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429 · Feb 2015
Borrowed time
Joel M Frye Feb 2015
My dreams have always
been writer's dreams: colorful,
vivid, ironic,

visionary and
heavy with foreshadowing.
My early twenties

a sodden nightmare,
drinking away love, children,
family and home.

In dream of chaos,
Spirit I had not yet met
led me down the Way

I had been choosing;
brought me to its granite-cold
game-over ending.

Read my name, saw the
year of birth, but was taken
before I could read

the full final year.
But it began with nineteen.
Waking, shivering,

I could still feel the
achingly frigid tombstone
beneath trembling hands.

Despite the warning,
I carried on as I had,
fearing, ignoring

my destination.
Time was too short in my life
to be concerned with

anything except
living as I ****** well wanted.
Kept suffering deep

and often, wondered
about those friends who shook their heads
at me, and kept theirs.

Came the day when the
wonderful awareness awoke
the Spirit in me

to receive the love
the Universe had flooded,
floated, immersed me

in my entire life,
as I slaked my thirst other
ways. I drank my fill

of freshened water,
the first of many rebirths.
Pulled to solid ground,

slowly by slowly
I stood on my own again,
learning how to live

as the child I was,
adult in years, juvenile
in thought and action.

Sixteen years along
my journey brought me to a
terrifying day:

The thirty-first of 
December, modern era
nineteen ninety-nine.

I went home early,
away from Amateur Night
revelers driving,

and locked myself in,
calling friends and asking them
to call tomorrow.

I watched the ball drop
for the first time in many years...
and cried like a fool.

My Way is not yours,
and can never be.  My time
since is borrowed time;

I sign off on the
loan every morning I'm here.
Eastern spirit has

burnished my tarnished
soul, shining not removing
the dents and scratches

it's picked up during
the trip. Why Oriental
forms? You might have guessed.

Why write of Spirit
and of flesh?  Both are with me
as I carry on.

I must share borrowed
time for it to have meaning.
Blessed I am, having
found a place, a peaceful spot
and people with which to share.
Just so I'm not doomed to repeat it.
429 · Feb 2015
Simple Gifts
Joel M Frye Feb 2015
The rumbling cat circles the chair,
wondering what wakes me
at this hour. A reassuring stroke
or two between lines,
and she puddles beside
in tail-wrapped satisfaction.
Heir to a hundred insignificant sufferings
which scurry and gnaw
at the underpinnings of slumber,
half-awake and fumbling for gratitude,
I choose enough small misery to write.
Don't scare up ambition to rhyme
or scan, or make myself look good,
or put lipstick on the false smile
of swinish apathy wallowing muddily.
Cold, clammy soil suits and soothes my mood.
There is a hunger howling
in hours dark with early morning
for a gentle scratch behind my ears,
a soft hand welcoming my nuzzle;
a nesting ground of warm worn cloth
smelling of home and family
where I can pad its perimeter,
curl into myself
and sleep.
425 · Jan 2015
The kindness of strangers
Joel M Frye Jan 2015
A hard lesson learned
by proud, independent man:
For help, one must ask.
Also, to learn that humility and humiliation, while of the same etymology, are not one and the same.  Thanks to all who have chipped in to my gofundme account.
424 · Sep 2016
Joel M Frye Sep 2016
A life lived
as an oxymoron:
with a conscience.
422 · Mar 2015
Joel M Frye Mar 2015
Music with values
added; not formulaic,
Been at the classical music again.
420 · Sep 2021
Joel M Frye Sep 2021
When offered the gift
of myself, I no longer
seek the return desk.
At peace with my self and the earth.
420 · Sep 2017
*of this i cannot speak*
Joel M Frye Sep 2017
of this i cannot speak
the long days alone
at my tattered plywood desk
seeking words   seeking relief
seeking absolvement
a soul long past confession
any noticeable color
washed out by age

of this i cannot speak
dream of all
i once could dream of
when a song
and a glance
could enchant an enchantress.
over last night's leftovers
my right hand reaches down
to grasp
what my mind will not
that time and place has passed

of this i cannot speak**
most days
there is thankfulness
for what i have
and a shrug
for what i have no longer
days like these
gratitude is a formality
given an abrupt nod
and dismissed
419 · May 2017
Diogenes' Chicken
Joel M Frye May 2017
hope the thing with feathers
and I a featherless biped
418 · Mar 2016
Joel M Frye Mar 2016
The satisfying smell
of yeast in warm milk
suckling itself into sisters;
my hands plunge into
the primordial ooze
of flour and starter
and feel life itself beginning.
Evolution of higher forms
as flour is added
and the mass of mess
separates from its creator
into a globe of supple,
warm comfort.
Sundered, one half
becomes our daily bread,
the other, sliced into twelfths
and rolled into serpentine
lengths, turned upon themselves,
drenched in sinful
garlic butter
and roasted like hell
until heavenly.
416 · Mar 2016
Joel M Frye Mar 2016
My heart beats quiet
tonight, a peaceful moment;
it's stopped stuttering.
416 · Apr 2015
Come and get it
Joel M Frye Apr 2015
Turkey is spot-on;
guess I found my calling as
a master baster.
Silly bear.
414 · Mar 2016
To the woman at the Wawa
Joel M Frye Mar 2016
the cup of my palm
begs for the curve of your calves;
pulsing thigh muscles
striding confidently past
the years that separate us.
Joel M Frye Jan 2016
May I present the envoy from the great state of Anhedonia.
411 · Oct 2018
Senior year
Joel M Frye Oct 2018
So cliche to say
"your whole future is before you"
when we are rooted
in the soul of your childhood.
Better we should wish you
safe journey, safe home
whenever you might
find your way back.
It simply can't be already....
410 · Feb 2015
Catch And Release
Joel M Frye Feb 2015
When days will pass without a written word
or weeks go by and no responses read,
don't think that any interest is dead.
It usually means that life itself has lured
me with a hefty chunk of "in the now",
and set the hidden hook deep in my jaw,
the friction of avoidance rubbing raw
my better nature.  Losing sight of how
acceptance ends the struggle, swimming hard
against the current wears me paper-thin.
Exhausted, humbled, docile, being reeled in,
the battle ends.  Surrender's healing starts;
a loving hand removes the hook and sets
me on my way, no strings and no regrets.
409 · Dec 2014
And so this is Christmas...
Joel M Frye Dec 2014
Aching whispers of
family memories, wishing
feelings were attached.
407 · Apr 2019
Friend (lyrics)
Joel M Frye Apr 2019
I had a friend;
we journeyed life together.
Down a dark and winding road
we made our merry way.
The trail was long,
with many holes and pitfalls.
We took our bumps and bruises
and we swallowed our dismay.

I had a friend;
we spent our evening hours
playing our guitars and singing
songs both old and new.
And at night's end
we'd shake our hands and promise
our friendship would endure
and we would always see it through

     But time has a mystic power,
     it turns saplings into trees;
     and its river made a canyon -
     separates my friend and me.

I had a friend;
helped me through tribulations,
and I would be there when
he needed company.
But life goes on,
and our two trails soon parted;
left nothing for each other
but songs and a memory.

    For time has a mystic power,
    it turns saplings into trees;
    and its river made a canyon -
    separates my friend and me.

That friend I had,
out of touch for more than twenty years...
I saw him yesterday
in a little place downtown.
His looks had changed,
perhaps a little paler
in his softly padded bed
with his friends all hangin' round.

     For time has a mystic power,
     it turns saplings into trees;
     and its river made a canyon -
     separates my friend and me.

     For time has a mystic power,
     it turns saplings into trees;
     and its river made a canyon -
     separates my friend and me.
Day 18, NaPoWriMo - an elegy in concrete terms.  Every couple years, the NaPo peeps want an elegy or eulogy.  I'm re-posting, for the same reason as last time.  I've written too **** many of the ****** things.

Written in 1974 as a song for my friend and partner in crime for many years, Jay Edmund Burrow (1956-2010).  I didn't find out until 2011...know you're at peace, and I love you.
407 · Mar 2016
No victims...volunteers.
Joel M Frye Mar 2016
breaking my body
against the blunt instrument
of your tethered soul
407 · Apr 2015
Out, out, damned stain
Joel M Frye Apr 2015
Burnt-tasting breaths hang
near the back end of my throat;
toxic good riddance.
Leftovers from successful chemo.
406 · Apr 2018
Baseball and Apple Pie
Joel M Frye Apr 2018
A boning knife was found behind the bed
to keep my older brother's hands at bay.
The words would not be heard, so none were said.

The little brother, trying to hide, played dead
beneath her blankets in a certain way;
a boning knife was found behind her bed.

She didn't fight me off before, instead
she let me, never spoke about my play.
The words would not be heard, so none were said.

The father, puking till his eyes were red:
"When I come to, there will be hell to pay."
A boning knife was found behind her bed.

He came out, knife in hand.  To her, I pled,
"Momma, please...".  Her look caused me to stay;
the words would not be heard, so none were said.

My daughter's plea was ringing in my head;
my father's hands still linger to this day.
A boning knife was found behind her bed,
the words would not be heard, so none were said.
The game the whole family can play.  And does.  Often.

NaPoWriMo day 2.   A poem with change of voice.  Spoken by the major players of this slice of Americana.
406 · Aug 2014
Joel M Frye Aug 2014
There's a book out there
with my name on it today;
a published poet.
Message me here if you'd like the link.  Or look me up on
406 · Jan 2021
Joel M Frye Jan 2021
as time tumbles by
eroding its rocky bed
of eternity
in the shallows
we create
pools of stillness
capturing handfuls
to refresh us

on cold January mornings
the pools ice-olate
into frozen moments
we sculpt into memories
until the reality
of springtime
puddles them
drip by drop
back into the current
Feeling my oats or my age this morning...not sure which.
405 · Mar 2016
It's a jungle out there
Joel M Frye Mar 2016
walk over jagged
unrocks of sidewalk
sinewed hand of
shattered being
in suited business
at precipice of curb
for purchase
leverage back
into living
slithering slowly
d o 
into survival
noone sees
the agony
crawling upright
on both
patent leather
405 · Mar 2015
Inaccurate Perception
Joel M Frye Mar 2015
Walking the tight wire, 
the fine line between what is 
and what never was.
"I'm up on the tight-rope / One side's hate and one is hope," - L. Russell
402 · Apr 2015
senryu 3.31.15
Joel M Frye Apr 2015
Too late for farm living;
must tend to my sustenance
in the spare bedroom.
Will give NaPoWriMo a shot.
401 · Feb 2015
Joel M Frye Feb 2015
there once never was
a man gifted, ungifted
who now lives as both
400 · Feb 2015
Absolute Zero
Joel M Frye Feb 2015
Was it something that I told her,
was it something that I said?
Cause it's only gotten colder;
you can skate upon the bed.

Though waves of heat rise from her,
timid hug is met with shove.
I'm only getting number
under covers than above.
Einstein theorized that there is "absolute rest" at absolute zero...I beg to differ.  LOL
400 · Mar 2016
Feed the beast
Joel M Frye Mar 2016
For all the lofty words
of angels and bliss,
the aroma of your heat
and of singed wings
forms the halo, the beacon
calling forth the
you seek to embrace
and purge.

Mine does not pull hair...
oh no.
Mine strokes to stoke
your flames;
forked tongue feathering down
between your
ivory pillars
thirsting for salted fluid
with a whiff of ocean.

You believe that because
I follow,
I am tame
and the baptism of
your holy water
extinguishes hell's fire.
The wolf, the bear
follow scents too,
in ancient
398 · Sep 2016
my country 'tis of thee
Joel M Frye Sep 2016
Naked truth is the
last resort of a best friend
or a patriot.
394 · Apr 2019
Joel M Frye Apr 2019
the shape changes
depending upon
from the bottom,
an oak leaf,
from one side a butterfly,
from the other a fist.
they have pictures
in color and in sepia
which speak to them
with different interpretations.
one sees a scar,
one sees growth.
they all agree
     it's a part of me
     it doesn't belong to me
     it came from they don't know where.
it's been cut
it's been shot
it's been exposed to radiation
it's been poisoned
it will not die

rasputin lives in my right lung!
Day 13, NaPoWriMo.  Something mysterious and/or spooky.
390 · Jan 2016
Joel M Frye Jan 2016
To live life in intensive clarity
you must prepare yourself a lonely house.
A friend or three, of course. Perhaps a spouse
or three, as well, though even they won't see
how deep the silent spring that feeds your soul.
Intensity, in truth, is rarely loud
or boastful; more like one who's been allowed
perspective broad enough to see the whole.
Many come to visit, few will stay.
Some believe one lesson will suffice
until they understand in full the price,
the cost it takes to find and walk your Way.
For wisdom's earned not doing as you're bid
by those who knew much better than you did.
389 · Jan 2016
Joel M Frye Jan 2016
there is a vast peace
in the respite
of disease;
aware both of
infinite time
and finite life,
giving notice to
what endures,
what passes.
each moment hangs
glowing in
the sunset of eternity,
ripe and juicy
as the strawberry
from the cliff.
tiger of living above,
chasm of death below,
hanging by a
breaking branch
with red-stained lips.
388 · Aug 2014
Joel M Frye Aug 2014
Come, take my hand and walk with me
into the blinding darkness of
unspoken fear, unfelt, unseen.
I cannot hope that you would love
the journey, only pray that you
will stay to love the company
you've kept.  Your touch, your comfort through
the night which rises every day,
and darkens daily will be needed.
Fevered fear enflames my skin,
constricts my throat, a breathless plea
to stop the strangling from within.
The Spirit uses you as peace
to strengthen me for what I face.
Not one of my best;  just breaking the fast.
387 · Apr 2016
Joel M Frye Apr 2016
A phrase or two will kite against the wind,
seek headway in an unseen battle royal.
Exhausted metaphors need shelter, find
their respite in strong meter, rhyme unspoiled.
For those who found no haven, weak of wing,
it mattered not how lovely were the bones
that lay in piles: undone and crumbling,
not fleshed out; picked apart to die alone.

Inspired by unblessed muse, the writing comes
and goes.  Would she take flight, then thermal words
would dip and soar, careen about like some
unfettered raptor, finding smaller birds
to rip from sky with unrelenting aim:
the tiny, straining sentences unheard.
NaPoWriMo day 23 - a sonnet.
The words fight me to the death...only the strong survive.
387 · Jun 2022
like this here
Joel M Frye Jun 2022
I thought you would burst
from unexploded laughter
when my ten-year-old self
knocked at your door
in my Sunday best
fresh-picked dandelions
in my grimy hands
as permission was granted
to court your daughter

Thirty years later, you made
the grievous error
of asking your daughter
if she wanted to attend
my mother's wake
the mother who always said
I would marry that daughter

Today that daughter
prepares her pilgrimage
to home and bedside
a journey I can't take
because we are fellow travelers
and you boarded the express

Our lives have always been twisted;
yes, literally and figuratively
between friend and family
I pray you safe and quiet passage
and will let you know
how the kids and grandkids are doing
when I catch you on the second shift
If you know my father-in-law, the title is self-explanatory.  Blessings upon you, Allan Hull Sr.
385 · Apr 2016
Silly children
Joel M Frye Apr 2016
Silly children...
play with mirrors
as if we were doors,
portals to other times.
Theirs are night-games,
indulged in dark
As if my hand-held cousin,
carried upstairs
walking backwards
could show the faces
of husbands or death.

We show only what we are shown.

Of course, in our years,
we have seen husbands
and deaths.

The braver child
will call upon us
in necromatic glee,
invoking the shade
of Mary Worth
to appear through us.
A cosmic crap-shoot,
depending much upon
Mary's mood
that particular night.
Three times
they call her name
before me,
hope they see her,
pray they don't.

I have been shown many
a Mary's death...

many a child's, too.
NaPoWriMo day 21 - poem about a minor character in a famous myth.

I thought an urban legend would be fun.  ;)
384 · Feb 2021
Paid in full
Joel M Frye Feb 2021
Hiring me to repair
and prepare the old rental
for you to occupy
after you sold our house,
I found the collection
of carefully selected snowglobes
bought for you over years
and the original copy
of my gift poem
left with the tenant's trash.
Glad it's loooong past.
Joel M Frye Mar 2016
An old salt sits alone at end of dock,
to watch the ships home safely from the sea.
Not that his weather-beaten lips would ever talk
of voyages his mind takes, odysseys
the younger sailor he once was signed on,
where friendships sailed into romantic ports
of call.  Now safely berthed, he casts a fond
remembrance back on battling violent storms,
a roller-coaster ride on cresting waves
of lust and anger.  Something near a smile
will almost crease one side of sun-scorched face;
a glimpse of paradise sails 'cross the miles.
Young sirens beckon, call him to his past;
he'll walk home safely, lashed unto the mast.
My "Yarn from an Old Hand", a quarter-century down the current.
383 · Apr 2016
D'ye ken me?
Joel M Frye Apr 2016
Most times, it's hearing silence in the space,
Echoes in between my Spirit's breaths.
Distinctive voice reminds me of my place
In torn cacophony of Planet Earth.
True to form, I listen; do not hear
All messages I'm given in the day.
Teachers crossing paths both far and near
Each answering my questions in their way.
Perhaps a quiet moment will suffice,
Remembering that Spirit will provide
A peace too great to go unrecognized.
Yes, words are thought or whispered, an aside;
Earnest quest for guidance to the sky
Remembering to listen for replies.
NaPoWriMo day 20 - a "kenning" poem.  Read between (and before) the lines.  ;)
382 · Mar 2015
Joel M Frye Mar 2015
War's anguished madness
held in impossible chords;
*****'s battlefield.
Based upon one of my favorite works: "Litanies", by Jehan Alain.  See also an excellent piano transcription of it in a song called "Running Hard", by Renaissance.  Ahhh, Annie Haslam....*sigh*.
Joel M Frye Mar 2016
I waited under a waning moon
for a night that did not start
Beneath the pale
of exacting twilight
I ripped open my chest
and held out my heart

The darkness surrounding
consuming its light 
drumming of heartbeats

an encrypted call
to a lover,
a predator 
no one at all

But you called to me

You asked me to answer your prayers
and in the coming night
I wait for you
under the pale moon light

a silvery silence which sounds
of a hopeful despair
Which now knows of the who
but not the where

Silvery is the moon
the silence I can not bear
am I to be frowned upon
even as I am aware
I am here
You are there

the weighted distance counts 
the miles aloud...
I'm not allowed to seek you out,
must stay suspended in my lunar shroud

I felt your every heart beat
Like footsteps upon the floor
I even felt the finality 
when you decided to close the door
The moon was shielded by
clouds that night

She, like me, couldn't stand to see
the agony of your fight, your flight
Torn between survival
and what could never be
breathing just for revival
A re-post of one of my favorite collabs with one of my favorite poets.
380 · Apr 2016
Bloom Country
Joel M Frye Apr 2016
Fields full of spring;
mea maxima tulpa.
April in Holland.
NaPoWriMo day 8.  Already wrote a poem about hyacinths.
378 · Jan 2016
Gold Dust Woman
Joel M Frye Jan 2016
pieces of me in
the shredder; home wherever
the trash bin collects
""...and is it over now...and do you know pick up the pieces and go home?"
377 · Apr 2016
Dead Skin On Trial
Joel M Frye Apr 2016
Begin with the end.
It ended with a quiet conversation,
after you had thrown me out
and I spent a weekend
on call at work,
or sleeping in the warehouse.
You said okay, come home...
I said no,
I was tired.
Tired of your need to control me,
tired of having to hide my art
because I married a writer
who came to her senses
and got a real job.
I should have seen it sooner;
even though when times were good,
they were wonderful.
Never had a better shotgun
on the road trips.
We had years of heartache and bliss,
wishing for the early days
when we sat for hours
discussing what kept us alive
in quiet conversations,
the end planted
in the beginning.
NaPoWriMo day 28 - a story in reverse.

"It's something unpredictable
That in the end is right.
I hope you have the time of your life..." -- "Good Riddance", Green Day
372 · Mar 2018
Goodbye Again
Joel M Frye Mar 2018
It always comes back
to sleepless dark mornings,
waking long before
sleep is through,
clutching at seconds
until I have to leave.

What should have been
will never be,
banished to the south wing
of the dungeon.
Such a refined cruelty
to chain my memory
one chamber over
from your playroom,
where you give and take
your pleasures...
which many years ago
too briefly
were mine alone.
Finishing a draft started months ago.  Needed to release a memory before I could finish.
Joel M Frye Mar 2016
Old man, patient, steady,
one foot
               then the next.
What the caustic teens call
the "senility shuffle"
because their
boundless, finite energy
cannot conceive
that the gentle grip of death
enfolds his heart,
and he is running
as fast as he can,


once around the block.
Seen at a local greasy spoon:

"Don't criticize the may be old and weak yourself someday."
370 · Apr 2019
all the time in the world
Joel M Frye Apr 2019
leave me your moments spent
without thinking, staring into space
while on hold or waiting in line
for your slush of cold coffee

all that time pulsing away
from an opened artery
of your life

drop your minutes wasted
listening sort of
to the drivel of an almost friend
into the jar held below my sign
"starving for attention - please help"

leave me your moments spent
without thinking
of me:

i'll have all the time in the world
Day 15, NaPoWriMo.  A poem suitable for dramatic interpretation.  Also a recycled oldie.
370 · Mar 2017
Joel M Frye Mar 2017
Enjoying my lair;
never knew I'm so ******
368 · Apr 2016
New York Central
Joel M Frye Apr 2016
We lived just south
of railroad tracks,
wrong side of town.
The trains would come
all day and night
back in those days.
Their click and clank,
their tireless wheels
drummed in my brain.
And then, the wailing whistle screamed release twice,
a kid who held his breath too long.
And once again,
the trains moved on,
left me behind.
NaPoWriMo day 18 - sounds of my youth.
367 · Mar 2016
And peace be with you.
Joel M Frye Mar 2016
My heart is filled with overwhelming peace
in spite of what the doctor's tests reveal;
a sense of love and caring will not cease.

For one whose life had been one of dis-ease,
where dreams died off, existence seemed unreal,
my heart is filled with overwhelming peace.

There's been no letting go, no caged release
of pent-up terror, prayers, nor appeals.
A sense of love and caring will not cease.

The demons fought for years have been appeased,
their hellish hounds no longer nip my heels.
My heart is filled with overwhelming peace.

Embraced by those whom I expected least;
misunderstandings cauterized and healed.
A sense of love and caring will not cease.

My chosen family, listen, if you please:
Concerned I am, but fear's not what I feel.
My heart is filled with overwhelming peace;
a sense of love and caring will not cease.
Ever since the first mention of cancer, the single returning motif has been, "It will be all right.  It already is."
P.S.  This was written during my first diagnosis.  I am still in remission.
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