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 Oct 2014 Jrew
Haydn Swan
Why do we feign such rapturous delight,
in pretence to others that all is alright,
what if the soul is quietly suppressed,
cloaked in darkness, hidden and repressed,

Are we ashamed to drape the veil,
to retreat into darkness and embrace the pale,
truth can be found from deep in a frown,
so why wear the clothes and tears of a clown.

© H V Swan
 Oct 2014 Jrew
lost girl
H a p p y*
Maybe if I say it enough times
Or if I crack enough smiles
I might start believing it
And stop spitting out so many lies.

 Oct 2014 Jrew
Old Friend
 Oct 2014 Jrew
I am not amused
Or even remotely enthused.
It's truly sad to see how much
our friendship you've abused.

— The End —