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5.0k · Mar 2015
Robot from Mars
Jens Mar 2015
I am a robot from Mars
made for suitcase transportation
i live in a tiny garage
and I sleep in a robotlocker
One night I had a beautiful dream
that my processor got so hot
and I had to reboot
I could feel it glisten and tingle,
and sparkle, and flicker
all the way down
in the system
Jens Mar 2015
It was I that walked away
and what a hero I have been
to keep my distance

this isn't getting
any better for us,
is it?
**** it
meet me
on a bridge,
2.2k · Mar 2015
Stand down soldier
Jens Mar 2015
Stand down soldier,
cause i represent the cause
We are both here because
of the war.

You know, the second time
that you swallow it,
the lump glides down
a little faster.

It gets easier as we fall apart.

I'll teach you how.
1.4k · Mar 2015
Jens Mar 2015
I'm standing under the eave
the rain turning streets into rivers
I'm waiting for my dam-da-di-dey

I see umbrellas,
plastered in their faces,
people scatter hurriedly,
all looking for their dam-da-di-deys

then you, with hair all soaked, you're running
to this old sack of blood
the taste of cold rain
on your lips
and a dam-da-di-dey

— The End —