Soft whispers that are meant to be calming but instead
Cause a tidal wave of fear and panic
To wash over my logic
And cause a devastating aftermath
You tell me i can say no but cut my words off with the slip of Your tongue
my mouth is but a puppet and Yours, a puppeteer
my feelings simply putting on a performance for Your senses
And i can't let down my audience
my body is private property and You are trespassing,
Hands devouring every inch of bare skin begging for more
And i am frozen, like the trees in the ground my mountains can't tumble in a last effort of self-defence so i stay quiet
Like the house on the end of the street
my emotions have been set on fire and You are the flame
Spreading across my body like the plague
You take advantage of my vulnerable state
Filling me with toxin upon toxin to get me to cooperate
You ask me if i want to as though Your hands don't hold my pride
Fingers wrapped around my oesophagus
Strangling my reprisal
and i am unable to speak through the loneliness
Darkness engulf the room and i can see Your intentions,
Your eyes burn with desire and like a statue
my efforts fail to move You, You are a train heading towards a collision
Your breaks will only slow You down
There is nothing i can do
So i'll sew my eyes shut and my mouth with glue
i'll toss aside my mind to forget about You
i'll shatter my bones and burn off Your touch
And as i lay there, i hope;
That Is Enough.