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 Mar 2014 DarkDepriment
I want to be heard, but in a certain kind of way
I want to voice my opinions without being judged
I want to scream at the sun and howl at the moon
I want to swim in a sea of people, explore them all
I want to run until my legs give out, then sleep
I want to climb until I cannot climb the mountain
Of Existence Any higher, it's heights too great
Then I want to lay softly in my Fathers arms
Only then will I be done. And love my eternity.
Love doesn't exist in the way people think it does.
It has nothing to do with ****** fulfillment,
It isn't the spark you feel
When seeing someone you could spend
The rest of your life with,
It isn't a fairytale
Where someone will protect you,
It isn't the emotional fulfillment someone gives you
When they say those three words,
It isn't remotely close to the ******* people say love is.

Love is the most beautiful disaster,
It's that feeling of utter sickness when they're not around, It's not wanting to speak to anyone else,
It's understanding a person as being more than a person, They aren't human anymore,
They're a dream you don't want to walk up from. Regardless if it's a nightmare or not.
Love is the lightning attracted to the tallest tree,
Love destroys you,
Than builds you up again and destroys you once more. Love is the fire that consumes an old photograph.
Love is the hand you keep reaching for that isn't there. Love is everything and nothing at once.
Love will always **** you, there's no ******* doubt it will, It'll drown you in a river, it'll let the blood drain faster
From your wrists,
It'll make the ground hit harder,
But in the end love sets you free,
Love let's you know that you lived for someone so beautiful all the happiness in your life
Had to look away
Out of pure jealousy.

Love is the un-pickable flower.
 Mar 2014 DarkDepriment
the problem is I can't.
I can't trust anyone.
I have issues going across railroad tracks without making sure once, twice, three times that a train isn't coming.
when I muster up courage to look in a full body mirror, which isn't often, I check my reflection five times to make sure a scar isn't visible.
when I read ten word poems, I count each and every word seven times.
so why would I trust him when there is no proof to check nine times?
 Mar 2014 DarkDepriment
Luna Lynn
Life is so hard.
Like really hard.
Like so hard if I knew then what I know now
If I could turn back the hands
If I could turn around
It would be different, yes
It just might be
Just slightly
They told me to hold on tightly
That the devil spits his **** like lightening
And even though God is there
It seems He don't care
On my knees begging please please please
In silent prayer
I pinch myself to awake from the dream
I've lost control
No intervene
This **** sure isn't what it seems

When I say life is hard
It's not the bills
The baby daddy the broken toilet
The running water the standing still
It's the battle of our minds
The tugging of our hearts searching
Searching for peace we'll never find
Then we become blind
And leave all sense of reality behind
Still searching for the ****** up fairytale
Buried deep beneath our eyes

Life is hard
Life is hard
Life is hard
There is no easy way out if you think along those lines
Go ahead and **** yourself
Your soul may still decline
Because you didn't leave any of your baggage behind
And then you're left in immortal death
Saying to yourself
Life is hard.
(c) Maxwell 2014
I cry tears of blood
But it is too late
I've still got your blood
On my hands
I'm sorry
I never believed in love
It was fiction
Because it only existed in fiction

My parents were great parents
But that’s all they were
The hollow title of husband and wife
They were parents
They were not lovers

My grandparents were different
They held hands often
He held the door for her
She laughed at his jokes

But they fell in love ages ago
Before society was corrupt
When chivalry existed
Doors were held
Hands were held
Hearts were held

Now doors are slammed
Hands are clasped tight in each other
Praying for a miracle
Hearts are broken

Until you, who held the door
My miracle
"Prayers" suddenly answered
Mending my broken heart

I believe in love
It is real
Because it exists in me and you.
 Mar 2014 DarkDepriment
kris wu
 Mar 2014 DarkDepriment
kris wu
the world no longer knows
bout what real art is
with their fake idols and fashion
the ones who create real art
are ridiculed
while their work is torn down
they stand strong
 Mar 2014 DarkDepriment
 Mar 2014 DarkDepriment
You called me crazy
Told your friends I was ******

After everything you put me through you dare call me crazy?
You ruined me
Broken my heart
Snapped me in half
Discarded my world into a dark, dusty corner
And forgot

But it doesn't matter anymore
Because you're right
I am crazy
A full fledged lunatic

It's been almost a year and I'm still in love with you
And if that's not crazy,
I don't know what is.
one stroke of your brush
to put your mark
those rosy lips
compliments make you blush
kiss me softly
to **** me slowly
tonight its just you and me
tomorrow i'll be dead
like I never existed
strike my name off your list
you're more in love with your game
than you could ever love another
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