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She wears a sad smile
Flaunting a ruby necklace of tears
Her sobs are her sweet song.
She tried to cover up her scars
But now they are her bracelets.
There was a time in which
She tried to change herself for others.
But now
This is her new reality.
She knows that she is pretty
It is all because of her honesty.
They say the candid shot is the lovliest
And her candid shot is wry and skeptical
She is a cynical beauty
And she couldn't be happier with herself.
I find myself in words..
In words of a poet..
A poet within myself..
Within my soul..
The epiphany
The comforting silence
Of those words screaming inside me..
Hidden amongst the layers of blood,skin and bones
Deep within..
Amongst the addictive melancholy..
And in the eyes of my beloved..
Don't bother asking why..
Don't bother asking how..
I'll read..
I hope you can relate..
and find comfort..
and so in this mighty void
You're not alone...
You're not alone
March 12,2014
 Mar 2014 Jimmy Solanki
 Mar 2014 Jimmy Solanki
Where are you?
Where are the people?

How are you?
How are the people?

What happened to you?
What happened to the people?

You've triggered all the switches ,
The whole world's watching you now

Come back home,
They're waiting for you

Come back home,
They need you

The world's scared for you,
The world's praying for you

Show us a way,
Lead us to you

We pray,
We hope,

Hand in hand,
*We're waiting to hear from you
grey clouds bursting stark,
ash exploding
amber measures of coal black
back aching,
carrying newborn mornings.
the storms are coming
i want to be touched by somebody
with burgundy blood on his hands;
red handed
raw palmed
legs strangled in maroon bedsheets.

a murderers kiss must be a rush,
blood exploding from every pore in my
bled out skin,
wounds opening willingly for his searching
hands to make
a sort of house out of my bones.
creating a home for something
who has only ever met closed doors
and distant, fearful faces.
i'd prove i wasn't scared of
the dark eyes,
and hungry lips,

knowing at any moment he could push the
cool lips of a golden .45 caliber revolver
and splatter my ****** through the
wooden bedpost and the
flaking, collapsing drywall.

i've followed thrills ever since i was
in third grade,
convincing a boy to take off his clothes
and show me what "men" are made of
and sneaking behind my mothers
injured back
stealing things i wasn't supposed to know about.
i liked putting myself through the danger,
it rushed up my legs and
rendered me breathless and craving more.  

i've always wanted to hold
something shaking
and cold
and let them tell me stories
out of their biting teeth
of when when it all started:
they were small and rode their bicycle
so fast they fell and skinned their
soft pink cheeks on the black cement
and went crying to their mother with blood dripping
a mixture of tar and red.

i'll tell them there's some place in hell
in the beating, drumming heart of the earth
warm darkness compacted,
where you can buy cigarettes for
50 cents a pack,
and whiskeys in water bottles and skin is naked
guns are loaded to shoot down the moon
and eat it with crunching, crumbly golden crackers.
where there is no sleep
only midnight writing furiously on the stark pages
of a shredded journal
dawn walks down the lively sidewalks where
other sleepless figures of orange peel flavored darkness
and coffee bean stained teeth dance and laugh and touch
in the darkest parts of the invisible morning
sweat intermixed unrecognizably with tears
and people hold their belongings in
the drooping bags under their bright eyes,
where screams of pleasure echo in every
cavern and creaking limb you touch
to the atmosphere
and people make love easier
than they
destroy necks.

i'll whisper
"when you're rotting underground
with your teeth in a
waxen, strained smile with lovers flesh embedded
in your own homely skull,
and your fingers are feasts for writhing worms,

and i'm dancing chaotically as ever in the raging wind,
a desert flower reduced to
bright-eyed dust
thrown lightly into the sinking seeds of a garden
with flowers growing out of my decomposing
echo of a body
like an
articulate oil painting decorating the earth to remind them
of my eternity,
i'll sink all the way through the soil
and follow the heartbeats

i'll meet you there."
ask them to bury you with 50 cents in each of your pockets
jerry's voice weaves a net
to catch my drunken skin,
sagging and dancing against
his cherry pie voice
warm and sweet in the dark of
the 7:17 dawn,
sun still sleeping behind a tall mountain range.

it makes me ache for open hearted
barefeet wet from dew and black from distance
unapologetic as they scream their throats out
raw splattering on the gasping earth from
the heaven high rooftops.

flowers poked through the pores
of ocean flavored skin,
peeling from laying too long
in the morning-faced

i wonder why people feel
so ancient, when their skin is still so young.
we've built this generation in the
imprisonment of fear,
the shrill avoidance of beauty,
we've forgotten what it feels to be living
free and loving
and that's why you see so many young bones
crumble when their lives have just
You were so close, yet so far.
I had so much to say to you,
So much to apologize for,
But i never got a single word out,
Before you disappeared into the dark.
You're just gone. It's like you never existed.
All I have now, are faded memories, which I cling on to
as if they were my life line, the string holding me together.
I wake up with a hope that maybe, you'll reply today.
Maybe, you'll come back today.
Slowly, days pass. One month, two months, three months, four months.
You're gonna be 17 soon. You're probably freaking out.
Or you're excited like anything.
Don't worry, you'll be the most amazing 17 year old in this entire world.
17 years old.
I haven't forgotten yet, no. You were always older than me,
and I always asked you to stop there, stop for a while and let me catch up with you.
You'd laugh. And I'd smile at the sound of your laughter.
So angelic and calming. So nice. It made me happy, your laughter did.
Oh all the memories I have are so precious. So **** precious.
It may not mean much to you, but I still remember and have every single word you ever said to me,
every single song you ever dedicated to me,
every single smile you ever shared with me,
everything. I have folded each and every memory, neatly
and put them away inside a box, stored in the back of my mind.
The lovely sunrises we talked about, the riverside tranquility,
the funny incidents in your life,
the inspiration you had,
the way I imagined your topaz eyes would sparkle,
the way everything fit so perfectly,
the way we'd "Knucklebump" all the time,
oh all of the memories stay with me, love,
in the back of my mind.
Sometimes I wish I could let everything go,
scream your name till I'm out of breath,
maybe the world will scream with me and you'll hear?
Hah. Who am I kidding?
The faces you'd make.
The walks through the forest right next to your house,
the times you'd spend on your balcony, just sitting on that swing,
talking to me, with a cup of warm coffee on your hand,
the times you'd be so immersed in a book, with your eyes scrunched up in concentration,
How you loved the thunderstorms.
Love, you're the strongest person I know.
Been through so much, yet you still go on, still have so much inspiration,
so much motivation, such a drive to succeed.
You never give up.

And now,
You wont even
say a word to me.
Soon again,
I'll have to
Face my biggest
I'll be forgotten.
Yet again.
By yet another
Person who
Mattered so much.
It'll probably just be like this. Forgotten. And I'll be somebody that you used to know.
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