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Apr 2014 · 521
Jo Beller Apr 2014
I found my self wondering,
how can a dress be so bold when it is mad out of so little fabric?

And how can the bottom of the ocean be so marvelous
when it is so small compared to the gallons of sea blue water engulfing it

I wonder why lovers find allies and dark, dirt corners the place to be when
the entire city is a step away

Darling, you have such a charming, ginormous, beautuful personality. I love everything about you, but today i do not want to know which sweater you selected from your closet this morning, or what film you watched last night or what your family is life

I want to know your bold,
dark, **hidden secrets
Apr 2014 · 4.9k
Your Hourglass
Jo Beller Apr 2014
It's hard to imagine the sand
at the bottom of the glass hourglass quite yet

It's painful to look at myself as a timer, like I am just being used by the world.

But darling,
every time your chapped thin lips kiss mine,
it seems that my hourglass is shaken up rather brutally,
and i get another chance, just to run out
Nov 2013 · 467
Jo Beller Nov 2013
Everything was all so familiar
My legs burned as i sat on the hot stone front porch in my lucky brand shorts
the sun shown in my swollen eyes as i remembered when all was fine with you and i

In this very spot you sat hear with me eating strawberries just last June
i remember thinking that those were the most beautiful, satisfying, redolent strawberries
and even though we were eating them off styrofoam china ware, sipping our country time lemonade, when i looked up from my empty plate and looked into you eyes i saw something i've never seen,
I recall thinking to myself, he is in love with me. And all i was doing was being my self.
young and naive

As we spent the summer watching fireworks, swimming in the pond, going to picnics at the park, afterwards taking a leisurely walk along the shore sharing our deepest secrets and most
embarrassing stories, i fell more in love.

I thought you were too

By late july, it was over. I didn't understand and i still don't.
I thought i was over it, but thinking about that day i saw true love for the first time, i know
i will never truly move on.
Nov 2013 · 924
Person I used to Know
Jo Beller Nov 2013
The smell of cut grass, cigarettes, and vanilla malts will always bring you back

The other night sitting by the fire, alone, the smell of smoke and musty flannels, I could not resist remembering that bitter fall night

But that's just the thing.
I can't touch you, hear you, or love you anymore. And I'm not sure I'd want to anymore.

You've changed to much.

I have created a new you in my head. One who thinks about me and everyday, listens to the song coming home from work, and tears up, and searches my name on Google.

I know that's not true though, you've became like a different person. You don't think about me, you forgot about the songs. The hot, sticky, and humid summer nights yelling at each other through the teared screen door. you forgot about us at the counter in the no smoking area, smoking, drinking vanilla malts. I hated that I loved you and loved how much I would so often,
end up hating you.
I loved this love roller coaster. It was exceptionally thrilling.

— The End —