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i lay on my back thinkin' at the stars
why i had to fight that many a wars
i watch the birds as they are flyin' by
always have wished bein' able to fly

i stay at pace wonderin' at the sky
why does the ego urge to satisfy
i hear those leaves whisperin' in the wind
all the amount on the trees i have sinned

i may be restin' as if behind bars
the dreams i have had but those nightmares why
i feel cold as the pressure overwhelms
it is i this world into depths has binned

for now my place is here beneath these elms
this grave now to be my only of realms

* always...

عرفان بن يوسف © AH 09/05/1437

'a (pentameter) Sonnet'
  Feb 2016 Irfan bin Yusuf Qadri
Wouldst thou endure to fade like autumn gold,
To see thy treasures dulled in fading light,
To watch alone thy tarnished days unfold,
And pass a pauper into worthless night?
Who then will bring a wreath unto thy rest,
And keep thy garden flowered, as is thy wont?
The barren cross that lays above thy breast
Would bear thy name, yet bring to thee affront.
But if thou takes a servant to thy cause,
To tend thy garden and to do thy deeds,
And he would gift a son with no remorse
To tend to thee when his own strength accedes:
Thy treasure trove reflected in his gleaming
Would bring thee joy as thou is ever dreaming.
Inspired by Elizabeth Squires, in honor to the greatest of bards.

i know at times i have lost my ways too
forgot 'bout efflorescences of truth
denied all of the good hidden within
for my nature itself quite demurin'

wherewithal we all do have times like these
wherein we fail to recognize beauties
to see life to be ever so comely
when a heart feels only felicity

tho as faremost 'n' so quintessential
to lose focus of the sempiternal
will not bring us further into this life
when forgettin' the knowin' how to lithe

for i know now which thread to hold onto
'n' the very Bein' to put all of my trust into

* always...

عرفان بن يوسف © AH 08/05/1437

'a (pentameter) Sonnet'

there's no earthly muse but from God it is
for whatever is by the will of His
all of beauty by His Divine demand
is it not exactly how He has planned

there are no deep oceans 'n' no high hills
for all of my writings in all its skills
would come from none other than God alone
'cause inspiration by Him only shown

upon me no revelation be sent
for my time mostly as sinner been spent
could be mercy my words shall never find
it's my inner fear to be disinclined

i say my lovely Muse, my lovin' God
tho i am not of those walkin' the shod

* always...

عرفان بن يوسف © AH 08/05/1437

'a (pentameter) Sonnet'
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