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  May 2015 Jude
Ahchosi Grandiose
She believed in love at first sight but had always been disappointed.

He believed that all females are good looking but the soul is the only way to prove their individualism.
Jude May 2015
Interconnecting my genes into the Universe
So that every single thing is me.
Something he would say
Jude May 2015
Winding roads unwind my soul.
They never get old, their secrets untold.
Rays of Sun ******* undone.
A fire that's come and never has gone.
Jude May 2015
I've lost my marbles..
They've scattered across this world, that world
So now I must travel.
And as I find each one, slowly, but surely I find clarity
Jude May 2015
Oh how our imperfections make us perfect for each other.

She held me and said “It’s about you, and you are I”

Grip tightened, bones creaking.

… “You’re insane”

And you’re a genius.

A kiss planted,

I caved into her chest and let the waves cradle me, bring me in.

A kiss planted,

On the grounds of untouched land.

Sinking… Euphoria?

Sinking nonetheless.
Jude May 2015
My days have gotten much better.

            My nights, a black hole.
“Don’t let the name fool you: a black hole is anything but empty space. Rather, it is a great amount of matter packed into a very small area - think of a star ten times more massive than the Sun squeezed into a sphere approximately the diameter of New York City.” - NASA
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