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Having fun having fun
Having so much fun
Not breaking any laws
Opening many doors
Yes I am having fun
You see I wanna be a video streamer
I prefer it to a cleaner
It has a life I want to have
I have got a new bed
For Margaret John and Greg
But they don’t want it
So I will use it rest my young fresh leg
Party up in the solar system yeah
I used to be a rebel
Nearly getting kicked out of my house
For bad language
And I know how it feels to be not wanted
But now I have my teddies
On my cupboard and in my bedding
Yes I am cool oh yeseree
I watch shameless cause it is about
A poor family with an alcoholic dad
You see I occasionally was like him
Bit o was trying to be young
And I had a lot of fun
With my party on dude kinda ways
Glenn Johnston never never cared
About my future goals
Unless they had something to do with
Fitness oh yeah
To him I was an ornament
On his Facebook page
You see he pushed me hard
Even if I lost weight
He’ll make me lose more
It was such a pain ya see
You see I won a medal
For losing the most weight
But I would prefer to win
An award in relations to my art
He said to always run
And he never cared
And he only did support worker
For the money yeseree
All he really cared about
How good it made him look
Like one of his clients
Was actually doing well
I am glad Glenn is in gaol
Because he was a ****
Never cared for my future goals in work
He probably said it was unfair
That I was getting help
While he had to figure it out for himself
But he wanted to push discipline into you
To make me fully functional oh yeah
I hate that ****** ****
Glenn Johnston needs to change
Because he has no right to
Push discipline especially
When he doesn’t follow it himself
You see being perfect was his game
But that isn’t my game
******* ya ****
Donald trump is a
Baby baby really bad baby
When he throws a tantrum
If he loses an election
You see an election should
Be chosen by peoples votes
But if good old Donald trump
Doesn’t get his way
He just throws a tantrum like a baby
But if you must know
Babies are cute
Donald trump isn’t cute
He is a pain in the ***
He should graciously accept defeat
Like a real adult
At least he would say that if he wins
That man is a baby
A real right wing **** of a baby
And the problem is he is even more like
A baby when he gets his republican friends
To join in
Baby baby Donald trump is a baby
Throwing a tantrum
Complaining about life
What a ****** baby
Why not accept joe Biden is the bigger man
But tromp will never accept that
Anyone is bigger than him
He is a baby a tantrum throwing baby
Get over it trump
Biden is just too good
You see Donald trump is dangerous
And gives no **** for the poor
He wants to scrap Obama care
And show em the ****** door
But people are suffering
Underneath Donald trump
Yes oh yes they are
Heal the world
Vote Donald trump out
Vote for Biden because he is better
And life would be good with him
The poor are suffering
Really suffering mate
Heal the world from Donald trump
You see his hat said
Make America great again
But under Donald trump
America isn’t really that great
You see George Floyd died
Because of his ****** laws
Make the world a better place
By getting rid of Donald trump
He doesn’t understand Covid
By telling people
To inject disenfectant into your veins
And said he was only joking
And telling people to take
A drug for Milleria
And nobody is social dinstincing
At all his rallies
You see his crazy promise
A world free of covid
Keep telling us he wants a vaccine
In 2 months
You shouldn’t promise things like that
As a president
Heal the world
Get rid of Donald trump
He is America’s most dangerous president
Vote the ******* out
Vote for Biden
If you want the truth
Come on Donald trump *******
You see I have problems saying
I don’t want to talk to people
Because I so badly want friends
To talk to and today I found it hard
To talk to Daniel (the messiah) Sanderson
Because he is very negative
And up in nirvana my previous lives Graeme Thorne and footballer Albert Waldron are pushing really bad anxiety into his brain and making me buy fish oil
To calm mine to make me deal with mine better than him and today his phone calls are very boring because I think he fucken wants me to fucken help him but when I first met him I showed him I wasn’t into his kind of anxiety and lately the messiah every day was thinking of killing himself by going to bstehaven to drown and Greene Thorne who was a cool kid said, we need to bring Daniel away from me and Albert said he hates footy and my current life wants to help him get to a better life so we will give me a panic attack and then after that I get rid of the panic attack in a way that the messiah doesn’t understand so he prefers to talk to another friend about it and I don’t understand his sudden mood but I do know that greame and Albert are pushing my anxiety out of me which was caused by him indefinitely and hopefully the messiah doesn’t hate me for it but I never want his anxiety problems because he is a loser
I am taking two fish oils a day to hopefully calm it and hopefully Graeme and Albert will get the anxiety away from the messiah
But I don’t really care if he doesn’t want to talk to me before he dies
Yes Graeme and Albert’s plan worked
To hopefully calm my anxiety by making his worst
I feel like
Someone is sitting on me
Pushing me down
So I don’t feel relaxed
I want Patrick Enright
To leave me alone
To stop pushing me down
I want to feel cool
I want to feel relaxed
I want to have fun
Sometimes I feel it is my hooligan
Going from giving me itchy feelings
But suffocating my body
I feel Patrick is pushing the
Hooligan into me
Sometimes I feel
It is the fact that it is my cholesterol
Which could be causing it
Or it could be old time hooligans
Pushing me down
When I hop into the shower
Patrick said you are stuck
You are losing your energy
I don’t want fucken old time hooligans
Pushing me down
It could by skin cancer I have on my lip
**** I will be glad to get that off my lip
You see it could also be me just having
A schitzophrenic panic attack
I feel like god is pushing me down
Everyone is giving me an anxiety attack
Please stop please stop please stop
I feel like I am going to drop my phone
Lord knows I dropped my glasses
I had to reach over as I am having
My panic attacks
I Brain is weak my hand is dropping
I feel like I will want to use the seroquel
To push it away
But I am not like frank Woodley
Saying the panic attack olympics
The suicidal javelin
Making having a panic attack
Being an Olympic sport
Sometimes I feel like
I was feeling like I did in 2004 and 2013
Both years I went to the psych ward
I was excercising and I had weird dillusions
In which I didn’t want to get rid of
I feel like saying
**** ******* DROP DEAD
I watch the Sheffield shield cricket
Where records are being broken every day
I sometimes feel like getting a panic attack
When my carer always quotes me
Like when I say a family of musicians
Is just like mine
He will say did they put a guitar in your hand and play it
I said there are other reasons why
They are like my family
Politicians are driving me crazy
The coronavirus is driving me crazy
End of next year is the possible start to the vaccine but there is no proof the vaccine has been found
Trainers telling you to go to bed early
But deep down he just wanted to
Stay up and play with the kids
And now he is in gaol
Suffering oh suffering
But he needs to change
He needs to learn that talking to kids online
Is wrong
Very very wrong
Last night I watched Halloween concerts
You see covid can’t stop people from having fun @ Halloween
Please stop pushing me down
The cops
Never view me
Like I view me
The cops
Treat me like a criminal
Not knowing that I am a good family person
The cops
I know they deal with all sorts of people
But why do they treat me like a criminal
The cops
I try and view life through their eyes
But they view me as a baddie
The cops
Try and figure out why I turned my feet
To try and avoid them
Why can’t they arrest real crooks
The cops
I know I have to be careful
If I want a job in live streaming
Because they could arrest me
The cops
I view life like them
But they view me like a poor mentally ill
The cops
I know I made mistakes
But I still want to be good
The cops
I try to watch highway patrol
To do the right thing
So I don’t get fines
The cops
They might not know it
But I respect the cops
Because they are just doing their job
But I ain’t a criminal
I try and not swear at the cops
Cause really the only people who do that
Are alcoholics druggies and the guilty
The cops
Just help the cops arrest the bad people
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