty unsurpassed.

The glow of the lights,
down the street corridor,
flakes falling, sticking,
straight to your hair.

Wrapped in my warmth,
I hold on tight,
To what I know,
the only truth in this world.

Every moment,
two beats,
fresh again,
and together in time.
I want this moment to last forever.
This moment, I not yet know.
Will I ever know you...
Could I ever find you, see you, feel you, my truth.

*I don't know who you are.

But I love you. More than you yet know...<3
©Anthony Heatherly, 2012
To be
For the first time
Is like
Off a swing
When your so
High up
Your scared
But you know
It'll be worth it
And so
You jump
And feel
And butterflies
And you just want
To keep feeling this way
And as long
As the love goes on
You can
You **Do.

— The End —