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 Mar 2014 Jimmy Solanki
Lost in the darkness, you slowly float by
Your heart feels like the hollowness of the black hole's eye
You hate it down there, I can see why
Those creatures are cunning, supernatural and sly
Lost in the moment, do you see that light?
Just move on, I see you want to stop by
Asteroid, Nebula, Pole Star, Meteorite
Now you see none of them and you wonder why
This is celestial bliss, you human spy
This is universal, no international flight
Down there on Earth, you snuggle during darkness
Once you're here, you marry the night
No walls to hit hard, spare your fists and lies
Just endless memories of vacuum
This pure, yet this high
In the end, your stuffed up suit catches your eye
You want to scream, throw it off and fly
The darkness—you mistake it with death
You realize you miss the cloudy blue sky
But seriously, hold on to me
And within me, discover new life.
Sudden stammer mars his words as she gets closer,
in to a velvet pit of ecstatic delirium he quickly falls.
When her ****** scent sweeps him off his feet
his throat gets dry, grammar falters, words hide,
her audacious lips now, tenderly seek his timid ones
no more  words, no worry about subject-verb agreement,
Let time begin all over again, in oblivion they swim.
An empty canvas
For the best of his strokes
His reveries
For her face..
A face full of emotions
The ones he never dared to express
Her sumptuous lips
He once kissed
Her eyes
That once drowned in tears
And those ears..
That consumed it all
Yet..she did not fit..
In his "personal definition" of love.
And today he tried to paint her
In every possible way
Colours dancing about
In that smoked filled space
As he aged with his wine..
His blood
Inebriated  with her memories..
He wept
Like a child
Choking with regrets
In the darkness
Of that closed envelope
In the enslaving emptiness
Of that abandoned canvas..
If only
He could smell her
Somewhere,amongst the cigarette puffs..
If only..
She stayed
And caressed him to sleep
To awaken the corpse of his life
March 15,2014
 Mar 2014 Jimmy Solanki
BB Tyler
In any convergence of creative-minded people there exists a massive potential for positive change. Internet platforms included. Let's make use of this energy and bring awareness to the things we feel strongly about!

I'm asking yall to write poems about change! Social, Ecological, Cultural CHANGE! Let's address specific issues! Let's stop fracking, and plastic, and war, and hunger, and child labor, and let's free Tibet! Let's bring attention to pollution and corporate crime! Let's heal our wounds and bring our ills to the light! I know we can~

I created a collection called poets for change
please post here:

~~~~~~ ~~~~~~

Our voices united are powerful and beautiful
tell your friends! spread the word!
Let's show the World~
We bear the mark of mortality;
A tear in the fabric of our souls-
A void, left empty.
We long for fulfillment.

We seek to satisfy our emptiness at all times-
Constantly stuffing ourselves full of earthly notions of "good"-
Seeking acceptance,
We adhere to standards we set by ourselves
And loathe ourselves when we fail to meet them.
We crave the riches of the earth;
We strive, lifelong, for financial success,
Measured by the depth of pockets,
The weight of titles,
And the length of our Golden Years.

Yet in the essence of the Word
There is a greater call
A call to transcend;
To defy all bounds,
And to level the field;
To grasp the truth of mankind's reality:
         We are all the same.
         There is no greater man,
         Nor is there one less-
         Of dust we are formed,
         To dust we return;
         Both rich and poor
         Rot in their graves.

So, we should live in the same way.
Loose ourselves of convention's ropes,
Abandon the expectations of a fallen world,
Whose eyes lust after gold and jewels,
Which cannot prosper the soul.

Our Master has placed talents in our care;
We must not bury them in the ground,
Nor waste them in pursuit of riches.

Invest in the kingdom, all you artists:
Sing your songs with passion;
Write your poems with zeal;
Color your canvas with the Glory of God,
For His eyes and His ears are tuned in.

Invest in the kingdom, all you wise men:
Ponder the vast universe with wonder;
Calculate the sum of years with humility;
Extol the complexity of the Creator's design,
For His eyes and His ears are tuned in.

Invest in the kingdom, all you mighty ones:
Fight your battles with dignity;
Face your opposers with integrity;
But do not forget the mercy given unto you,
For the Just and Merciful One watches and listens.

And you, wealthy men and women,
You must divide your riches:
Give much to the poor, for their need is great.
What remains, give to God;
Offer it up with an open hand,
For every gift comes from above and is not yours to own,
But God's to use through you.

Do not let things drive you;
Do not let gold drag you down;
Let love be your captain,
And grace be your sails,
As you cast off into the stormy seas.

And you, poor men and women,
You must be humble:
Accept from others only what you need,
For God has provided.
Take no more, and always give thanks,
For God has been faithful and has provided,
That you may prosper by Him.

Let every man and woman-
Young and old;
Rich and poor-
Let every man and woman humble themselves;
Let them give thanks to God, who alone can give and take away,
Who brings healing to the sick and cares for the broken,
And who will judge all at the end of time,
According to their hearts, and actions thereof.
Let every man and woman praise God.
Cassidy Claire Johnson © 2014.
Much of the inspiration for this poem comes directly out of the Bible, specifically the Book of James. I've found myself studying James 1 & 2 quite a bit lately, and it's had a massive impact on the way I look at Christianity and living a life that pleases God. I've been wrestling with the issue of financial status lately, and this poem arose out of internal conflict between the life I've lived for all of my seventeen years and the life I desire to chase after: a life of humble means; a life of giving; a life built upon Steadfast Love that seeks to lead the collective soul of mankind by the hand into a blessed, beautiful existence, where moth and rust cannot destroy. It seems an easy decision to make, yet the daunting notion of relinquishing all control puts up a wall into which I am constantly running. Here's to hoping for better.
A part of me that I have so desperately longed for,
is now dead and gone...
Forever faltering in darkness,
never to see another dawn...

I have climbed a mountain
You weren't there for the journey,
i've reached the top and now you want back
but the future for you looks blurry...

You cannot claim yourself to be,
anything more than a mere tragedy

My walls are risen high
and my love is dead and gone
for this time "dad",
I cannot move on.
I long for the slow days

in which the sweat of our problems

drips from our skin

where the water we tread through

washes away our cares

the sun beats down our lingering worries

as we bask in the heat

of the better days
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