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Sometimes I think
No way this world is this cold
I withhold my tears
And I stay on my throne
Old enough rule,
Yet still time to grow
Give me a chance,
To fit into my shadow

I feel as though something is holding me back
I'm arms are weak
My mind is heavy
Someone get me some meds stat
Sick of this world
Sometimes it gets of messy
A life given, Can be deadly
Eyes wide,
mind unsteady
But I pull out my wings to takeoff like Lite Gear
I am my only fear
Yet, I steer my way
And tell the haters I'm not afraid

They say the sky's the limit
But I dream higher
Caught up in between Saints and Liars,
Makes me believe;
The devil is in fact here,
compromise ya
My tears **** down like the Open Sea
Used to cut myself open and see how much I bleed
Thinking disappearing would set me free
Like Heaven Was supposed to be my destiny
Yet Destiny is what you make it,
There is no luck
You put in the hours and commit
Or spend the rest of your life digging a ditch
This is the edited version of my rap, tell me what you think and I'll make some changes :-)
 Apr 2016 James Helward
What a steep price I pay,
Just to touch your skin
Risking Hells damnation,
For our adulterous sin

Oh the heartbreak!
I know it lies in wait,
But in your eyes, my destiny
I'm bound to you by fate

Perhaps not in this life,
But hopefully, the one hereafter
I'll be the one to lie beside you,
The one to cause your laughter

Though I know that you'll leave me,
And scar me like no other
I give you my heart to carry,
My adulterous, fated lover
 Apr 2016 James Helward
We are none truly alone,
I've written of this before
I shall write of our souls
And the invisible chains, once more

We are all connected,
By these universal chains
From the beggar on the corner,
To the broker squandering gains

We are seven billion shades,
Different shades of the same hue
From me here in my mountains,
Across the earth to you

Whether you're a dancer,
Stepping to a tune
Or a night fisherman,
Gathering food, under the moon

These universal chains,
They bind us each together
That's what the universe wanted,
And so it is forever

Each time you defame,
Your fellow human across the way
You're defaming part of yourself,
So be careful what you say

This is how its been since the beginning
This is how it is until the end
Be kind to each other,
Remember we're all akin
Oh wow! Thank you my fellow poets. Thank you for reading and liking my words.<3

— The End —