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Mar 2019 · 226
Things Fall Apart
Debris floating above the waters;  Life has tossed me up and down
My life is in shams .
So far from being perfect , i am choking , no more ! no more ! I can't take it.

My ears have listened to so many voices;
Voices that fed my innocent soul with venom.
My eyes have seen, trust me i have seen and i have asked and asked myself where did sin.

So broken and shattered , everything was so tattered and nothing mattered.
So broken and in despair, nothing could revive this dying soul i was beyond repair.

I have pushed ,  prayed but nothing happened
This troubles seem never ending

But one thing that kept me going is the promise, the hope of glory
The spirit kept quickening me so I kept going
The light
Mar 2019 · 221
My Breaking Point
It was one of the usual sleepless and trouble filled nights ; tossing and turning on my sweat drenched mattress in the room with my friend. Thinking of life and my troubles as always but there was something different this time around , instead of cracking my brains to force situations to work through, gnashing and feeling pains in my heart , I rate her was feeling self pity; I was totally broken .
I took a look back , realized how long it was that I was stuck at one place ; a very uncomfortable and pain-filled position, and looking at how far my age mates, class mates, and even those behind me have gone, and how all I wanted was to also go to school and learn, but there was just no way to , my spirit started crying and soon my physical man started too.
            I sobbed quietly but I was so broken I was going to cry out . So I ran out of the room and went out to sit by the side of the road . With heavy jaws and tears, I cried out but I couldn’t hear myself because the pain had consumed all of my energy.
    I tried to pray but I just couldn’t find the words to say. So I continued staring into the skies for a while ; gathered a little energy and the only words the cane faintly out of my mouth was “God why?” ... i repeated it over a while and I broke into tears again because all hope was lost, it was all darkness around and there wasn’t a trace of a footprint to follow .
        There was this voice deep inside of me yearning to be heard; a cry for help but it lacked the energy to catapult it. I thought of ending it all but I realized I didn’t even have the courage to . Life ; so unfair !

I needed help and I still do !!! I wish Someone hears my cry and comes to help because I’m sinking and fast
The  young and bleeding soul that yearns so much for his voice to be heard
Aug 2018 · 836
This Holy Book
This Holy Book
Of ancient words long preserved
Words of prophecies written and waiting to be fulfilled
Guiding our lives on the path of eternal glory.

This Holy Book
For a time confused me
Made me so broken and disappointed
Even sometimes I couldn't help but cry.

But This Holy Book
Promises of greatness and good things
Which is for me through Christ
So i wonder, if all I need is Christ ?

This Holy Book
I open and flip through its pages when I'm broken
In despair I hope for an uplifting
It is my counsel.

This Holy Book
When I feel all is over and done,
When the storms of life are against me,
It is my refuge.

This Holy Book
It is all I need for it is light unto my path,
In it lies deep things hidden from Man
Great wisdom made known to man by the spirit.

This Holy Book ;
When the earth shakes and mountains  fall,
When the pillars of the earth can not hold anymore ,
When the skies and it's inhabitants are no more,
Shall forever stand

This Holy Book
Makes known the greatness of our Lord.
His everlasting mercies and love,
Compassion and faithfulness,
Holy is His name

This Holy Book
I will ever cling to and never let go
In times of trouble, i will hold to my heart
I will confess it's words everyday
For I love my bible
The pain of the cross
Aug 2018 · 307
Heaven's gates break open
As divinely annointed hands fell on us
Grace flowed from above
Adorning a congregation of youths gathered in love

Spirit broke out
Yolks broke off
Worshipping in his glory
Our beauty in the beauty of his holiness

Clouds gathered causing a down pour;
As the aroma of worship rose to heaven.
Angels descended into our midst ;
His presence was come.

A summer well spent reviving our spirit man;
Feeding our soul with the word in axhortations.
Camp is over and we all head home  
With a living stream flowing in us...
Hallelujah ! Hallelujah !
May 2018 · 386
Skies boil
          Oceans beneath
Life; a subway
          I'm now a surfer  
Truth; Life *****
          But hey man's gonna chill tho
Life ain't fair
          Trust me I'm fair
Life pins
May 2018 · 337
This three alpabets
Sweet when said

               This three letters
                Hard to be kept ...
Marriage thoughts
Apr 2018 · 235
Few words for her
O, how much more doth beauty beauteous seem
By that sweet ornament which truth doth give !
The rose looks fair , but fairer we it deem
For that sweet odour which doth in it live
A perfumed tincture of the roses hang on such thorns and play a wantonly
When spring's breath their masked buds pop open
But for their virtue , only is their show
They live unwoo'd and unrespected fade
Of their sweet deaths are sweetest odours made

And so beauteous and lovely sister
Not marble nor the gilded monuments of Queens shall outlive this powerful rhyme
But you shall shine bright in this contents
Than unswept stone , besmear'd with sluttish time

When the wasteful tides of life shall legacies overturn,
And broils root out the work of masonry
The living record of your memory
Gainst death and all oblivious emmity
Your good works shall still find room even in the eyes of strangers
So even till the judgement that yourself arise,
You live in this and dwell in thy brother's heart and eyes

Happy Birthday Sister !
I bless the stars for giving me you years ago... I love you sister
Mar 2018 · 228
It passed away soo quickly
So perfect it seemed that I nearly thought it was meant to be forever
Funny huh !!! They were perfections on their own

Maybe a little more frequent roses
Maybe a walk on the roof tops might just be the right ingredients to make it last

Who knows ?
I fell in love with the moments Not the persons with whom I had the moment
Mar 2018 · 307
Happy Birthday FES
Fairer than Fairies
Elegant as the blossom of rose petals
Sunshine!!! yes sunshine; thats what I call her smiles

Beautiful is your name ;
In it there is peace , love and above all inspirations
Your words have healed tortured souls and given hope to the desperate
Grace adorns you like the ever increasing anointing of the everlasting mountains of zion

Using words, my vocabulary is limited
For if there are words for you then I dont have them
May the Lord who is our Hope our Joy, bless your new age
Feb 2018 · 1.1k
Sundown it’s another night
And I’m crying
My spirit is dying

My tears have been vanquished to a secret place
Where only those without form can taste them
Those with it, they call it a waste
It’s so lonely, lonely

Just then I remembered why I chose the hard way
Why I rejected wearing a fancy tux with a "pretty pink bow tie" and hiding behind mmoma's legacy
I remember clearly how and why I chose to write my own story
And to build my very own dynasty of success 

With no options and no money
Floating along with the debris
My only friends are the trees
Sundown it’s another night

And I’m trying
But dreams can only get you so far
Sinking like quicksand in the tar
Wink one last time at the stars

It’s so lonely, lonely
With no people and no true home
Floating along with the breeze
Waiting for sun-up to put me at ease
deepest thoughts when was down and my spirit was fading
Jan 2018 · 495
The Spirit Crying Out
He sobbed as I finally packed out
The words he spoke to me never faded out
I knew he was good and his love abounded
But Him, I was soo determined to abandon

The world promised me pleasures, happiness, joy and more
At last I am free as the wind. Everywhere I desired; I turned
I was consumed by obsession to the core
Life was good ; I was on the road of no return

Soon my youthful strength was wearing off
I wasted it all on Immorality and lust
The seal of my redemption tore off
My glory and grace was shrinking so fast

Then in the midst of my pain and regret ,
I remembered his last words to me
My loving arms, you know are always open wide
Just then I turned and saw how deep into sin I was.

Calling preacher men and the christ likes old fashioned,
One said "akoda na wode3, wo be nyini aba be to"
"Ampara ampara nsu menyin"
Na maba ab3 to nso"...

Still wallowing in my pain , I remembered a scripture
Isaiah 1:18 Come now, and let us reason together, saith the LORD:
Though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow;
Though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool

So with boldness in my heart I took the greatest step of my lifetime
I went back to the father through the son in prayer and cried
I cried my heart out before him and he heard me
He gave me back the joy of my salvation the; holy spirit

His arms were indeed widely opened
He received me with joy as my life companion
He gave me peace , joy , hope and all I could ever need
My heart was overjoyed for in him I found rest at last

I took a great decision. From that day on; to
Listen to the spirit crying out
Make him yours too
Ephesians 4:30 And grieve not the holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption.
Dec 2017 · 578
The Space
It felt almost impossible to reach
A wall too thick to be breached
A kingdom of lies and deceit
A chain of Immorality entangling my feet

I was tormented every single second of my life
The devil in me gave me no joy
All I did over and over again was to strife
But he was too determined; my life to destroy

I was'nt selling anything but felt I needed someone to "di me dwa"
My innocence was torn apart and I gave in my heart
My plate was so full I asked myself " borkor dier "...
I had to console myself in the swinging arms of "adonko"

My life was in the injury time
I was loosing and had no time
I didn't know what else to do;
Either to defend or to strike

I gave in to the lust of the flesh
Feminine exploitation was my main 'ish
I played them like "chaskele" ...
For some it was "Stay ; for you "

Deceit was my favourite reality show...
Every word that proceeded out of
My mouth was fiction and lies
Hatred was my shield against love

My life was in shams
All was stripped away
When it was all about to go down,
I heard a soft voice inside

Child; it whispered ...
Do not trouble nor despair
Your broken soul, I can totally repair
At the sound of these words, I whimpered

It was the voice of the holy spirit .
He said to me child... Find that space !
That Jerico walled space ; child !!
Find it !!! Find it !!!

Fill that space with Me !!!
Set your affections on the things above ...
Not on things of the earth for thou art dead
And your life is hid with christ in God

Alas!!! it dawned on me !! I was reborn
For christ in me was my hope of Glory
For when christ who is my life shall appear ,
Then with him in his glory shall I also appear.

In him, I find life eternal. Praise be to Him
In him, I find true peace and meaning. Glory !!!
Make him yours too !!!
#colossians 3:1-4
#Set thy affections on the things above not on the things of the earth
Dec 2017 · 216
Hope of Glory
... And if I die someday,
I'll be in heavenly places
Singing Hallelujah
With an angel on the piano.

The tears will be a thing of the past
And with joy as a saint ,
I'll go marching in
Singing Hallelujah !!!

             Robertson J.K Marvelous
Oneday someday the joy of the lord shall be our strength and Christ in us the hope of Glory
Dec 2017 · 235
...You see Greatness,
Is in the way and Life

So to know Greatness,  
One must understand
The Way!!!
To be great you must find and uunderstand the way of life
Nov 2017 · 609
13th , November.
Its her birthday today ...
Exactly the day she was born into this unfair world
Born of a mother who death took away nine years ago;
To a brother into whose hands nature was assured of her safety;
I wasn't there when she needed me most
Only how i wish i knew what run through her mind as
She lied in her own pool of blood
Wishing her only brother, all that she had left in the world was there to help her out

The ruthless hands of death took her away from me
Four years of her departure is like just four minutes;
hmmm... Life she would say is unfair , but just then you she would add " but you are fair brother"

I miss you Robertson E.L Mabel...
You forever remain in my heart
#my only sister taken away by death ... #i love you mabel #now im left alone in this world #im sorry love
Nov 2017 · 331
MARAA; Star of the fairies
A poem dedicated to an angel, a star,
A princess whose giggle can stir up oceans of joy ;
A smile of great value and eminence as that of rubies, pearls, and diamonds...

Well i could sing; I'd love to sing a song filled
With love and praise using
Notes and melody
But my voice and lyrics are limited
For no amount of words can best describe thy elegance.

Yes!!! I could paint;
With brush strokes, I could show you how i feel.
With colours, light and texture, I'd prove my love is real.
But my strokes may not be curvy enough to portray the
Qualities of thy feminine beauty.

I can't do all these, but i can do this;
I can hug you tight and say;
I hope your birthday is the best ; a joy-filled pleasure buffet.

Your soul so radiant and pure...
I hope your birthday cake is as sweet as you
I hope that all your friends show you a good time

Take a moment
Have a look at the beautiful African sky
Feel the sunshine and it's joy like a flowing water of life.
The stars will be looking down tonight at one of their very own in a
Cute, pretty, sweet and beautiful human form ...

Mary-Ann Rossio Afua Agyei.
#enjoy your day princess the love is deep...   #Roro_ketchup  #Roro_beetroot  #afua_Roro
Nov 2017 · 502
Some do say the world would end in fire ; some say ice
From what i have tasted of desire ; i hold with those who favour fire

Visionary words written by wise men centuries ago ;
" Fire is pure and true unlike certain humans who amast power, only to grow the corrupt and weak"...
#power belongs to the pure in heart, strong and just
Nov 2017 · 339
Such a delicate thin veil,
So easily clouded by love or hate
#know whom to trust
Oct 2017 · 476
Just One Other Trouble.
My jaws are too heavy to speak
Filled with weighing loads of anguish
My ultimate soul's desire was to speak
Be able to say deep things with ease
But since walls have ears and can speak,
I refuse to allow my troubles push me to the peak.

I looked at myself and all i could see was
A soul filled with despair and broken beyond possible repair
My young soul broken by the pain caused by the sinful state of this world

But to my soul young and free;
I say to thee that thou findeth beauty in the very things that giveth thy life meaning.
Grey is no way forward
Let your mind soar like the eagle above altitudes and learn
Learn the ways of righteous living...
Find hope!!
Find love!!
Find the light and smile
It's just one other trouble.
#findBeauty  #beGlad #life is full of ups and downs  #beTrue  #stayRighteous
Oct 2017 · 302
The Grey Man
I'm wise; he says
Very smart; he thinks he looks
I dwindle both sides and make them think
I'm with them, each wholly, he thinks to himself
He grins deviously and thinks to himself ;
What fools the world is made up of.

Soon he is fed up and thinks out loud-
What fool have i made out of myself!!!
I should have been white or better still black;
Now i'm stuck on the middle line wishing
I could move to either sides
But i'm caught up in a web of my own lies and deciet;
I'm stuck in GREY

                                                                    By; Robertson J.K Marvelous
White or black; NO GREY... #choices  #life  #beReal
Oct 2017 · 563
Nana Ama
Her skin shines like a newly smoked earthenware
Beauty glows on her like the colourful scarlet
Of a newly married hindi woman
And her perfection; so refreshing as the early morning rising sun.

She is a lady;
Yes! A lady of class
Full of Glamour like the glitz awards
The African night sky with her stars of hope are nothing
Compared to the grace that adorns her.

Her smile lights up my world
Love; her greatest charm
Smile, her sweetest perfume
Her words are more soul touching than the hard-bop tone of
Lee morgan's side-winder

She is a woman ; An African woman , the best of women
The sound of her name sends chilled thrills down my spine like
Water from a fountain quenches thirst in spring.

Nhammie as i passionately call her,
So have i missed every single minute that flew past when we are not together
I stand tall like the great iroko tree amongst great trees to mention her name;
Nana Ama!!!
Yes! Nana Ama
She is a woman
An African woman of substance and of Great virtue.
i miss you nhammie... you are my bestfriend and nothing or no one will ever change that...  #besties4ever
Oct 2017 · 345
My Young Soul
I choose to dream; there cometh on me some strange lust for deeds.
As to the nerveful hand of an exeberant warrior.
The shiny sword or the neatly polished war helmet ,
Brings momentary life and long-fled cunning,

So to my soul young and free-
Grow he old with many a jousting, many  a foray,
Grow he old with many a hither-coming and hence going-

Until they send him dreams and no more deeds;
So doth he flame again with might for action,
Forgetful of the council of elders ,
Forgetful that who ruleth do no more battle,
forgetful that such might no more cleaves to him
So doth he flame again towards valiant doing.
make hay whilst the sun shines
Oct 2017 · 775
Old Age
When you see me sitting quietly, like a sack upon a shelf,
Dont think i need your chattering ,
I'm listening to myself.
Hold! Stop! Don't pity me! Hold! Stop your sympathy!
Understanding if you got it, Otherwise ill do without it!

When my bones are stiff and aching and my feet won't climb the stairs
I will only ask one favour. Don't bring no rocking chair.
When you see me walking, stumbling, don't study and get it wrong.
" cause tired don't mean lazy and every goodbye ain't gone "
I'm the same person i was back then, a little less hair, a little less chin,
A lot less lungs and much less wind.

But ain't i lucky i can still breathe
#thinkingOutLoud  #GoodOldDays
Oct 2017 · 438
deceitful as it can be, makes you crave so much
More than just a physical connection

Makes your crave words and depth
Even to the deepest of valleys

Makes you wallow in anticipation to know who it is, where it comes from , it's desires and fears.

Makes you yearn to know every inch even beyond its surface...

Beauty; the greatest flaw and strength of man .

— The End —