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855 · Mar 2016
Meaning of life
Jasmine Tran Mar 2016
I have been wandering around
Through time, through life
Through all the cold lonely nights
Wondering where lies
The meaning of life.
I was told that the meaning of life lies in the road worth taken.
But as eternal return does not exist
We can never be sure how our lives gonna turn out if we have chosen the road not taken.
736 · Mar 2016
Que Sera, Sera
Jasmine Tran Mar 2016
Que Sera, Sera
Time flies, like an arrow
Things change, in a blink.
Yesterday, a dream of happiness ever after
Today, separation is so close I terrified.

Suddenly, I caught off guard.
Not knowing what to do,
Not knowing what to say.
Picking petals off a daisy
To be, or not to be ?

The story is left hanging.
For now, time stops
And we walk away.
Every day, I ask the same question
“Will I ever see
Rainbows day after day?”

Repeating to myself everything will be okay,
The future is not ours to see.
No matter what we choose today,
Por Que Sera, Sera.
What will be, will be.
458 · Mar 2016
Jasmine Tran Mar 2016
The doubts fall into infinity
Why the wind is never seen,
Is never stay?
Why the love is never clear,
Is never last?
Why does "friend"
Has to end with "end?"
And why does "ever"
Has to be there,
In "forever?"

The doubts fall into infinity.
Sometimes it is better
To accept what cannot be helped,
Cannot be changed,
Or understood.

When that moment comes,
Your dreams shattered.

No matter what,
even if it is worth
enduring the pain,
But dont expect.

455 · Mar 2016
Such thing happens
Jasmine Tran Mar 2016
Teardrops falling down from the heaven,
Drowning me into the darker place
Of loneliness.

An ocean
Is forming between us.
So deep; I cannot come to you.
The haze of silence
Is separating us.
So subtle; I cannot feel you.

The rain keeps falling
And heavier,
Sending us into a distance,
And farther,
Than ever before.

I lost the sight of you
In the middle of the mist.
Then I whispered to myself:
"It is time to let things go.
Time to be brave and strong."

Such thing happens.
Life goes on.

350 · Mar 2016
Move on
Jasmine Tran Mar 2016
Do not live in the past,
For it has already gone.

The choice is yours.
Would you stand up
To see what tomorrow holds?
Or would you choose
To stay,
Just to be closer
To the oblivion?*

~ Infinity ~
Everything is impossible until you experience it. Moving on is one of those.

— The End —