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Ikimi Festus Jun 2023
In shadows' grip, where darkness seeps,
A tale of bitterness, my heart keeps,
Where trees disdain the grass so near,
Though they share roots, their bond unclear.

From a common origin they did arise,
Yet severed now, this truth belies,
As humans too, in their bitter plight,
Engage in struggles, devoid of light.

Like towering trees with branches high,
We seek the sky, aspirations fly,
But in our quest for individual reign,
We disregard the grass, its silent pain.

The grass, unseen, trodden underfoot,
Endures the weight of life's brute,
Its whispers lost in the wind's cruel howl,
Trampled by ambitions, dark and foul.

In every corner, our bitter battles wage,
Humans torn apart, locked in a cage,
We forget the bonds that could sustain,
The unity we once knew, now in vain.

The world we inhabit, consumed by strife,
A reflection of our bitter, ruthless life,
As trees stand tall, aloof and proud,
Grass languishes, disdained, unbowed.

In these bitter struggles, a mirror we find,
To the harsh realities of humankind,
Divisions sown, a fractured domain,
Where unity withers, and hope wanes.

The tree and grass, symbols of our fate,
A reminder of how we segregate,
We forget the roots that intertwine,
Ignoring compassion, so divine.

Oh, bitter humans, blinded by pride,
Locked in battles we cannot hide,
Let us pause, reflect, and comprehend,
The wounds we inflict, how they won't mend.

For in the unity of trees and grass,
Lies the essence of a world that could surpass,
The darkness that plagues our every day,
If only we'd embrace a different way.

But alas, the truth remains unseen,
As bitterness festers, dark and mean,
In the depths of our souls, we must strive,
To rediscover unity and keep hope alive.

So, let us learn from this dark decree,
To bridge the gaps that divide, you see,
For in the struggle, we all share a part,
May unity heal the bitterness in our heart.
Trees don't hang around with grass even though they all started from the same place
I have no purpose any more.
I’m a painter who’s gone blind
And a singer who’s gone deaf.
There is no call for what I sell.

I still daub colors on a board
To smell the Linseed Oil again
I hear the music in my head
And mouth the words in silence.

There is no surgery or cure,
What’s gone is lost forever.
And I must find a way to live
In silent darkness, if I can.
Another of those dreary tomes I wrote when I was depressed. I'm better now.
I gave half of my heart to Jesus
And the other half wallows in doubt
Casting dark shadows over my soul.

Why does the road always seem crooked
When the Bible tells us that it is straight.
Is it because I can’t read the map clearly.

Why are my every-days so dark and gloomy
When God’s love shines with such a bright light
That only requires opening the shutters.

Biblical verse is awash in enigma;
Where one place orders that you must stand tall
And another proclaims that you need to bow down.

The  half I committed is safe and contented
The half that is doubtful is lost and alone
The two halves at battle have left me immobile
For neither has won and only I lost.
Still looking for an answer.
Ikimi Festus Jun 2023
In the depths of my being, a hunger unfolds,
A yearning for solace that my heart beholds.
In the vast expanse of this earthly domain,
Only one name can quell the ache and the pain.

Jesus, only You can satisfy my soul,
With grace that mends and makes me whole.
In Your embrace, I find peace profound,
In Your presence, true joy is found.

Through life's winding paths and tempestuous tide,
It's Your love that carries me, my faithful guide.
No earthly treasure or fleeting desire,
Can ignite the flame that Your touch inspires.

You are the bread that nourishes my spirit,
The living water, my soul's endless merit.
In Your words, I find wisdom and truth,
In Your boundless grace, eternal youth.

When shadows surround and doubts assail,
Your light shines forth, and doubts shall pale.
You lift me up on wings of hope,
And in Your embrace, I learn to cope.

Jesus, only You can satisfy my soul,
With a love that heals and makes me whole.
In You, I find purpose and meaning anew,
For every step I take, I find strength in You.

So I surrender all, my heart, my will,
In Your presence, all my fears grow still.
You are the anchor in life's raging sea,
Forever and always, my soul finds peace in Thee.
Ikimi Festus Jun 2023
In a realm of conflict, a riddle I bring,
Where the soul of man hears the clash and sting.
A war of cosmic proportions, fierce and bold,
Between Heaven and Hell, their stories unfold.

Amidst this battleground, souls find their place,
Caught in the struggle, seeking saving grace.
For the fight is not against mere mortal flesh,
But rulers, authorities, a darkness afresh.

In heavenly realms, evil forces conspire,
To deceive, corrupt, and ignite a fire.
A battle unseen, where spirits contend,
As light and darkness clash without end.

Yet heed this warning, let it resound,
Blow a trumpet in Zion, let the alarm sound!
Let all inhabitants tremble, take heed,
For the day of the LORD approaches with speed.

In the face of darkness, remain steadfast and true,
Let your spirit soar, guided by what's pure and true.
For the battle may rage, but hope will endure,
When we align with righteousness, resolute and sure.

Blow the trumpet, sound the alarm on high,
Let hearts awaken, for the day draws nigh.
Be prepared, for the LORD's judgment is near,
In trembling reverence, let your soul persevere.
Ikimi Festus Jun 2023
In a realm adorned with reflective glass,
Where egos dwell, I present a riddle en masse.
Within this stage, vanity takes its stand,
Inviting pondering minds to comprehend.

A reflection of self, it beckons the eye,
Whispering promises, bidding you try.
It thrives on admiration, fueled by acclaim,
But beware, dear seeker, the cost of its game.

For what shall it profit a man, do you see?
To gain the vast world, yet lose what makes him free?
A soul, so precious, can't be sold or traded,
No treasures amassed can heal what's degraded.

In glittering halls, where accolades gleam,
The ego expands, a self-serving dream.
But deep in its chambers, a void may take hold,
As true purpose and essence are left in the cold.

Vanity's whispers may echo so loud,
But heed the warning, escape from the crowd.
For hollow is the victory, a facade so frail,
When the soul is neglected, left to bewail.

Amidst the illusions, stay anchored and true,
Embrace what defines you, what makes you you.
Seek not fleeting fame or material gain,
But nurture your soul, let it rise and sustain.

So ponder this riddle, its truth resonates clear,
As vanity's grip may draw ever near.
Remember the words, a timeless control,
"What profit, dear soul, if you lose your own soul?"
Ikimi Festus Jun 2023
In this realm where transactions enthrall,
A proverbial tale I weave for all.
Where goods and fortunes are bought and sold,
Two treasures remain, elusive and bold.

Everything is for sale, or so they say,
But two priceless gems shall never stray.
The first is your soul, ethereal and pure,
A beacon of essence, forever secure.

No currency or wealth can claim its might,
For your soul is a flame that burns bright.
It yearns for meaning, it craves its own fate,
Beyond the clutches of worldly debate.

In the depths of your being, it finds its voice,
A compass that guides, a conscious choice.
It resonates with truth, integrity's song,
A sanctuary where your spirit belongs.

The second gem, universal and real,
Is pain, a language that we all can feel.
It knows no boundaries, it speaks no tongue,
From joys to sorrows, its chords are strung.

Through laughter and tears, it binds us tight,
Uniting us all in the darkest of nights.
It teaches compassion, empathy's embrace,
A reminder of our shared human grace.

Though all else may falter, crumble, or sway,
These treasures endure, come what may.
So remember, dear seeker, as you tread,
Keep your soul and pain close, never to be misled.

For in their embrace, a wisdom lies,
That connects us all beneath the skies.
In a world where everything is for sale,
Hold fast to these gems, their power prevail.
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