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Jamie L Cantore Mar 2017
I am in everything.
I am in nothing.
What am I?
Jamie L Cantore Mar 2017
If you have me, you want to
Share me. If you share me,
You no longer have me.
Jamie L Cantore Mar 2017
Solemn at sundrop, upon the heavy Terrain I mused,
My sour heart was bittering; a heady
Moon I perused.
Peer & whisper Sorrow to you, Moon,
Sigh for sigh gave
I, as vespers weary into dimmet Soon.
Tears upon grass
That wail, Aye! sparkl'd by 
 Dim lit ray: but
Steeped in my way,
I mused on the abject fools
Which so do pass
O'er bleakness. Alas!
One with I claim I!
As she clearly befell,
Nightfall raised her well!
Jamie L Cantore Mar 2017
Echoes Life, that once felt from light,
Unduly ample for my individual sight,
A genuine Self-a particle ungrounded-
Each we see, all tinctures of all shade
By interposition of calignosity made,
Remain it veritably Life unbounded?
Ev'ry thought, woe, joy of live breath,
Is it stronger than inevitable Death?
       -Life is Death, as yet unfounded.
  Mar 2017 Jamie L Cantore
I live,
In the lucidity of dreams

Eternally naked,
In front of a crowd
Yet, dwelling
In a trench coat style
I'll bare you my soul,
Yet hide my face
I prefer my words, on the wind
Never heard
A fading voice
In the chamber of
Never Unlocked
In the realm of things touched
I remain untouched
Reality holds no fascination for my eyes
I went blind when the hopscotch grid got washed away by the rain

I live
In the lucidity,
Of dreams
  Mar 2017 Jamie L Cantore
Be good
Dear readers
And love the world like you should
For it does not need us
The way we need it
For we are meager in its Eye
A simple dust in time
And it; enteral
No one knows what I hide
Behind my crystal eyes
A pool that constantly changes

One second you glance its a brilliant green
The next moment you cast a gaze upon me
It casts a solemn grey shadow.
But not only does it lose its color
It brings back to the surface a soft blue.

My eyes change like the seasons
Controlled by a source of emotions

Grey, lost and all alone in my mind
Blue, saddened and hurt
Hazel, recovery, its a sign that I am fine
Green, pure and utter happiness. A color you may only see for a few mere minutes if you are lucky enough to catch a glimpse of my eyes on a good day.
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