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  Sep 2020 Sayge Daniels
Eshwara Prasad
I will cry till
gender based
violence is not
  Sep 2020 Sayge Daniels
Eshwara Prasad
Just exist for me.
Sayge Daniels Sep 2020
Let’s write on these blank walls
Let’s put color on these blank walls
I’m tired of these blank walls

Let’s fill this place with life
For now, it’s dead and desolate
For now, the walls are blank
For now, the room is blank
For now, this place is blank

Fill it words, color, and life
This blank place I cannot handle
This blank place will surely cause me to go

I’m insane so they say
I’m insane because I gave this place color, words, and life
I’m insane because I prefer my head than reality

Fill this place with words, color, and life
Watch it become the place you call home
Now this place is no longer blank, the walls are not blank, the room is not blank
I am not blank
  Aug 2020 Sayge Daniels
Francie Lynch
If you were a book,
I'd read you again.

If you were a ride,
I'd wait in line.

If you were my dream,
I'd never awaken.

If you were a star,
I'd never look down.

If you were a flower,
I'd never look up.

If you were mine,
I don't know what I'd do;
But I'd do it.
  Aug 2020 Sayge Daniels
This may be the last
it may be the best
if not
then the worst
at least
they’d say
he did his best
‘til the end.
  Aug 2020 Sayge Daniels
Take me
Take all of me
Because your more than me
More worth then me
I love you but not me
Because you use me
And you make a perfect me
But sadly your me
Isn't my me
Or maybe it is me
Who is me?
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