(Sometimes, It's hard you know, being this **** good looking)
Cute since a baby and on through my teens,
kids on the street asking where had I been
Realising once at school, the girls all now a flutter
Some of them knowing they're just no good, go date that kid with the stutter
For I am talk of the year, the boys wanting some of the action
Not in a way of fancy or love, just for the girls to have a reaction
A riot on his first week called freshers, talk of the town in his uni years,
Sleeping around, knowing who's with who, he knows he'll fit right in here
5 years gone, a first in his topic, so popular no matter what he's done
Time to grow up, whats around the corner when leaving this fun
A model like wife, 3 kids and CEO at Nike, one of Gods special people
And then it creeps up, a story of such luck, his situation as sticky as treacle
Uni funds all corrupt, a loophole in what he hadn't figured,
Some things you really shouldn't trigger
Was a good idea at the time, his 3 friends didn't mind, one over on the Government, it doesn't get much bigger
But that wasn't to be, 6 months in would be sore, just for a little tax evasion
Up in court, 2 years was the score, this really wasn't part of his equation
Cheekbones chiselled with the looks of a model
The wing leaders gather round, excited in a huddle
He had heard the stories of what could happen being trapped in prison,
But seriously guys,
I'm just too good looking (for this to happen)
The prison life of the past looks in our own time like liberation itself - Christopher Lasch
Prison is a socialist paradise where equality prevails, everything is supplied, and competition is eliminated - Elbert Hubbard
Depression is a prison to which you have the key except you never think to look for it - Kevin Hearne
Being in prison for seven years was like being in an army that never drilled, never deployed, and only fought itself - Raegan Butcher