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Jasmin Mishele Jul 2014
i hurt
so i make them hurt
to hide the pain
or maybe i just blame it
for the way that i am
but really, if i wanted i could change,
if i just put away the blame.
Jasmin Mishele Jul 2014
her heart,
disfigured and cold
with a burning hole
dead center.

empty and dark,
was her fragile heart
no hope, no fix
dead forever.
  Jul 2014 Jasmin Mishele
                  and dripping,
      the shower
and stand,
             as i covet

beauty and magnificence.

ardent desire,
               raises goosebumps
   my skin,
             as lust
                    lights the fires.

         rake over me
                      and i am left

we come
         together, with    
              mouths full of greed,
lips of desire,
             skin so tender....

that the touch
              of fingertips,
                   scorches and sears.

but burn, we must
             and burn, we will.

as we ravenously, take our fill

                      ­              desire.

this is our .....
      love's funeral pyre.
                      from which
the phoenix,
        each day arises...
             ...more incandescant.
to await...
          with longing
               fervent and asmolder
the next match's
                   striking to love's
                           lusterous fire.
three word exercise:
covet, greed, lust.
  Jul 2014 Jasmin Mishele
SG Holter
Give her more and more space
To be her own woman.

Give her room to grow.
Give her room.  

Independence is as solid a
Foundation to build a life upon

As any. Just make sure she sees
Your intention as is.

Dependence will drive her to think
You stopped caring.

Dependence will fool her into
Seeing it as birth. Of an ending.  

Dependence is no walls; no roof,
No floor.

Give her room to grow.
Give her *room.
Jasmin Mishele Jul 2014
she hurt you
and i just keep thinking
how dare she throw away what she had?
she had you
something i never did
and she dare be jealous of me,
because of what we used to be?
she had your heart
and i never did.
she tried to beg for you back after she realized her mistake.
how dare she believe it's that easy?
she doesn't deserve your love.
she left you
something i never did.
she claims she loves you but if she loved you
she wouldn't have lied to you.
she never loved you.
something i always did.
she closed herself from you
even though your arms were wide open
and i can't help but think
how dare she let you slip slowly away
because she could have had all of you
but she lost you
and i wish i could have held you
because i would never let you go
i would never hurt you
i would always love you
i would always cherish you
and i would have you, all of you
something she will regret
because she never could love you
the way i always will.
  Jun 2014 Jasmin Mishele
Something made me smile
as I passed the place today
where the beech nuts used to pile
and the squirrels used to play
and the workman with the frown
that is sawn into his face
came to take the old tree down
and leave a raw and empty place.

'Let her be a wooden tombstone,
she was getting out of hand'
declared a rubber stamped official
but he didn't understand
that all her strength was in her roots
and her roots were all still there
and today I smiled and watched
her raise ******* in the air.
AKA Tree tells mankind to f**k off.
  May 2014 Jasmin Mishele
Let it go,
let it go,
just drop it out,
in the snow.
Let it cool,
don't be a fool,
it does not matter,
to look cool.
For if you live,
with hidden hate,
you will realize,
when it is too late.
If you hold,
that anger inside,
letting it grow,
letting it preside.
You will only hurt,
the ones that you love,
so let it all go,
and rise up above.
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